Multiple Choice Questions on The selling price of a certain commodity was reduced by 25 As a result of it the sale was increased ........... for PCS Exam Preparation

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Multiple Choice Questions

The selling price of a certain commodity was reduced by 25 As a result of it the sale was increased ...........

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In the question sale made by former is what % of later is asked not the later is what % of former. so none of given is correct

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Former will be swift

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replace later with former

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answer should be none of these , 300000000/504000000

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wrong answer. question is former is what % of later. not later is what % of former.

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ACCORDING TO QUESTION, SWIFT is the former one & CITY is the later one so Required % =500*6 lakh/600*8.4 lakh * 100 =59.523%

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ratio of former to later is required. i.e 300/504

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Sir without cost price how can we determine profit/loss

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I think right equation will be 504000000* x%= 300000000

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Sir Here language of question is not proper, here it asks for percentage of profit but data related to profit I.e. cost price and selling price not given. Here question should be what is the sales percentage of swift with respect to city cars?. Or question can be asked difference of sales percentage between them.

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Sir Here language of question is not proper, here it asks for percentage of profit but data related to profit I.e. cost price and selling price not given. Here question should be what is the sales percentage of swift with respect to city cars?. Or question can be asked difference of sales percentage between them.

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You have just given sales data. Profit is not given

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This solution is totally wrong.

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This solution is totally wrong.

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The question has asked profit of swift to city so answer should be 300000000/504000000*100

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can not find profit

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