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Punjab Naib Tehsildar Pay Scale

Punjab Naib Tehsildar Pay Scale

PAY SCALE:-          Rs. 35400/- Initial Pay.


The minimum pay admissible for the ibid posts shall be as per the notification of Finance department dated 19/10/2020 (APPENDIX-I) and as per Notification No. 7/204/2012-4FP1/66, Dated 15/01/2015 Govt. of Punjab, Department of Finance (Finance Personnel-I Branch) Chandigarh, and Notification No. 1/62016- 4P.P.1/834680/1 dated 07/09/2016 Govt. of Punjab,Department of Personnel PP-I Branch Chandigarh, fixed emolument equal to Minimum Pay without any allowance will be paid during the probation period of 3 years.

Punjab Naib Tehsildar Rules

Punjab Naib-Tehsildars (Class III) Service Rules, 1984

No.G.S.R.48/Const./Art.309/84 - In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, and  all other powers enabling him in this behalf, the President of India is pleased to make the following rules for regulating the recruitment, and the conditions of service of persons appointed, to the Punjab Naib-Tehsildars (Class III) Service, namely :-

Nationality, domicile and character of candidates.

(1)  No person shall be appointed to the Service unless he is—

(a)  a citizen of India; or

(b)  a citizen of Nepal; or

(c)  a subject of Bhutan; or

(d)  a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India; or

(e)  a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India:

Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been given by the Government.

(2)  A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to an examination or an interview conducted by the recruiting authority on his furnishing proof that he has applied for the certificate and he may also provisionally be appointed, subject to the necessary certificate being given to him by the Government.

(3)  No person shall be recruited to the Service by direct appointment, unless he produces:-

(a)  a certificate of character from the principal academic officer of the university, college, school, or institution last attended, if any, and similar certificates from two responsible persons, not being his relatives, who are well acquainted with him in his private life and are unconnected with his university, college, school or institution, and

(b)  an affidavit to the effect that he was never convicted for any criminal offence involving moral turpitude and that he was never dismissed or removed from service of any State Government or the Government of India or any Public Sector Undertaking.

Disqualification - No person-

  1. who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living, or
  2. who having a spouse living has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person, shall be eligible for appointment to the Service:

Provided that the Government may, if it is satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

Appointing authority - Appointments to the Service against the posts allocated for a Division shall be made by the Commissioner of that Division.

Method of appointment and qualifications - Subject to the provisions of rule 8, appointments to the posts in the Service shall be made in the following manner, namely:-

(i)  fifty per cent by direct appointment;

(ii)  fifty per cent by promotion from amongst the following categories of the officials working in that Division under the control of the Department of Revenue and Rehabilitation(Revenue Organisation) who have passed the departmental examination specified in the regulations:-

(a)  District Kanungo who has worked as such for a minimum period of five years;

(b)  District Revenue Accountant who has worked as such for a minimum period five years;

(c)  Kanungo who has worked as such for a minimum period of five years and out of these five years has worked as Field Kanungo for a minimum period of two years; Provided that a District Kanungo, a District Revenue Accountant, a Senior Revenue Accountant or an Assistant Waterlogging, who has been appointed as such by promotion from  the post of Kanungo, will be eligible for consideration against the post earmarked for Kanungo in sub-clause (c) above, provided they posses the experience specified therein:

Provided further that if no suitable candidate is available for appointment by promotion to the Service, appointment may be made by transfer of an official who is a graduate of a recognized university and is working as Assistant Consolidation Officer in the Department of Revenue and Rehabilitation or Ziledar in the Department of Irrigation.

Registers to be maintained.  The following Registers of candidates shall be maintained by each Commissioner, namely:-

(i)  Register ‘A’ in which shall be entered the names of candidates for direct appointment on the basis of the recommendations of the recruiting authority in the order of merit assigned to them by such authority;

(ii)  Registers ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ in which shall be entered the names of the candidates from the categories mentioned in sub-clauses (a), (b) and (c), respectively, of clause (ii) of rule 7:

Provided that while entering the names of candidates in Registers ‘B’, ‘C’, and ‘D’ from the same direct cadre, their inter-se seniority in that cadre shall not be disturbed:

Provided further that mere entry of name of a person in a Register of candidates shall not confer upon him any right of appointment to the Service.

Appointment of candidates to Service - Appointment to the Service shall be made from amongst the candidates whose names have been duly entered in the Registers of candidates maintained under rule 8 on the basis of roaster prepared by the Commissioner in slabs of fifty vacancies each as under :-

Register-A:- 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49.



            Register-D:--6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50:

Provided that if no suitable candidate is available on a particular register, the vacancy earmarked for candidates from that Register may be temporarily filed in from amongst candidates borne on any other register:

Provided further that period of such temporary appointment shall not be taken into account for the purposes of determining seniority under rule 16.

Competitive Examination - The recruiting authority shall hold a competitive examination and interview for selection of candidates to be brought on Register A, in accordance with the regulations.

Admission of candidates to the Competitive Examination - (1) Applications for permission to sit in the competitive examination shall be invited by the recruiting authority and shall be made in the prescribed manner and form and shall be accompanied by such documents or papers, as may be required by the recruiting authority in this behalf.

