Jharkhand Civil Services (JPSC) Previous Year Question Papers and Analysis

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Previous Year Papers

Download Free Jharkhand Civil Services (JPSC) Previous Year Papers with Solutions & Analysis

Previous year Papers of Jharkhand Civil Services (JPSC) always play very important role in your exam preparation. It helps you to understand exam pattern, Level of difficulty of Questions types and weightage assigned to different topics. Clearing this competitive exam requires a well-structured study plan, and practicing with previous year question papers is an essential step towards success.

Here You will Get all previous years Papers with solutions of Jharkhand Civil Services (JPSC)


Free Downloadable PDF: Access a treasure trove of previous year Jharkhand Civil Services (JPSC) question papers with detailed solutions.  You can download all Previous year papers for free.

Download Previous year paper PDFs
Prev. Year Tests-jpsc prelims
JPSC GS Previous Year Prelims Paper II (2024)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC GS Previous Year Prelims Paper I 2024Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC GS Previous Year Prelims Paper II (2021)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC GS Previous Year Prelims Paper I (2021)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC GS Previous Year Prelims Paper I (2016)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC GS Previous Year Prelims Paper II (2016)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC GS Previous Year Prelims Paper II (2015)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC GS Previous Year Prelims Paper I (2015)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC GS Previous Year Prelims Paper I (2014)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC GS Previous Year Prelims Paper II (2014)Download PDFAppear Online
Prev. Year Tests-jpsc Mains
JPSC Mains Paper VI (2022)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC Mains Paper V (2022)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC Mains Paper IV (2022)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC Mains Paper III (2022)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC Mains Paper II (2022)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC Mains Paper I (2022)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC Mains Paper VI (2021)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC Mains Paper I (2021)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC Mains Paper II (2021)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC Mains Paper III (2021)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC Mains Paper IV (2021)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC Mains Paper V (2021)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC Mains Paper V (2019)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC Mains Paper IV (2019)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC Mains Paper III (2019)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC Mains Paper II (2019)Download PDFAppear Online
JPSC Mains Paper I 2019Download PDFAppear Online

Exam Pattern & Syllabus Breakdown and Important Topic List to Prepare: Gain a clear understanding of the exam format, marking scheme, and crucial topics.



Download Previous Year Paper with solutions PDF

Never Miss the recent Previous Year Paper. The importance of incorporating the latest previous year papers into your study regimen, especially the most recent papers, cannot be overstated when preparing for any competitive exam. It ensures that your preparation is current, comprehensive, and aligned with what is expected in the actual exam. Missing out on this resource might leave gaps in your preparation, especially concerning new formats, question types, and topic emphasis. Hence, integrating this latest resource into your study plan is not just recommended; it’s essential for aiming for success in your forthcoming exams.


Previous year Subject-wise Exam Analysis of Jharkhand Civil Services (JPSC)

Why Previous Year Papers are Important for Jharkhand Civil Services (JPSC)

Demystifying the Exam: Previous year papers provide a window into the exam's structure, question types, and weightage assigned to different sections. This knowledge allows you to tailor your studies strategically.

Identifying Key Areas: Analyze past papers to pinpoint frequently tested topics and syllabus areas deserving of extra focus. Prioritize your learning to ensure you're well-prepared for the most crucial aspects of the exam.

Mastering Time Management: Exam halls come with time constraints. Practicing with past papers under timed conditions equips you with essential time management skills. You'll learn to allocate time effectively to each section and avoid getting bogged down by challenging questions.

Building Confidence and Spotting Weaknesses: Regularly attempting past papers offers valuable self-assessment. Identify your strengths and weaknesses by analyzing your performance. Focus on solidifying your understanding of less-grasped areas, boosting your confidence for the actual exam.

Developing Effective Techniques: Exposure to diverse questions through past papers helps you sharpen problem-solving skills. You'll learn to identify keywords, strategically eliminate incorrect options, and structure clear and concise answers. This hones your critical thinking and analytical abilities, preparing you for the exam's challenges.


