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About Punjab Govt Jobs

Punjab is a state in North India.  It is primarily an agricultural state. Opportunities in Government  Jobs are highly preferred by people. In the state administrative structure, a large number of vacancies are announced by the Government of Punjab. In the hierarchical structure vacancies range from clerical staff to various type of inspectors, Patwaries, Tehsildars, Police etc.

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Punjab Subordinate Services Selection Board

The Institutions of the Subordinate Services Selection Board for making recruitment to non- gazetted posts came into existence in the State of Punjab with effect from 11th September 1953. Since then, the Board had been working on the basis of the instructions issued by Government from time to time.

 All the details regarding Placing of Requisitions, Withdrawal of Requisition ,Age Limit, Qualifications and other conditions ,Reservation, Advertisement ,Scrutiny of Applications, Conducting of Interviews,/examinations/declaration of Result, recommendations of candidates, etc. has been incorporated in the Standing Guide on the working of the Subordinate Services Selection Board.


Process of Recruitment



While issuing advertisement, it should be ensured that it is clear on all aspects mentioned above and that it should be given in the newspapers according to the policy laid down by the Government in the Department of Information and Public Relations. The advertisement is to be given by the Board twice a month on the dates to be prescribed by the Board as per specimen added at Annexure ‘C’. A clear period of 20 days be given to the candidates to apply.The application normally sent by the candidates within the prescribed period by registered post may be entertained irrespective of the date of its receipts in the office of the Board.


A scientific method of applications has to be evolved and forward by the Board. While scrutinizing the application, the conditions advertised may be fully kept in view so as to isolate the incomplete applications and ineligible candidates. The applications may be processed as under by the Board: Examination / Scrutiny of applications be started as soon as these start pouring in the office of the Board and this work may be completed within 15 days from the closing date. The work load of scrutinizing the applications should not fall short of 400 applications per day. This process should be on first come first serve basis. There should be a double check of applications at the supervisory level. Bank Draft/ Postal Orders / Treasury Challans may be removed form the applications on the day on which these are received and entered into the ledger registered the very day or the next day. Complete account of fees received through postal orders and by other methods may be kept. Proper arrangement for getting the postal orders encashed within the permissible time may be made. It is the responsibility of Drawing and Disbursing Officer to ensure that encashment of postal orders is done within the prescribed period and the postal orders may not be allowed to become outdated.


The selection to the posts shall be made by the board in the manner prescribed in the relevant service rules. In other words, if in the relevant rules, any competitive examination is provided that shall be held by the Board. Any particular exercise about physical measurements as in the case of the Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police shall also be got conducted by the Board. Where, however, any specific mode of selection is not provided in the relevant service rules, the Board shall determine a fair method to make selection in consultation with the Department concerned. The posts which are to be filled through interview only, the interview may be completed within 30 days from the date of completion of the scrutiny of applications and result declared simultaneously. The posts of stenographers / typists which are to be filled by the tests, the test be arranged within a month from the date of the completion of the scrutiny of applications and the results declared within 30 days of taking the test. The posts which are to be filled by qualifying / competitive examination, such a test / examination be arranged within 45 days from the date of the completion of the scrutiny of applications. Paper marking in respect of these tests should be completed within thirty days from the closing date of the test / examination and the result declared within the next 30 days. In cases, where selection is to be made by way of test / examination and interview, all process should be completed as enumerated above excepting that the result be declared within 90 days from the closing date of test / examination.