(2)  No person shall be allowed to appear in the competitive examination, -

(a)  who has not attained the age of eighteen years or who will have attained the age of thirty years or who is beyond such other age limits as may be specified by Punjab Government from time to time for entry into Service under the State, on or before the first day of January immediately preceding the last date fixed by the recruiting authority for the submission of applications;

Provided that the condition of upper age limit may be relaxed upto forty-five years in the case of a person already in the employment of Punjab Government, other State Government or the Government of India:

Provided further that in the case of a candidate who belongs to Scheduled Castes or Backward Classes the upper age limit shall be such as may, from time to time, be fixed by the Punjab Government in respect of entry into Service under the State of persons belonging to such castes or classes;

(b)  who does not possess knowledge of Punjabi language of Matriculation standard or equivalent or has not passed test in Punjabi language of Matriculation standard to be held by such authority as may be specified by the Government from time to time;

(c)  who is not Graduate of recognized university;

(d)  who does not, by the closing date for receipt of applications to be notified by the recruiting authority, send a treasury receipt of crossed postal order on account of a non-refundable examination fee as fixed by the recruiting authority.

NOTE --     For age limits in case of recruitment of Ex-servicemen, the provisions of rule 6 of the Punjab Recruitment of Ex-Servicemen Rules, 1982, apply.

Enlistment of candidates- (1)-Each Deputy Commissioner shall, at such time in a year as Commissioner may be general or special order specify, recommend to the Commissioner names of the officials from the categories of persons mentioned in sub-clauses (a), (b) and (c) of clause (ii) of rule 7, whom he considers suitable for appointment to the Service and who are borne on the cadre of his district and who have passed the departmental examination specified in the Regulations.

(2)        The Commissioner shall consider the names of the persons recommended by the Deputy Commissioners under sub-rule (1) and may consider the names of any other persons belonging to the categories mentioned in and fulfilling the requirements of clause (ii) of rule 7, who have passed the Departmental Examination specified in the regulations, and prepare lists from amongst such persons for entering their names in Registers B, C and D, as the case may be:

Provided that the lists prepared by the Commissioner shall contain names not exceeding twice the number of vacancies to be filled from amongst the candidates entered in Registers B, C and D.

 Removal of name of a candidate - The Commissioner may, at any time, for reasons to be recorded in writing, remove the name of any person from any Register of candidates:

provided that before taking such action, the person concerned shall be given an opportunity to represent against the proposed action.

 Probation of members of Service - (1)-Members of the Service shall remain on probation for a period of two years, if appointed by direct appointment and one year, if appointed otherwise:

Provided that –

(a)  any period, after such appointment, spent on deputation on a corresponding or a higher post, shall count towards the period of probation;

(b)  in the case of an appointment by transfer, any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to the Service, may, in the discretion of the appointing authority, be allowed to count towards the period of probation; and

(c)  any period of officiating appointment to the Service shall be reckoned as period spent on probation, but no person who has so officiated, shall, on the completion of the prescribed period of probation, be entitled to be confirmed unless he is appointed against a permanent vacancy.

(2)  If, in the opinion of the appointing authority the work or conduct of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory, or if he has failed to pass the prescribed departmental examination within a period of two and a half years from the date of appointment, it may, --

(a)  if such person is appointed by direct appointment dispense with his services or revert him to a post on which he held a lien prior to his appointment to the Service by direct appointment; or

(b)  if such person is appointed otherwise :-

(i)  revert him to his former post; or

(ii)  deal with him in such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointment permit.

(3)  On the completion of the period of probation of a person, the appointing authority may --

(a)  if his work and conduct has in its opinion, been satisfactory-

(i)  confirm such person from the date of his appointment, if appointed against a permanent vacancy; or

(ii)  confirm such person from the date from which a permanent vacancy occurs, if appointed against a temporary vacancy; or

(iii)  declare that he has completed his probation satisfactorily, if there is no permanent vacancy; or

(b)  if his work or conduct has not been, in its opinion, satisfactory or he has failed to pass the prescribed departmental examination within a period not exceeding two and a half years from the date of appointment –

(i)  dispense with his services, if appointed by direct appointment or if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post, or deal with him in such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointment may permit; or

(ii)  extend his period of probation and thereafter pass such orders as it could have passed on the expiry of the period of probation as specified to sub-rule (1):

Provided that the total period of probation, including extension, if any, shall not exceed three years.

Departmental Examination and training- A person appointed to the Service by direct recruitment or by transfer shall, during the period of two and a half years from the date of his appointment: --

  1. be required to qualify the Departmental Examination prescribed by regulations unless he has been exempted by the Financial Commissioner from passing the same;
  2. undergo satisfactorily the course of training as may be prescribed by regulations:

Provided that if any member of the Service has qualified the examination by the prescribed standard prior to his appointment to the Service, he shall not be required to qualify the Departmental Examination.

16.  Seniority - Seniority of the members of the Service shall be determined in accordance with the order of their appointment to the Service:

Provided that in the case of members recruited by direct appointment who join within the period specified in the order of appointment or within such period as may be extended from time to time by the appointing authority subject to a maximum of four months from the date of order of appointment, the order of merit determined by the recruiting authority shall not be disturbed:

Provided further that in case a candidate is permitted to join the Service after the expiry of the said period of four months in consultation with the recruiting authority, his seniority shall be determined from the date he joins the Service;

Provided further that in case any candidate of the next selection has joined the Service before the candidate referred to in the preceding proviso joins, the candidate so referred shall be placed below all the candidates of the next selection who join within the time specified in the first proviso.

