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English ( Master)

Direct/Indirect speech

English ( Master)

Idiom & Phrases

Resources on idiom and phrases and their proper usage

English ( Master)

Letter writing

English ( Master)


Steps to Writing an Essay, Practise Essays , lectures

English ( Master)

Paragraph Completion

English ( Master)

Phrase Replacement

English ( Master)

Word Usage

English ( Master)

Reading Comprehension (S)

Course Covers Reading Comprehension for descriptive paper of various organizations and regulatory bodies.

English ( Master)


Modal verbs Can, Could , May , Might , Will, Would , Must, Shall , Should, Ought to etc

English ( Master)


How do you write a precis, Essential rules for a good Precis Writing

English ( Master)


Model Verb , Auxiliary Verb , Static verb , transitive verb , forms of verb etc

English ( Master)


Personal Pronoun, Possessive Pronoun, Indefinite Pronoun, Distributive Pronoun, Relative Pronoun, Interrogative Pronoun, Compound Pronoun

English ( Master)

Phrasal Verbs

A phrasal verb — a verb and a particle, such as an adverb or a preposition — to form a single semantic unit on a lexical or syntactic level. Examples: turn down, run into, sit up.

English ( Master)

Sentence Improvement

Sample question on selecting most accurate sentence from given sentences.

English ( Master)

Reading comprehension (P)

English ( Master)

Reading Comprehension (C)

English ( Master)

Sentence Connector

English ( Master)


Common Noun, Proper Noun, Abstract Noun, Collective Noun, Material Noun, Countable Noun, Uncountable Noun, Compound Noun, Apposition Case

English ( Master)

Conditional Sentences

Statements discussing known factors or hypothetical situations and their consequences. Complete conditional sentences contain a conditional clause (often referred to as the if-clause) and the consequence. Types of Conditional sentences.

English ( Master)


English ( Master)


Adjectives of Quality, Quantity, Number, Positive Degree, Comparative Degree, Superlative degree

English ( Master)

One Word Substitution

Resources on using one word for many words or phrases .

English ( Master)


Covers 12 tenses ,Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous , Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous, Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous

English ( Master)

Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks with appropriate verb , adjective , adverb , preposition , Phrase and word

English ( Master)


English ( Master)

Error correction

Error detection on noun , pronoun , adjective , adverb , verb , preposition etc.

English ( Master)

Cloze test

Course covers all types of questions from cloze test. Old Pattern and New Pattern

English ( Master)


English ( Master)


Adverb , Types of Adverb , Adverb of Manner , Adverb of time , Adverb of places , adverb of degree etc.

English ( Master)

Sentence Completion

Anatomy, Simple Sentence, Negative Sentence, Interrogative Sentence, Exclamatory Sentence, Imperative Sentence

English ( Master)


English ( Master)

Active/Passive voice

English ( Master)


Definite article, Indefinite article

English ( Master)

Word Building (Antonyms & Synonyms)

Course covers frequently asked questions on Antonyms and synonyms in various exams.

English ( Master)

Subject-Verb Agreement

- According to simple subject, According to compound subject

English ( Master)


Covers What are conjunctions , types of conjunctions , Subordinating conjunctions, Coordinating conjunction, Correlative conjunction, Conjunctive adverbs, Conjunction rules , conjunction list (And, As, Because, But, For, Just as, Or, Neither, Nor, Not only ,So ,Whether, Yet)

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