Understanding Of  Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme

JCS Exam: Important Dates

Jharkhand Civil Services: Important Dates

The important dates for JPSC 2021 Exam have been released officially in the notification. Check all the important events details and dates of the JPSC notification 2021 below:



Jharkhand PSC 2021 Notification Release Date


JPSC Online Application Start Date


Last Date to Apply Online for JPSC


Last Date to pay Examination Fees

16.03.2021, till 11:45 PM

JPSC Admit Card Download Date

15 days prior to the exam

JPSC Prelims Exam Date 


JPSC Mains Exam Date

4th week of September 2021


JCS Exam: Vacancies

Jharkhand Combined Civil Service  : Vacancies

JPSC has released a total of 252 vacancies for the Jharkhand Public Service Commission. The post wise vacancy details for JPSC Exam 2021 has been released by the Commission in the notification.

Post Name








Deputy Collector








Dy. S.P.








District Coordinator








Jail Superintendent








Assistant Municipal Commissioner








Jharkhand Education Service II








Junior Registrar








Assistant Registrar








Assistant Director








Planning Officer








Probation Officer









JCS Exam: Eligibility Criteria

Jharkhand Civil Services : Eligibility Criteria

As per the JPSC notification, the eligibility criteria which includes the age limit and the educational qualification is mentioned below. Candidates must check the JPSC eligibility 2021 before applying for the examination.


Jharkhand Civil Services : Educational Qualification

You should be a graduate or equivalent from any university recognized by the government.

Jharkhand Civil Services : Age Limit

The minimum age limit must be 21 years while the maximum age limit must be 35 years as on 1 March 2021.


Jharkhand Civil Services : Age Relaxation

The age relaxation criteria to apply for the JPSC 2021 exam is as follows. You must note that the relaxation in age limit is applicable only to the Jharkhand domicile candidates.


Age Limit

Extremely Backward Classes/Backwards Classes

37 Years

Female of Unreserved/Extremely Backward Classes/Backwards Classes

38 Years

Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

40 Years

Persons with benchmarks disability(PwBD)

A relaxation of 10 years in their respective categories


A relaxation of 5 years in their respective categories

Candidate who gas 3 years of regular service under Jharkhand Govt.

5 Years


Jharkhand Civil Services : Number of Attempts

There is no limitation to the number of attempts to apply for JPSC recruitment. You can apply as many times for the JPSC exam.

JCS Exam: Mains Syllabus

Jharkhand Civil Services : Syllabus for Mains


The details of JPSC Syllabus for Mains is given below:

  • Paper I: General Hindi and General English (100 Marks)
  • Paper-II: Language and Literature (150 Marks)
  • Paper III: Social Sciences, History and Geography (200 Marks)
  • Paper IV: Indian Constitution, Polity, Public Administration and Good governance (200 Marks)
  • Paper V: Indian Economy, Globalization, and Sustainable development (200 Marks)
  • Paper VI: General Sciences, Environment & Technology Development (200 Marks)


JPSC Mains Syllabus – Paper 1 (General Hindi and General English)

This is just a qualifying paper. Out of 100 marks, every candidate will have to secure only 30 marks. Hence, the commission has made sure that candidates having an educational background in regional language will not be adversely impacted by the English section in the paper.

As per the JPSC exam pattern, Mains Paper 1 will have 2 sections:

  • Hindi
  • English

Both the sections will have equal weightage i.e. 50 marks each. The purpose of the paper is to test the working knowledge of the candidates in the above 2 languages. The level of both sections will be of metric standards.