NOTE -  Seniority of persons appointed on purely provisional basis shall be determined as and when they are regularly appointed keeping in view the date of such regular appointment.

Pay - The members of the Service shall be entitled to such scales of pay, including special pay, if any, as may be authorized by the Government from time to time.  The scales of pay at present in force in respect of the posts are given in Appendix ‘A’ to these rules.

Liability to transfer - A member of the Service may be transferred by the Government to any post whether included in any other Service or not on the same terms and conditions as are specified in rule 3.17 of the Punjab Civil Service Rules, Volume I, Part I.

 Liability to serve - A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at any place, whether within or out of the State of Punjab, on being ordered so to do by the Commissioner.

Leave, pension or other matters - (1) In respect of leave, pension and other matters not expressly provided for in these rules, the members of the Service shall be governed by such law, rules and regulations as may have been, or may hereafter be adopted or made, by the competent authority:

Provided that –

(i)  the Deputy Commissioner of the District may grant leave not exceeding six months to the Naib-Tehsildars working in the District and a copy of such order shall be endorsed for the information of the Commissioner;

(ii)  power to grant annual increments and to allow crossing of efficiency bar to be Naib-Tehsildars working in a District shall vest in the Deputy Commissioner of the District.

Discipline, penalties and appeals - (1) In the matter of discipline, punishment and appeals, the members of the Service shall be governed by the Punjab Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 1970, as amended from time to time.

(2)  The authority empowered to impose penalties as specified in rule 5 of the Punjab Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 1970 and the appellate authority thereunder in respect of the members of the Service, shall be as specified in Appendix ‘B’ to these rules.

(3)  The authority competent to hear an appeal against an order specified in rule 15 of the Punjab Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 1970, other than an order imposing any other penalties as mentioned in Appendix ‘B’ to these rules, shall be as specified in Appendix ‘C’ to these rules.

Oath of allegiance - Every member of the Service, unless he has already done so, shall be required to take oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established.

Power to relax - Where the Government is of opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may, by order, for reasons to be   recorded   in writing, relax and of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons:

Provided that the provisions relating to qualifications and experience shall not be relaxed.

Forming of regulations- The Financial Commissioner shall make regulations consistent with these rules for carrying out the purposes of the provisions of these rules.

Interpretation of rules - if any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules, the Government shall decide the same.

Repeal and saving- The Punjab Tehsildari Rules, 1932, so far as these are applicable to the members of the Service are hereby repealed:

Provided that any order issued or any action taken under the rules so repealed shall be deemed to have been issued or taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules.

[See rules 1(3), 3 and 17]




Name of Division

No. of posts

Scale of pay

















1. Jalandhar




Rs.700-25-850/ 30-1000/40-1200
20 per cent of the posts in the selection grade of Rs.800-25-850-30 1000/40-1200/ 50-1400.



2. Patiala






3. Ferozepur




(See rule 21) 


Nature of penalty

Punishing authority

Appellate authority






Minor Penalties

Deputy Commissioner



(i) Censure;


(ii) withholding of his promotion;


(iii) recovery from his pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused by him to the Government by negligence or breach of orders;


(iv)withholding of increments of pay;



Major Penalties



Financial Commissioner

(v)  reduction to a lower stage in the time-scale of pay for a specified period with further directions as to whether or not the Government employee will earn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on the expiry of such period the reduction will or will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pay;

(vi) reduction to a lower time-scale of pay grade, post or service which shall ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Government employee to the time-scale of pay, grade, post or service from which he was reduced with or without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to the grade or post or service from which the Government employee was reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that grade, post or service;


(vii) compulsory



(viii) removal from service which shall not be a disqualification for future employment under the Government;



(ix) dismissal from service which shall ordinarily be a disqualification for future employment under the Government.



(See rule 21 (3))



Nature of penalty

Authority competent to pass orders

Appellate authority






(i)An order of suspension made or deemed to have been made under rule 4;

(ii)An order which –

(a)denies or varies tohis disadvantage his pay, allowances, pension or other conditions of service as regulated by rules or by agreement;

(b)interprets to his dis-advantage the provisions of any such rule or agreement;


Financial Commissioner


Nature of penalty

Authority competent to pass orders

Appellate authority






  1. An order –
  1. stopping him at efficiency bar in the time-scale of pay on the ground of his unfitness to cross the bar;
  2. reverting him while officiating in a higher service, grade or post to a lower service, grade or post, otherwise than as a penalty;
  3. reducing or withholding the pension or denying the maximum pension admissible to him under the rules;
  4. determining the subsistence and other allowances to be paid to him for the period of suspension or for the period during which he is deemed to be under suspension or for any portion thereof, or;
  5. determining his pay and allowances –
  1. for the period of  suspension; or
  2. for the period from the date of his dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service or from the date of his reduction to a lower service, grade, post, time-scale or stage in a time-scale of pay to the date of his retirement or restoration to his service, grade or post; or

(iii) (f) determining, whether or not the period from the date of his suspension or from the date of his dismissal, removal, compulsory retirement or reduction to a lower service, grade, post, time-scale or pay or stage in a time-scale of pay to the date of his reinstatement or restoration to his service, grade or post shall be treated as a period spent on duty for any purpose.


