Punjab Patwari Exam Notification | PSSSB Patwari Job Test Series | Syllabus
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"Punjab GK (PP)"
"Punjabi Language"
"English Language (PP)"
"Logical Reasoning (PP)"
Punjab GK (Patwari)

Punjab History , Punjab Geography , Punjab Polity , Economy , art and culture etc

3121 Resources
Punjabi Language

Punjabi language comprehension, Grammer , Major dialects , Phonology developments etc.

578 Resources
Quantitative Aptitude (Pb Patwari)

Mathematics – Simple Calculation ,Number System , Algebra Etc, Airthmetic Accounts- Basic Concepts and Tally

7601 Resources
General Studies (P. Patwari)

various subjects like History, polity, economy , geography of India etc

8435 Resources
Current GK (Pb Patwari)

Miscallaneous Current gK like persons , places , sports etc . Useful for various Exams ( SINCE 1 JAN 2K20)

7831 Resources
English Language ( Patwari)

Includes error detection , Idiom & Phrases , One word substitution , Fill in the blanks , Antonyms and Synonyms etc.

5947 Resources
Logical Reasoning & Mental Ability ( Patwari)

Verbal and Non – Verbal Reasoning, Coding & Decoding , Blood Relation , Syllogism , Order and Ranking , etc.

5408 Resources
Computer Knowledge (Patwari)

Basic concepts of computers, Introduction to various input /output Devices , MS office , Software Engineering , Internet and networking , hardware and software.

1876 Resources
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Abhipedia powered by abhimanu IAS is a platform which  keeps you updated and offers an edge on the subjects necessary to get you through  any exam like Bank Exam , SSC exam or any state level exam and for IAS exam .  Here you find  latest static and dynamic  GS notes .  At this portal you will have access to best study material like Study notes , video lectures , tailor made  test series  and question bank for all kind of competitive exams. Recently,  we have started free warm up course for Punjab patwari and Haryana Patwari exams. The aspirants will have access to 18 online video lectures and 10 sectional tests for both haryana and punjab patwari exam .

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