As per the JPSC exam pattern, the paper will broadly test the candidate on the following:

  • Essay
  • Grammar
  • Comprehension
  • Precis


JPSC Mains Syllabus – Paper 2 (Language and Literature)

Candidates have to choose from one of the following languages and literature:

  1. Oriya Language and Literature
  2. Bengali Language and Literature
  3. Urdu Language and Literature
  4. Sanskrit Language and Literature
  5. English Language and Literature
  6. Hindi Language and Literature
  7. Santhali Language and Literature
  8. Panchpargania Language and Literature
  9. Nagpuri Language and Literature
  10. Mundari Language and Literature
  11. Kurux Language and Literature
  12. Kurmali Language and Literature
  13. Khortha Language and Literature
  14. Khadia Language and Literature
  15. Ho Language and Literature


JPSC Mains Syllabus – Paper 3 (Social Sciences, History and Geography)

As given in the JPSC exam pattern, Mains Paper 3 has 2 sections

  1. History
  2. Geography

History section covers the syllabus from the following topics:

  • Ancient period
  • Medieval Period
  • Modern Period
  • History of Jharkhand

Geography section covers the syllabus from the following topics:

  • Physical Geography (General Principles)
  • Physical and Human Geography of India
  • Natural Resources of India: Development and Utilization
  • Geography of Jharkhand and utilization of its resources.
  • Population
  • Industrial and Urban Development
  • The pattern on Urban Settlement and Pollution problems.


JPSC Mains Syllabus – Paper 4 (Indian Constitution, Polity, Public Administration and Good governance)

As per the JPSC Mains Syllabus, candidates will have to handle topics from 2 sections in this Paper.

  1. Indian Constitution and Polity
  2. Public Administration and Good governance

Indian Constitution and Polity covers the following topics

  • Preamble, salient features of the Indian constitution, Fundamental Rights and Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy
  • Union Government (Executive and Legislature)
  • Judiciary
  • State Government (Executive, Legislature, Judiciary, Panchayats and Municipalities)
  • Centre-state relations
  • Special provisions relating to the administration of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribal Areas.
  • Emergency provisions of the constitution
  • Election Commission of India
  • Political parties and pressure groups


Public Administration and Good Governance covers the following topics

  • Public Administration – Meaning, scope and significance
  • Public and private administration
  • Union Administration – Central Secretariat, Cabinet Secretariat, Prime Ministers Office, Planning Commission, Finance Commission
  • State Administration- State Secretariat, Chief Secretary, Chief Ministers Office
  • District Administration – Origin and development of the office of District Magistrate and Collector, changing role of the District Collector, impact of the separation of judiciary on district administration.
  • Personnel Administration – Recruitment of civil services, Union Public Service Commission and State Public Service Commission, training of civil servants, leadership and its qualities, employees morale and productivity.
  • Delegation, Centralization and decentralization of authority
  • Bureaucracy – its merits and demerits, the role of bureaucracy in policy formulation and its implementation; nexus between bureaucracy and political executive; generalist versus specialist.
  • Development administration
  • Disaster Management- causes, mitigation, classification of disasters, immediate and long term measures.
  • Good governance – Lokpal, Lokayukta, Central Vigilance Commissioner, grievance redressal, right to service act, right to information act, right to education act, consumer protection act, domestic violence against women (prevention) act
  • Human Rights – concept, meaning, universal declaration of human rights, National Human Rights Commission, State Human Rights Commission, terrorism, social issues.


JPSC Mains Syllabus – Paper 5 (Indian Economy, Globalization, and Sustainable development)

Paper 5 is based on Indian Economy, Globalization and Sustainable development. The JPSC Mains Syllabus for Paper Five is given below:

Basic features of Indian Economy

  • National Income – elementary concepts of national income, and methods of its calculation, example – GDP, GNP, NDP, NNP, GSDP, NSDP, DDP at constant and current prices, at factor cost etc
  • Inflation – Concept, control of inflation, monetary, fiscal and direct measures.
  • Demographic features
  • Agriculture and Rural economy – green revolution, white revolution, rainbow revolution, WTO
  • Industrial economy – policy initiative and changes
  • Public finance – the scope of public finance, principles of public finance, taxation
  • Public expenditure
  • Budget
  • Fiscal policy- centre and state fiscal relationship, the role of finance commission
  • Structure of Indian monetary and banking system in India.
  • Indian Trade, Balance of Payment