Financial Commissioner

B.B. Mahajan
Secretary to Government, Punjab,
Department of Revenue and Rehabilitation.

Department of Revenue

The 6th July, 1984

The Punjab Naib-Tehsildars (Training) Regulations, 19841

No.Comp.I/OSD-8/84 :- In exercise of the powers conferred by Rule 24 of the Punjab Naib-Tehsildars (Class III) Service Rules, 1984, the Financial Commissioner, Revenue is pleased to frame the following regulations for imparting training to Naib-Tehsildars :-

1.  Short title, commencement and applicability - (a) These Regulations may be called the Punjab Naib-Tehsildars (Training) Regulations, 1984.

(b)  They shall come into force at once.

(a)  They shall apply to all the Naib-Tehsildars appointed by direct requirement, by transfer and by promotion.

2.  Institutional Training - All Naib-Tehsildars shall undergo institutional training as prescribed for Tehsildars appointed by direct recruitment in the Punjab Tehsildars (Training) Regulations, 1984, for a period of 4 months, at the Punjab State Institute of Public Administration.

3.  Field Training - (a)  Naib-Tehsildars appointed by direct recruitment and by transfer shall undergo field training for a period of 11 months as prescribed for the Tehsildars appointed by direct recruitment in the Punjab Tehsildars (Training) Regulations, 1984. 

(b)  Naib-Tehsildars appointed by promotion, who have worked as Field Kanungo shall undergo field training as under :-

(i)  attachment with Sadar Kanungo:            ..             2 Weeks

(ii)  attachment with Assistant Treasury Officer: 2 Weeks

(iii)  attachment with Tehsildars/ Sub-Registrar:..         One month

(iv)  attachment with Magistrate:                   ..            2 Weeks

(v)  attachment with Sub-Divisional Officer (C):             2 Weeks

(c)  Naib-Tehsildars appointed by promotion who have not worked as Field Kanungo shall undergo training as at (a) above.

4.  The trainee should keep a diary during the course of imparting of the training and submit it regularly through the District Revenue Officer to the Deputy Commissioner.

5.  The Financial Commissioner, Revenue will in consultation with the Punjab State Institute of Public Administration, determine the order in which various components of the training programme will be implemented for a particular batch of officers.  This will normally be so arranged that the trainees other than those appointed by promotion from amongst Field Kanungos, have the opportunity to hold independent charge of the Kanungo Circle during the months when Girdawari Inspections are carried out.

6.  The provisions of Financial Commissioner’s Standing Order No.12 relating to the training of Naib-Tehsildars are hereby repealed.

Financial Commissioner, Revenue and
Secretary to Government, Punjab,
Revenue Department.


Revenue Department
The 19th June, 1984

The Punjab Naib-Tehsildars Departmental Examination Regulations, 19841

No.Comp.I/OSD-3/84 -In exercise of the powers conferred by Rule 24 of the Punjab Naib-Tehsildars (State Service Class III) Rules, 1984 (hereinafter called the Rules) the Financial Commissioner is pleased to make the following Regulations for the Departmental Examination Naib-Tehsildars :-

1.  Short title, commencement and applicability - (a) These Regulations shall be called the Punjab Naib-Tehsildars Departmental Examination Regulations, 1984.

(b)  They shall come into force at once.

  1. They shall be applicable  to Naib-Tehsildars appointed by direct recruitment or by transfer under Rule 7 of the Rules; and to District Kanungos, District Revenue Accountants, Kanungos, and Senior Revenue Accountants and Assistants Water-logging appointed by promotion from the post of Kanungo.

2.  Place and time of examination - The departmental examination for Naib-Tehsildars will be held twice a year, in the months of February and August, on such dates as may be notified in the Official Gazette, ordinarily at Jalandhar, unless the Financial Commissioner, by special order, directs that it be held at some other place.

3.  Schedule, curriculum and assignment of marks for examination in various subjects.  The examination in various subjects shall be held in accordance with the schedule and the curriculum, and the marks assigned to each subject shall be as specified in the table below :--






Subject of Examination



10.00 A.M.

1.00 P.M.


Punjab Land Revenue Act and Rules








Chapters 2,3,4,6,7,8, 9, 10 and 19 of the Punjab Land Records Manual Standing Order Nos.2,3,7, 20, 29, 30









2.00   P.M.

5.00 P.M.


Arithmetic upto Matriculation Standard






Patwari’s Mensuration Manual









10.00 A.M.

1.00 P.M.


Punjab Tenancy Act and Rules






Appendices VII, VIII, IX and XXI of the Punjab Settlement Manual Chapters II, VI, VII, VIII, XI, XIII, XV and XVI of the Punjab Land Administration Manual









2.00 P.M.

5.00 P.M.


The Punjab Registration Manual






The Punjab Stamp Manual






The Punjab Land Reforms Act, 1972; Punjab Security of Land Tenure Act, 1953 and Pepsu Tenancy and Agricultural Land Act, 1955









