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My Recent Visited Micro courses

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Quantitative Aptitude (IB)

Profit and loss

Basic terms, Quantity based problems, SP same, CP same, No profit no loss, dishonest dealer, Discount.

General Studeis (IB)


Historical aspects - event, dynasties, personalities, dates etc

Quantitative Aptitude (IB)

Mensuration 2D

Square, Rectangle, Triangle , Circle, Rhombus, parallelogram etc.

General Studeis (IB)

General Science

Questions on biology, chemsitry, physics, botany, zoology in current

Quantitative Aptitude (IB)

Time & distance

Unit conversion, Average speed, Comparison based questions, Early late concept, Relative speed.

English Language Teir-1 (IB)


Personal Pronoun, Possessive Pronoun, Indefinite Pronoun, Distributive Pronoun, Relative Pronoun, Interrogative Pronoun, Compound Pronoun

English Language Teir-1 (IB)


Model Verb , Auxiliary Verb , Static verb , transitive verb , forms of verb etc

Quantitative Aptitude (IB)

Problems based on Ages

Difference of ages always same, Variation in time (five years ago or six years hence), Equation based questions, Comparison of ages.

Quantitative Aptitude (IB)

Number System

Types of Numbers, divisibility Rule, AP-GP, Unit digit, Factor, Divisor, etc.

Quantitative Aptitude (IB)


Meaning and use of Ratio, Percent increase/decrease, Successive increase/decrease, Product consistency, Election based questions, Venn diagram etc.

English Language Teir-1 (IB)


Common Noun, Proper Noun, Abstract Noun, Collective Noun, Material Noun, Countable Noun, Uncountable Noun, Compound Noun, Apposition Case

Logical Resoning (IB)

Coding & Decoding

Letter Coding, Number Coding, Substitution, New Type of Coding

English Language Teir-1 (IB)

Sentence Improvement

Sample question on selecting most accurate sentence from given sentences.

General Studeis (IB)

Indian Economy

concepts, Events , issues faced by Indian Economy. Various sectoral analaysis

Quantitative Aptitude (IB)

Ratio, Proportion

Meaning and use of ratio, Addition of ratio, Single value variable, problems based on difference of ratio, hen and cow method, types of proportions etc.

Quantitative Aptitude (IB)


Average of consecutive numbers, middle term, Batting average, Variation in average.

Quantitative Aptitude (IB)

Mixture and Alligation

Price and quantity based question, Net weighted average, Problems on profit and loss, average, time and distance, percentage etc.

Logical Resoning (IB)

Sitting Arrangement

Straight line, circle, Square arrangement

English Language Teir-1 (IB)


Adjectives of Quality, Quantity, Number, Positive Degree, Comparative Degree, Superlative degree

Quantitative Aptitude (IB)

Time and work

Basic questions, Alternate work, leave after some time, Leave before some time, Efficiency based questions, Chain rule.

Logical Resoning (IB)

Alpha-Numeric Series

Numerical Series, Alphabet Series, Alphanumeric Series, Alphanumeric Symbol Sequence series

Quantitative Aptitude (IB)


BODMAS Rule , fraction, Decimal Square, square root, cube, cube root, Surd and Indices etc

English Language Teir-1 (IB)


Covers 12 tenses ,Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous , Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous, Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous

Logical Resoning (IB)

Blood Relation

Based on Dialogue or Conversation, Based on Puzzles Based on symbolically coded

Logical Resoning (IB)

Ranking and ordering

Position of numbers from left or right, Possibility cases, comparison of numbers.

Logical Resoning (IB)

logical alphabets

Position of alphabets, alphabet coding

English Language Teir-1 (IB)

Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks with appropriate verb , adjective , adverb , preposition , Phrase and word

Quantitative Aptitude (IB)


Coins, Cards, Dice, Probability of numbers, Random probability, Contradiction based questions.

Quantitative Aptitude (IB)

Problems on trains

Crossing (Man, pole, platform etc.), After crossing each other concept, problems based on relative speed.

Quantitative Aptitude (IB)

Compound Interest

Basic questions of CI, Series of CI, Tree method, Difference based questions, Installments in CI.

Logical Resoning (IB)

Statement - Assumptions

Concept to find the assumption based on given statements

Logical Resoning (IB)


Odd day concept, Leap year concept, find date to day, Last day of century can be.

Quantitative Aptitude (IB)

Mensuration 3D

Cube, Cuboid, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere, Hemi-Sphere, prism, Pyramid etc.

Logical Resoning (IB)

Direction Sense

Basic Directions, Pythagoras theorem

General Studeis (IB)


environmental aspects like pollution , waste management , ecological degradation, erosion , National parks, biodiversity , pollution etc

Logical Resoning (IB)

Statement - Arguments

Strength of argument, preliminary screening, disproportionate, comparative, simplistic Arguments.

Quantitative Aptitude (IB)

Simple Interest

Introduction of terms, Series of SI, Investment based questions.

Logical Resoning (IB)


Conditional , Categorical ,Disjunctive , Definite cases, Possibility, reverse syllogism

English Language Teir-1 (IB)


Adverb , Types of Adverb , Adverb of Manner , Adverb of time , Adverb of places , adverb of degree etc.

General Studeis (IB)

Art and Culture

Cultural aspects like fairs, festivals, music , dance , architecture etc.

Quantitative Aptitude (IB)


English Language Teir-1 (IB)

Word Building (Antonyms & Synonyms)

Course covers frequently asked questions on Antonyms and synonyms in various exams.

Quantitative Aptitude (IB)

Permutation & Combination

Permutation: Arrangements, Repetition of alphabets. Combination: basic questions, Handshake, no. of diagonals, etc

Logical Resoning (IB)

Arithmetical Reasoning

General Information, Buzzwords, Numbers Mentioned, Paragraph Format

English Language Teir-1 (IB)


English Language Teir-1 (IB)


Definite article, Indefinite article

Quantitative Aptitude (IB)

Number series

Missing number series, Wrong number series

English Language Teir-1 (IB)

Subject-Verb Agreement

- According to simple subject, According to compound subject

General Studeis (IB)

Indian Polity

Constitutional changes , Legal issues , judgement , elections , etc

General Studeis (IB)


Physical, Human, economic geography of state including relief, rivers, population , crops etc

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