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General Studies (CPO)

SSC CPO - Genereal studies syllabus

SSC CPO - Genereal studies syllabus 
( Indian Constitutions: Framing, Sources, Schedules and Parts, Duties and Facts Related to President, Vice President, Attorney General of India, Chief Minister, Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, Citizenship, Article 370, Emergency in India, Commissions, Comptroller Auditor General, Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, Bills, Panchayati Raj System, Indian Parliament, Vidhan Sabha, Vidhan Parishad, Parliamentary Funds, Supreme Court, High Court, Writs)
Geography (India and Neighbouring Countries, Solar System, Famous Sea Ports, Rivers, Important Institutions, Movement of Earth, Winds, Soils of India, Interior of Earth, Ocean and Ocean Currents, Agriculture in India, Latitudes and Longitudes, Volcanoes and Earthquakes, Transportation in India, Habitats, Mineral Resources in India, Atmosphere, Physical Features of India, Forests in India, Indian states, Rivers, World Geography Facts).
Ancient History (Harappan civilization, Buddhism and Jainism, Mauryans, Post Mauryans Kingdoms, Vedic culture, Gupta period)
Medieval History (Establishment and expansion of the Delhi Sultanate, Religious Movements in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth centuries, Mughal dynasty, Later Mughals, Marathas)
Modern History ( British Rule and Gandhian Era, British Conquest, Major Battles, Social and Cultural Awakening in India, Revolt of 1857, Indian National Congress, Nationalist Movements 1905-1918, Growth of Militant Nationalism, Struggle for Swaraj, Governor Generals of India, Indian Princely States

  • Outline of Indian Economy
  • Broad Sectors of Indian Economy
  • Five Year Plans at a Glance
  • National Income in India
  • Poverty
  • Unemployment
  • Industries
  • Major Industries in India
  • Banking and Finance
  • Insurance
SSC CPO - General Studies Books
  • SSC TCS PYQs General Awareness Chapterwise & Typewise Solved Papers 14450+ Till - December 2023 - Kiran Publication 
  • SSC General Studies 6500+ TCS MCQ chapter wise  - Pinnacle Publications.
  • General Studies book by Rakesh Yadav Publication . 
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SSC CPO - General study

The General Science (gs) section holds the potential for high scores in the SSC CPO Exam. Unlike other sections like English, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning, there’s no requirement to memorize formulas or rules for the GA section. This section is relatively straightforward during the actual exam and can significantly boost your overall score. To excel in this section, focus on staying updated with current affairs. Diligent preparation and strategic approach to tackling questions can easily result in high scores. Here are some tips and strategies for SSC CHSL General Science Preparation.

  • Take daily quizzes in each subject to understand question types and review previous year’s questions.
  •  Create your own shortcuts for learning and revise within 24 hours.
  •  Cultivate interest in gaining knowledge and relevance.
  •  Read questions with engagement rather than memorizing.
  •  Aim to read 100-120 questions daily and revise them the next day.
  •  Use books to clarify concepts.
  •  Learn with interest and focus on practical relevance.

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