Courses for IBPS RRB-office Assistant Exam, Syllabus, Eligibility, Test Papers| Abhipedia
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Banking Awareness, Indian economy, National park, City nick name, Chief minister and Governor, Currency and capital, National monument and heritage Sports etc

1147 Resources
English Language (IBPS RRB CL)

Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Para Jumble, Fill in the blanks ,Error Detection , Sentence Rearrangement etc.

5164 Resources
Logical Reasoning(IBPS RRB CL)

Coding & Decoding , Blood Relation , Syllogism , Inequality, Puzzles ,Sitting Arrangements, Order and Ranking , etc.

5533 Resources
Quantitative Aptitude(IBPS RRB CL)

Simplification,Approximation,Number Series,Data Interpretation, ,Quadratic Equation, Average,Ratio and Proportion,Partnership,Percentage,Profit Loss and Discount,Time and Work,Pipe and Cistern,Time and distance etc

9072 Resources
Computer GK (IBPS RRB CL)

Computer Software, Hardware , Networking ,MS Office, DBMS, Input output devices, Internet etc.

1860 Resources
Current GK (IBPS RRB-CL)

Current knowledge like important days , persons, places , awards , Summits, books and author, sports etc

26038 Resources
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IBPS RRB Office Assistant / Clerical Recruitment

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection, popularly known as the IBPS is an autonomous body. It conducts recruitment examinations for all Public Sector Banks except the SBI. Over the years, it has also provided services related to assessment and testing for different banks through various bank exams. The IBPS conducts examinations for IBPS PO, IBPS SO, IBPS Clerk, IBPS RRB Officer and IBPS RRB office assistant etc. The above IBPS exams recruit employees for PSBs at various levels. Details regarding the selection process of IBPS, Syllabus for IBPS Exam, Eligibility criteria for IBPS selection, IBPS previous year questions etc can be obtained from this site. Abhipedia offers complete, module wise and topic wise courses for IBPS exam preparation

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