My Recently Visited Micro courses
  • West Bengal Civil Serices (WBCS)
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My Recent Visited Micro courses

Recently Visited

West Bengal


Economy of the state, various sector like agriculture, industry, resources etc

West Bengal

Polity and Governance

Political aspects like programmes, laws, and governance aspects. issues relating to Elections , disputes , etc

West Bengal

Science & Technology

Developments in the field of schence and technology in the state , policy, programmes , reasearch etc

West Bengal

Social Aspects of state

Social aspects of state like social inequalities, family, religion and other social phenomenon

West Bengal

Geography and Environment

Physical,Human and economic geography of the state and environmental issues

West Bengal


Historical aspects - event, dynasties, personalities, dates etc

West Bengal

Art and Culture

Cultural aspects like fairs, festivals, music , dance , architecture etc.

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