10.00 P.M.

1.00 P.M.


Criminal Procedure Code omitting Chapters 18, 21, 28, 29, 30, 32 (except part E) , 34 and 35






Indian Panel Code omitting Chapters 6, 7, 12, 18 and 21









2.00 P.M.

5.00 P.M.


Civil Procedure Code omitting sections 88, 93, parts VII, VIII and IX, orders XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXVI, XL, XLIV, XLV, XLVI, XLVII and XLIX






Indian Evidence Act









10.00 A.M.

1.00 P.M.


Urdu :--
(i) Written translation of a passage from Urdu into Punjabi






(ii)  Oral reading of a passage printed or cyclostyled in Urdu









2.00 P.M.

5.00 P.M.


Financial Rules






1.Punjab Civil Services Rules, Volume I, Part I, Chapters I, II, III, V (5.33 to 5.64), VII, VIII (8.1 to 8.61), IX, XII, XIV (Classification of Services with particular reference to Punjab Government Employees (Conduct) Rules and of the Punjab C.S.R. Vol. I, Part II, Punjab Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules as contained in Appendices 23 and 24 respectively of Punjab C.S.R. Vol. I, Part II) and XV.






2.Treasury Rules (Punjab) – Part I Part II – Chapters I, II, III, IV, (upto 4.9 and 4.68 to 4.181), VI, VII and Appendices B and C.






3.Financial Handbook No.2 – Punjab Financial Rules, Vol. I – Chapters II to XII and XVII to XIX.






4.Punjab Civil Services Rules, Vol. II (Pension/ Provident Fund Rules), Chapters I to V, VII and IX to XIII (13.1, 13.11, 13.14, 13.15 only).






5.Civil Services Rules, Vol. III (T.A. Rules) – Chapter I and II (T.A. Rules 2.1, 2.4, 2.15, 2.16, 2.18, 2.23, 2.32, 2.35, 2.57, 2.68 to 2.70, 2.107 and 2.109 only).






6.Punjab Financial Rules, Volume II – Appendices 2, 4, 14, 15, 16 and 18.






7.Account Code, Volume I – Chapters III, IV, V and VI.






8.Punjab Budget Manual.






9.Introduction of Government Audit and Accounts (General Chapters only).



All papers except paper II and VII shall be answered with the help of books to be provided in the Examination Hall.  The questions in papers which are to be answered with the aid of books shall not be such as can be answered by copying a passage from the book, but shall be designed to test the practical knowledge of the candidates and shall be confined, as much as possible, to cases arising in ordinary practice, facts of probable occurrence being stated and the candidates being required to find and apply the law bearing on them. 

4.  Examiners.  The Director of Land Records shall set one out of papers II & IV, and for the other papers he shall appoint a separate examiner, not below the rank of Extra Assistant Commissioner.

The Commissioner of Jalandhar Division, or such other Commissioner as may be specified by the Financial Commissioner, shall nominate :-

(a) two separate examiners not below the rank of Extra Assistant Commissioner who shall each set one of papers I & III;

(b)  two separate examiners who shall be officers of the P.C.S. (Judicial Branch) cadre, who shall each set one of papers V & VI;

(c)  An officer of the Finance Department not below the rank of Chief Accounts Officer, to set paper VIII; and

(d)  An examiner for paper VII.

The answers shall be examined, and allotment of marks for the answers in each subject shall be made, by the examiners who set the paper.  The examiners shall send their award of marks within 4 weeks of the date from which the examination closes to the Director of Land Records.

5.  Requirements and results- Unless the candidate obtains not less than 1/3rd of the maximum marks attainable in the second paper and not less than half the marks attainable for each other remaining paper, he shall be held to have failed in such papers.

6.  Supervision of the Examination -(1)-The examination will be personally supervised by the Director, Land Records, Punjab, and one Assistant Commissioner or Extra Assistant Commissioner nominated for the purpose by the Commissioner of the Division where the examination is held.

(2)  The Director of Land Records who shall be the President of the Examination Committee, shall :-

(a)  receive the question papers from the Examiners and cause them to be printed on cyclostyled;

(b)  transmit the answer papers to the examiners within 24 hours of the close of the examination;

(c)  receive and compile the marks awarded; and

(d)  submit within one week of receipt of the last award statement, the report in Form II to the Financial Commissioner

7.  Persons eligible to appear - The persons eligible to appear for the examination shall be :-

(a)  Naib-Tehsildars appointed by direct recruitment under sub-rule (I) of Rule 7 of the Rules, or by transfer under second proviso to Rule 7 of the Rules – within a period of 2½  years from the date of their initial appointment;

(b)  District Kanungos, District Revenue Accountants and Kanungos and Senior Revenue Accountants and Assistant Water-Logging appointed by the promotion from the post of Kanungo;

Provided that such persons shall not be permitted more than five chances, at their convenience, to appear in the examination;

Provided further that one additional chance may be given by the Commissioner for special reasons to be recorded in writing;

Provided further that the Financial Commissioner may give one more additional chance, in exceptional cases.

