The Job of Patwari

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The Job of Patwari

A Patwari is a person is assigned a specific job to records all the details in a land in a given area i.e. called Tehsil. The Patwari is some times called with another name in some parts of India. Patwari is the lower grade officers in the Revenue Department. Patwari generally works in the rural areas of India. They are also are known as Village Accountants.

Job profile

Job Profile Of a Patwari

A patwari has following chief duties to perform :
1.    Maintaining records of the crops grown at every harvest.
2.    Keeping records of rights up to date by the punctual record of mutations.
3.    The account of preparation of statistical returns embodying the information derived from the harvest inspections, register of mutation and record of rights.
4.    The patwari must make any survey,field inspection, record of crops, revision of maps, or reports relating to mutations, partitions, revenue or rent, takavi, or other circumstances of his circle that he may be ordered to make by the Revenue Officers.
5.    He must also give such assistance as may be required of him by the Govenrment rules for the relief of agricultural distress, or in elections, or in Human and Agricultural Census. Such orders shall ordinarily be issued through the kanungo to whom he is subordinate.

Service conditions of Patwari

Salary Of  a Patwari

Selected candidates for Punjab Patwari Vacancy will receive the following attractive pay scale: Rs.10, 300 – Rs. 34, 800/- with grade pay of Rs.3200/-  and are also entitled to other allowances such as
1.    Dearness allowances: Dearness Allowance is given to the Patwari as 120 %( varies time to times)  of the basic salary.
2.    House rent allowances: – HRA or House Rent Allowances are provided to the Patwaris. Patwari is not eligible for the Govt Quarter or premises to live. So they get HRA every month.
3.    Medical benefits: Patwari gets medical allowances as the treatment of employees and dependents like spouses or parents.
4.     Patwaris also get DA as pay band 1 offer under central pay commission guidelines.

Promotion of Patwari

A patwari has a very fair chances of promotion to higher posts. The appointments of tahsil revenue accountant (wasilbaki navies) and siyaha navis are, whenever possible, received for them, and two thirds of the kanungo must be promoted patwari. Once he becomes a field kanungo a patwari may hope to climp still higher on the official leader. Patwaris are also eligible for the post of Naib tehsildar /Tehsildar .


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