The recommendation of candidates to the departments in accordance with the merit list should be made strictly according to the number of posts intimated by the Department(s) in the requisition within a period of 3 days from the date of declaration of the results as per Government instructions, contained in their circular letter No. 1673-GII-56, dated 22nd March, 1957, a time limit of 6 months has been prescribed for filling up, out of the names recommended by the board, addition vacancies which are not intimated to the Board, when inviting recommendations (sending original intimation / requisition). As per present policy of Government, Board is not to send additional number of candidates to the department(s) therefore, in order to meet the demand for addition vacancies of the same department, the Board may maintain a waiting list for a period of 6 months from the date of its original recommendation. The waiting list should not be valid after the expiry of six months.(Please refer Letter no.3604-GII(S)-57/21982, dated 2nd November,1957. The Board should not club together vacancies advertised at different times for making recommendations from one merit list, unless the post are of the same nature and required the same qualifications, experience and other requirements prescribed therefore. It has been seen that the Board advertised certain posts of a Department and later on similar posts of another Department were advertised. The candidates, who applied for the posts of a particular Department, when recommended to other Department objected to it on the ground that they had not applied for the posts in the other Department. This cause unnecessary inconvenience to the candidates and creates unnecessary work. In order to avoid such instances, Board may advertise similar posts without mentioning the name of the Department to which these relate.


In certain cases, it may so happen that after the Heads of Departments has placed requisitions with the Board, the scales of the posts in question are revised, with the result that these posts may come within the purview of the Punjab Public Service Commission, before the Board makes final selection, although it may have made a substantial headway in the matter of selection by way of adverting the posts, scrutinizing applications etc. In such cases, the recruitment will be made by the Public Service Commission. The Boards will have no jurisdiction over them provided the Board has not by that time made the final selection. (Punjab Government letter No.8260-GII-59/13735, dated 4th September,1959)


For want of meticulous observance of instructions on various matters relating to recruitment and the scope of functions of the Board many complications arise. These complications are not only of administrative nature, but these also involve financial liability and litigation in courts of law. It is , therefore, very necessary that the staff of the Board should keep itself fully informed/ posted with the Government’s policy and instructions so that those can be translated into action inthe working of the Board. The Board should ensure that each dealing official keeps a guide file in regard to his functions like a ready reckoner.


Issuing of advertisement, receipts of applications, scrutinizing of applications removal of postal orders/ Bank drafts etc. and adoption of any alternative methods within the scope of rules for the receipt of applications/ examinations fees, arrangements of dates of interview, are the matters which deserve consideration by the Board from time to time for adopting prompt scheme of working , so that the selection/holding of examination and recommendation of candidates are done in the shortest possible time.


The annual activities of the Board may be brought out in the form of a report just as it is done by the Staff Selection Commission of the Government of India.


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Punjab Publc Service Commission

Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) is constituted by Punjab Government for the recruitment of Class I and II Posts. Its office is located at Baradari Gardens Patiala.

The Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) has been established under Article 315 of the Constitution of India, with the basic purpose of recruiting officials in various departments of the Government as per the requisitions sent by the Government in this regard from time to time.

The Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC), formerly known as the Joint Public Service Commission, is a government agency and topmost constitutional body of the Government of Punjab, India. It is responsible for conducting civil services and competitive examinations to various civil services and departmental posts in the jurisdiction of Punjab, India.


  • Punjab Public Service Commission was originally formed as Joint Public Service Commission at Lahore on 1 May 1937 before Partition of India.
  • It was functioning under Khyber Pass and Yamuna River near Delhi. After British ended its governance in the country, the two newly independent countries India and Pakistan were born.
  • In February, 1948, the two countries revised their provisions at Shimla that led the Punjab Public Service Commission to came into existence extending over the province of East Punjab. India, later merged Punjab and Patiala and East Punjab States Union that made the government to shift the commission to Patiala on 1 November 1956.
  • The commission was working under PEPSU's jurisdiction. But on 1 November 1966, its territorial jurisdiction was decreased due to the formation of the States of Haryana and Himachal Pradesh and Indian-based commission came into existence by splitting the earlier formed commission in two constitutional bodies; one in India and another in Pakistan.

Functions and responsibilities

  • The commission is performing various roles as amended in Article 320 of the Constitution of India.
  • To conduct competitive and civil examinations under its present jurisdiction.
  • To conducting screening test of the selected candidates.
  • To frame and operate schemes as amended in the state public service commission Article, 320 under the supervision of Union Public Service Commission, if state requests.
  • To make appointments to state civil services.
  • To check the suitability of the candidates when promoting and transferring them from one service to another.


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