8.  Notice of intention to appear - All the persons who are eligible to appear at the examination in February or in August of any year are required to give notice in Form-I before the 1st January or the 1st July respectively to the Deputy Commissioner of the District in which they may be serving, or to the Commissioner otherwise, of their intention to appear in the examination.  The Deputy Commissioner shall forward the notices in Form-I received by him to the Commissioner.

9.  Information as to the number of the Examiners - After the publication in the Official Gazette of the date sheet of each examination, the Commissioner of each Division shall send in Form III, particulars of persons eligible under Regulation 7 to take up the examination, alongwith the certificate of eligibility specified in Form III, to the Director, Land Records, Punjab, so as to reach him atleast one week before the commencement of the examination, and a copy thereof shall be sent to the Financial Commissioner by the Commissioner.  It shall be incumbent upon the Director, Land Records, to refuse permission to persons who are prima facie ineligible to appear in the examination.

10.  Subsidiary Regulations - (1)  The examination must be held on the days and at the time notified.  The officers supervising the examination will be responsible for the due observation of all instructions issued regarding the examination.  One of the officers conducting the examination shall remain in the room during the whole of each sitting.

(2)  At the time appointed for each sitting, the candidates will be assembled and placed so that opportunity shall be offered for communication with one another, and if practicable, as separate tables.

The envelope containing the question papers will then be opened by the officers conducting the examination at the time fixed for the commencement of the examination and the papers distributed at once.

(3)  Writing paper of uniform size will be provided by the office conducting the examination and distributed to the candidates according to their requirements at each sitting.  The candidates should not be allowed to use their own paper and should any of them have brought paper into the examination room, they should be called upon to give it up at the commencement of the sitting.  Each candidate must bring his own pens and inkstand.  A separate slip of the following specimen shall be attached with each answer book to be delivered to the candidates who shall fill this slip properly :-

Roll No. _________________ Copy Book No. _______________

Total number of Copy Books used _________________________

(Please  write your  name and designation  on  this  slip only and   nowhere else.)

1.  Subject _______________________________________________

2.  Paper    _______________________________________________

3.  Date      _______________________________________________

4.  Name (in Block letters)  __________________________________

5.  Designation and place of posting   __________________________

6.  Signature _____________________________________________

(4)  Except as provided under Regulation 3, no books or writing of any kind may be brought by the candidates into the examination room.  Any transgression of this rule, or any copying from the papers of another candidate, will vitiate the examination of both parties concerned, and will render them liable to any of the punishments specified in rule 5 of the Punjab Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal Rules), 1970.

(5)  The answers to the questions must be written, leaving one third margin, and on one side of the paper only, and numbered according to the number of the question.

(6)  The candidate shall, before delivering his answer book to the officer conducting the examination, page each of the sheets containing his answers.  Candidates shall fill up the slip attached to each answer book as directed therein.  Candidates shall not disclose their identity on the answer sheets in any way. 

The slips shall be removed and sealed immediately after allotting fictitious Roll Numbers at the end of the examination.  The sealed slips shall be kept in the personal custody of the Director, Land Records, Punjab and shall be opened only at the time of compilation of the result under the personal supervision of the Director, Land Records, Punjab.

(7)  No candidate should be allowed to leave the room during the examination except for necessary purposes.  Proper arrangement should be made to prevent reference to unauthorized books or other material.

(8)  The Officer conducting the examination, on receiving the answer book of each candidate, will, before the candidate is permitted to leave the room, satisfy himself :-

(1)  that the name of the candidate and other particulars are written legibly on the slip on each of his papers and nowhere else;
(2)  that no writing paper has been used except that delivered to the candidate for the purpose;
(3)  that the answers have been properly numbered.

If in the course of the examination or subsequently, any circumstances come to the notice of the officer conducting the examination which throw suspicion upon any of the candidates of any malpractices, these should be noted and a report submitted.

(9)  No candidate should be allowed more than  the  prescribed  time  for  each paper.

(10)  Instructions to be printed on the envelope containing the question papers :- Naib Tehsildars examination. --

(1) Subject.
(2)  Date on which to be distributed.
(3)  Number of papers.

Instructions –

This envelope is to be carefully examined on receipt by the officer appointed to conduct the examination, who, if it appears to him to have been tampered with, will immediately make a note of the circumstances, together with any facts coming within his own knowledge which may explain the circumstances.

This envelope is to be opened by the officer on conducting the examination after all the candidates have assembled in the place where the examination is to be held at the time fixed for the subject thereupon noted and at once distributed.

11.  The result of the examination shall be compiled by the Revenue Secretary to the Financial Commissioner and shall be published in the official gazette with the approval of Financial Commissioner, Revenue.

12.  The corresponding provisions/Paragraphs of the Financial Commissioners’ Standing Order No.12 relating to Departmental Examination are hereby repealed.

(Referred in Regulation 8)

(Proforma for appearing in the Departmental Examination of Naib-Tehsildars to be held in February/ August ______)

(To be filled in by the candidates)

1.  District
2.  Name of the official.
3.  Father’s Name.
4.  Designation of the present appointment.
5.  Rule under which eligible to appear.
6.  Date of first and subsequent appointment on the present post.
7.  Number of chances already availed (give details).
8.  Subject already passed.
    [quote number and date of the notification(s) vide which passed].
9.  Subjects in which intends to appear.
10.  Whether extra chances has been granted.
11.  Medium in which the applicant will record his answers.