Sustainable Development, Economic Issues, and Indian Development Strategy

  • Meaning and measurement of Economic development; characteristics of underdevelopment, indicators of development: HDI, GDI, India’s HDI progress.
  • Role of Foreign capital and technology in the growth of the economy
  • Sustainable development – concept and indicators of sustainable development, economic, social and environmental sustainability, the concept of GDP
  • Development status and issues pertaining to socially and economically marginalised sections, like ST, SC, religious minorities, schemes launched by Central/State Government.
  • Poverty and Unemployment: Measurements and trends, identification of BPL families, Multidimensional poverty index.
  • Food and nutritional security – trends in food production and consumption in India, the problem of food security, problems and issues of storage, procurement, distribution, import and export. Government policies, schemes, and programmes such as Public Distribution System, Mid-day meal schemes, government policies for food and nutritional security.


Economic Reforms, Nature and Impact on Indian economy

  • New economic reforms – Liberalization, Privatisation, Globalization, good understanding of International Finance Institutions like IMF, World Bank; World Trade Organisation
  • Financial and Banking sector reforms, economic reforms, NABARD, RRB
  • Globalization of Indian Economy – its positive and negative impacts on different sectors, issues of FDI and FII in India.
  • Agriculture sector – Growth, Issues of subsidies and public investment in agriculture
  • Industrial development and economic reforms in India – major changes in Industrial policy, its impact on industrial growth, the role of public sector enterprises in India’s industrialisation in post reforms period, disinvestment and privatisation of public enterprises.


The economy of Jharkhand – features, issues, challenges, strategies

  • Economic growth and structure of Jharkhand’s economy, sectoral composition, growth in SDP, and per capita NSDP in last decade, agricultural and industrial growth in Jharkhand.
  • Demographic features of Jharkhand – population, growth, sex ratio, density, literacy, the composition of the workforce,rural-urban composition etc.
  • Status of poverty, unemployment, food security, malnutrition, education, and health indicators in Jharkhand, major initiatives, issues of agricultural and rural development, major programmes and schemes, poverty alleviation programs, food security schemes.
  • Land, forest and environmental issues in Jharkhand


JPSC Mains Syllabus – Paper 6 (General Sciences, Environment & Technology Development)

Candidates will have to handle topics from the following 5 sections.

  1. Physical Science
  2. Life Science
  3. Agriculture Science
  4. Environmental Science
  5. Science and Technology Development

Physical Science:

  • Basic knowledge on system of units like MKS, CGS, SI
  • Topics on Speed, velocity, gravity, mass, weight, force, impact, work, power and energy
  • Covers topics related to solar system
  • Concepts concerning sound, wavelength frequency, infrasonic and ultrasonic sounds characteristics and applications.

Life Science:

  • Concepts on the living world, cell-structure, its functions, diversity of organism, biomolecules cell reproduction
  • Medallion inheritance, theories of the evolution of life on earth, including human evolution.


Agriculture Science:

  • A good understanding of the agro-climatic conditions of Jharkhand, rainfall pattern and abiotic stresses in each zone.
  • Knowledge of Food and horticultural crops of Jharkhand, understanding the need behind the diversification of crops, nutritional security due to the onset of climate change, the role of rainwater harvesting in improving the agricultural production, and fish farming.
  • Candidates are required to have sound knowledge on Soil fertility, measures that are undertaken to improve soil health, concepts on organic farming,agro-forestry, wastelands and, government schemes to help the farmers of the state.


Environmental Science

  • Measures that were taken by the Government of India to preserve the environment measures to tackle global environmental issues, air pollution, water pollution.
  • Understanding of numerous environmental laws.
  • Candidates knowledge on Biodiversity hotspots and threats to biodiversity hotspots.