Signature of the candidate.
Designation ______________
Date _______________


It is certified that Shri  __________________ son of Shri _________________ is eligible under Regulation _______________ of the Punjab Naib-Tehsildars Departmental Examination Regulations, 1984 to take up the departmental examination of Naib-Tehsildars being held on ____________________.

Deputy Commissioner_________________


Tabulated report of the examinees for the examination of
Naib-Tehsildars held on _____________________




Name and Desig-nation of the candidate

Father’s Name

Marks obtained

No.of chances availed including present chance

Remaining papers yet to be passed

1st Paper

2nd  Paper

3rd  Paper

4th  Paper

5th  Paper

6th  Paper

7th   Paper

8th  Paper















(Referred in Regulation 9) 

Particulars of eligible candidates who intend to appear in the departmental examination of  Naib-Tehsildars being held on ___________

(To be sent by the Commissioner concerned to the Director, Land Records, with a copy to Financial Commissioner, Revenue)




Name of the official

Father’s name

Designation and place of posting

Number of chances availed (including the present chance)

Relevant Rule of Punjab Naib-Tehsildar Rules, 1984 under which eligible

Subjects in which intends to appear

Medium in which the candidate will record his answers













The particulars of the above officials have been checked and it is certified that they are eligible to appear in this examination.

Division _____________________

Financial Commissioner and Secretary
to Government, Punjab,
Revenue Department.

Department of Revenue

The 28th June, 1984

The Punjab Naib-Tehsildars (Competitive Examination) Regulations, 19841

No.Comp.I/OSD-4/84  -- In exercise of the powers conferred by Rule 24 of the Punjab Naib-Tehsildars (Class III) Service Rules, 1984, read with Rule 10 thereof, the Financial Commissioner Revenue, is pleased to make the following Regulations for dealing with competitive examination and interview of Naib-Tehsildars:--

1.  Short title and commencement (a) These Regulations may be called the Punjab Naib-Tehsildars (Competitive Examination) Regulations, 1984.

(b)  They shall come into force at once.

2.  Competitive Examination - (a) The Recruiting Authority shall hold a written examination in three papers, each of 100 marks in the following subjects as per the syllabus indicated against each.







Questions to test the candidate’s capacity to understand and write good English.  The paper will comprise précis writing, expansion, test in vocabulary, and any form of composition that may be suitable.


General Knowledge

This paper is intended to test the candidate’s knowledge of current events and of such matters of every day observation and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of an educated person who has not made a special study of such subject.  The paper will also include questions of historical, geographical and economic importance with special reference to Punjab.  It will also include questions on Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Co-operation and Panchayati Raj Institutions, with special reference to Punjab.


Punjabi (in Gurmukhi script)

(i) Translation of an English passage into
Punjabi ….25



(ii) Explaining meaning of a Punjabi passage in prose and in poetry in the same language … 25



(iii) Composition (Essay, Idioms, Corrections, etc.) …..25



(iv) Precis writing …..25



Total …..100

(b)  All the papers shall be of 3 hours’ duration.

(c)  Unless otherwise directed, a candidate shall answer the General Knowledge paper in English medium or in Punjabi medium.

 3.  Interview - (a)  No candidate shall be eligible to appear in the interview until he obtains 40% marks in each of the three subjects i.e. English, General Knowledge and Punjabi.

(b)  The maximum marks to be allotted at the interview shall be 50.

(c)  The interview will be to test the personal qualities of the candidate.  This test is intended to test the candidate’s alertness, intelligence, general awareness, capacity for independent thinking and general outlook. Consideration will also be paid to the bearing and physique of the candidate.

4.  Order of Merit - Names of candidates shall be arranged in the order of merit according to the aggregate of marks obtained in the written examination and interview.

NOTE-  In the event of the order of merit shall be determined in accordance with highest marks secured in the interview.  Should the marks in the interview of the candidates who tie be also equal, the order of merit shall be declared in accordance with the marks obtained by such candidates in General Knowledge.

Financial Commissioner, Revenue,
and Secretary to Government,
Punjab, Revenue Department.

Department of Revenue

The 28th June, 1984

The Punjab Naib-Tehsildars (Residuary Service Matters) Regulations, 19841

No.Comp.I/OSD-5/84.  -- In exercise of the powers conferred by Rule 24 of the Punjab Naib-Tehsildars (State Service Class III) Rules, 1984, (hereinafter called the Rules) the Financial Commissioner Revenue is pleased to make the following Regulations for dealing with residuary service matters of Naib-Tehsildars not expressly provided for by general or special order of the State Government.

1.  Short title, commencement and applicability - (a)- These Regulations may be called the Punjab Naib-Tehsildars (Residuary Service Matters) Regulations, 1984.

(b)  They shall come into force at once.

(c)  They shall be applicable to all the Naib-Tehsildars appointed by direct recruitment, promotion or transfer

2.  Submission of names by Nominating Authority under Rule 12 of the Rules- (a)-The nominating authority should not submit the name of any person without interviewing him and satisfying himself fully that he fulfils the conditions of eligibility prescribed in Rule 7 of the Rules, his integrity is beyond doubt, that he has good physique, active habits and that he is physically and mentally suited for the post of Naib-Tehsildar having special regard to the executive duties and constant rough and heavy touring which a Naib-Tehsildar has to perform.