Science and Technology

  • Indian Government policies concerning Nuclear technology, focus on global nuclear policies.
  • Plans made by the Government to meet the energy demands of the country through various renewable and non-renewable sources of energy.
  • A good understanding of the Indian Missile program, the space program.
  • Knowledge of the latest developments in Information Technology challenges faced due to Cybercrimes.
JCS Exam: Prelim Syllabus

Jharkhand Civil Services Syllabus for Prelims


General Studies Paper-I ( Total Marks:200  &Time: 2 hours )

NOTE:-This paper will consist of 100 objective type questions, each of 2 marks, drawn from the subjects listed below. Candidates will have to answer all the questions.


History of India:

I. Ancient India(5 questions)

2. Medieval India(5 questions)

3. Modern India (5 questions)

 Geography of India:

I. General Geography (3 questions)

2. Physical Geography (3 questions)

3. Economical Geography (2 questions)

4. Social & Demographic Geography (2 questions)


Indian Polity and Governance:

1. Constitution oflndia (4 questions)

2. Public Administration and Good Governance (4 questions)

3. Decentralization: Panchayats & Municipalities (2 questions)


Economic and sustainable Development:

1. Basic features of Indian Economy (4 questions)

2. Sustainable Development and Economic issues (4 questions)

3. Economic Reforms andGlobalization(2 questions)


Science & Technology:

I. General science (6 questions)

2. Agriculture & Technology Development (6 questions)

3. Information & Communication Technology (3 questions)


Jharkhand Specific Questions

(General Awareness of its History, Society, Culture & Heritage) 10 Questions


National & International current Events : 15 Questions


General Questions of Miscellaneous Nature. not requiring subject specialization, such as, : 15 Questions

I. HumanRights

2. Environmental protection, Bio-diversity & Climate change

3. Urbanization

4. Sports

5. DisasterManagement

6. Poverty andun-employment

7. Awards

8. United Nations and other International Agencies


Syllabus for Prelims- General Studies – Paper 2


JCS Exam: Examination Pattern

Jharkhand Civil Services : PLAN OF EXAMINATION

The Jharkhand Combined Civil Services Examination comprises of two successive stages

(a) Combined Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination (Objective Type) for the selection of` candidates for the Main Examination; and

(b) Combined Civil Services (Mains) Examination (Written and Interview) for the selection of candidates for the various services and posts


Jharkhand Civil Services : Preliminary Exam Pattern(Objective Type)

This is the first stage of the JPSC Exam. This stage comprises of two compulsory papers, General Studies-I and General Studies II.

  • All the questions in the JPSC Prelims are objective in nature.
  • Each paper comprises of 100 questions of 2 mark each.
  • The duration of each paper of the JPSC Prelims is 2 Hours.
  • The question paper for the JPSC is set in both Hindi and English.

S. No


No. of Questions

Total Marks

Time Duration


General Studies-I



2 hours


General Studies-II (Jharkhand specific)



2 hours




Notes: There will not be any negative marking for the wrong answer.


Jharkhand Civil Services : Main Exam Pattern (Subjective Type)

The candidates who obtain the cutoff marks in the JPSC Prelims exam will be called to appear for the JPC Mains Exam. This exam is descriptive or written in nature.

  • The JPSC Mains Exam has 6 papers as listed below.
  • The selection to be called for the Interview is based on the marks scored by you in Paper II to Paper VI.
  • Paper I is qualifying in nature.
  • The merit list will be prepared on the marks obtained in the JPSC Mains Exam (Except paper I) and Interview.

Paper No.


Maximum Marks

Time Duration


General English and General Hindi having 2 sections of 50 marks each.


03 Hours


Language and Literature (to be chosen from 15 listed languages)


03 Hours


History and Geography


03 Hours


Indian Constitution and Polity, Public Administration and Good Reforms.


03 Hours


Indian Economy, Globalization and Sustainable Development


03 Hours


General Sciences, Environment and Technology development.


03 Hours


Jharkhand Civil Services : Interview

The last stage of JPSC Mains Exam is the interview. Only those candidates securing the cutoff marks in JPSC Mains will be called to appear for the Interview.