(b)  The nominations shall be submitted by the nominating authorities to the Commissioner concerned not latter than such date as may be specified by the latter by general or special order, alongwith the nomination roll in Form T-I appended to these Regulations and his up-to-date Annual Confidential Rolls.  A statement indicating the names of the officials who are senior to the persons being recommended and who fulfil the conditions of eligibility prescribed in Rule 7 of the Rules but whose names have not been recommended indicating the reasons for which their names have not been recommended shall also be sent alongwith the nominations.

(c)  The Commissioner will consider the recommendations made by the nominating authorities as also the names of any other persons belonging to the categories mentioned in and fulfilling the requirements of clause (ii) of Rule 7, and place the names of candidates selected for appointment in the respective registers prescribed in Rule 8 of the Rules.

(d)  When the selection of persons to the appointment of Naib-Tehsildars is completed, the rolls of other officials not considered suitable, received by the Commissioner concerned from the nominating authorities shall be returned to them.

3.  Grant of leave to Naib-Tehsildars - (a) - In all cases where the Deputy commissioner proposes to sanction leave only on posting of a substitute, a confirmation from the Commissioner that it would be possible to appoint a substitute, must be obtained before sanctioning leave.

(b)  Leave applications of Naib–Tehsildars will be forwarded by the Deputy Commissioners to the Commissioner of the Division who will certify the admissibility of leave applied for and return the applications to the Deputy Commissioner unless the sanction is beyond the competence of the latter:

Provided that the Deputy Commissioner may sanction leave subject to title of a report regarding title of leave is not received by him within 15 days of the reference made by him and the period and nature of leave is not in excess of what he is competent to sanction:

Provided further that in emergent cases where a Naib–Tehsildars is to proceed on leave without giving adequate notice, the leave may be sanctioned subject to title by the Deputy Commissioner even though a period of 15 days has not expired after reference about title is made to the Commissioner, if the period and nature of leave are within his competence to sanction.

(c)  Applications for leave to Naib-Tehsildars, which require the sanction of the Commissioner of Division, should ordinarily be forwarded so as to reach the Commissioner of the Division not later than one month before the date from which the leave applied for is required.

4.  Gradation list of Naib-Tehsildars - A Gradation List of Naib- Tehsildars in the Division in Form T-2 should be maintained and corrected up to the 1st January each year, and printed copies should be supplied to the Revenue Secretary to the Financial Commissioner, Punjab, immediately after that date.

5.  Personal files of Naib-Tehsildars - (i) - There will  be a personal file each Naib-Tehsildar, maintained in three separate parts, consisting of the following:-

Section (1) -            Opening sheet as in form T-3

Section (2)-            Nomination Roll as candidate as in form T-1.

Section (3) - Property Return Statements in the form prescribed by the State Government.


All other matters including copies of all orders of promotions, transfers etc., will be dealt with a part II of the personal file.

Annual Confidential Reports

(i)  For those officials who are already in service, the Service Book, Character Rolls and property statements prior to their appointment as Naib-Tehsildar will form part of their personal files and the record should be transferred to the office of the Commissioner concerned by the previous Controlling Authority immediately after appointment as Naib-Tehsildar.

(ii)  The title pages of all three parts of the personal file should bear the same file number.

 6.  The provisions/paragraphs contained in the Financial Commissioner’s Standing Order No 12 corresponding to the matters provided for by these Regulations are hereby repealed.


[Referred to in Regulations 2 (b) and 5(i)}

For nomination to the Office of the Naib Tehsildar


1.  Name               ..

2.  Father’s name  ..

3.  Date of birth     ..

4.  Educational Qualification             ..

5.  Present appointment held      ..

6.  Home district                          ..

7.  Details of immovable property with station where located            ..

8.  Details of Gazette Notifications declaring the candidate to have cleared the Departmental Examination                                    ..

9.   Whether any departmental proceeding is pending or contemplated against the official; if so, the details and present stage thereof                         ..

10.  Date from which continuous Government Service beings and details of posts held with dates

11.  Whether belongs to Scheduled Caste or Backward Class If so, specify caste                        …

Recommendation of Deputy Commissioner concerned

I nominate/do not nominate Sardar/Shri ___________________________ for appointment as Naib-Tehsildar.

Deputy Commissioner


NOTE:-  (1)  A separate recommendation should be submitted for each candidate.

(2)  The nomination list should be accompanied by the Service Book and Character Roll of the nominee.


[Referred to in Regulation 4]


Serial No.


Source of recruitment

Home of family

District in which property is held






Date of
(b)Appointment of Naib-Tehsildar
(c)Attainment of age of 55 years.
(d)Compulsory retirement(in the afternoon)

Present appointment and station

Present stage in the time-scale of Pay/ selection grade







[Referred to in Regulation 5(i)]


1.  Name of official                                                       …

2.  Father’s Name                                                        …

3.  Date of birth                                                            …

4.  Departmental examination passed,

with date of passing.                                                    …

5.  Home District                                                         …

Financial Commissioner, Revenue
and Secretary to Government, Punjab,
Revenue Department.

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