S. No.


Maximum Marks


Viva-voce (Interview/Personality Test)


JCS Exam: Application Fees

Jharkhand Civil Services : Application Fees


The application fee for the JPSC 2021 examination as per the category of the candidates is as follows. You can pay the application fee for the JPSC Exam either online or offline



All unreserved/ BC-I / BC-II Candidates

?600 + Bank Charges

Jharkhand SC / ST candidates

?150 + Bank Charges

PwBD candidates



JCS Exam: Prelim Syllabus

Jharkhand Civil Services Syllabus for Prelims


General Studies Paper-I ( Total Marks:200  &Time: 2 hours )

NOTE:-This paper will consist of 100 objective type questions, each of 2 marks, drawn from the subjects listed below. Candidates will have to answer all the questions.


History of India:

I. Ancient India(5 questions)

2. Medieval India(5 questions)

3. Modern India (5 questions)

 Geography of India:

I. General Geography (3 questions)

2. Physical Geography (3 questions)

3. Economical Geography (2 questions)

4. Social & Demographic Geography (2 questions)


Indian Polity and Governance:

1. Constitution oflndia (4 questions)

2. Public Administration and Good Governance (4 questions)

3. Decentralization: Panchayats & Municipalities (2 questions)


Economic and sustainable Development:

1. Basic features of Indian Economy (4 questions)

2. Sustainable Development and Economic issues (4 questions)

3. Economic Reforms andGlobalization(2 questions)


Science & Technology:

I. General science (6 questions)

2. Agriculture & Technology Development (6 questions)

3. Information & Communication Technology (3 questions)


Jharkhand Specific Questions

(General Awareness of its History, Society, Culture & Heritage) 10 Questions


National & International current Events : 15 Questions


General Questions of Miscellaneous Nature. not requiring subject specialization, such as, : 15 Questions

I. HumanRights

2. Environmental protection, Bio-diversity & Climate change

3. Urbanization

4. Sports

5. DisasterManagement

6. Poverty andun-employment

7. Awards

8. United Nations and other International Agencies


Syllabus for Prelims- General Studies – Paper 2



Previous Year Exam of Jharkhand Civil Services (JPSC) helps to Identifying Frequently Asked Questions and Topics



1 Topic Trend Analysis

Analysis of past year papers often reveals patterns in the topics tested. Knowing these trends allows candidates to focus on high-yield areas, increasing the effectiveness of their study sessions.

2 Question Format Familiarity

Understanding the formats and variations of questions that have appeared in past exams prepares candidates for the types of challenges they might face, reducing surprises and boosting overall preparedness.

3. Assessing Preparation Gaps

By comparing their answers with the solutions provided in past papers, candidates can identify knowledge gaps and areas needing reinforcement, which is critical for targeted studying.


LIST down Free Mock Test Series Subject Wise and Topic wise of Jharkhand Civil Services (JPSC)


Benefits of Previous Year papers with Solutions PDFs of Jharkhand Civil Services (JPSC)

Previous year papers are even more potent when coupled with detailed solutions. These solutions act as:

  • Learning Tools: Understand the thought process behind the correct answer, not just the answer itself.
  • Alternative Approaches: Discover different ways to solve problems, expanding your analytical skills.
  • Concept Clarity: If you struggled with a question, the solutions help solidify your understanding of the underlying concepts.



Maximizing Your Learning with Previous Year Papers of Jharkhand Civil Services (JPSC):

  1. Schedule Practice Sessions: Integrate past paper practice into your study routine. Aim for at least two sessions per week.
  2. Simulate Exam Conditions: Set a timer and create a distraction-free environment to mimic the real exam experience.
  3. Analyze Thoroughly: Don't just check answers. Understand the solutions, identify alternate approaches, and learn from your mistakes.
  4. Track Progress: Monitor your performance over time. Are you getting faster and more accurate? Celebrate your improvements!
Paper-2 JCS Exam: Previous year pre 2014 >>Paper-2 JCS Exam: English Language Mains 2016 >>Paper-2 JCS Exam: Hindi Language Mains 2016 >>

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Paper-1 JCS Exam: Previous year Mains 2016 >>
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