What is staff selection commission SSC

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ABout SSC - Background

Background of Commission

The Estimates Committee of the Parliament, in its 47th Report (1967-68), recommended the setting up of a Service Selection Commission for conducting examinations for recruitment to lower categories of posts. Pursuant to this, and as an interim measure, an Examination Wing was initially added to the Secretariat Training School, subsequently renamed as the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM).

The Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC), in its Report on Personnel Administration, drew attention to the fact that bulk of the staff of the Government at the Centre and in the States belonged to Class III and Class IV categories. Referring in particular to the identical nature of qualifications stipulated for entry into such posts in various offices, the Commission advocated pooling of the requirements of non-technical posts by different Departments and selection of personnel either by joint recruitment or through a recruitment board. It was in pursuance of this recommendation that the Government of India decided to constitute a Subordinate Services Commission under an Executive Resolution.

The Government of India, in the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms vide its Resolution No. 46/1(S)/74-Estt.(B) dated the 4th November, 1975 constituted a Commission called the Subordinate Services Commission which has subsequently been re-designated as Staff Selection Commission effective from the 26th September, 1977 to make recruitment to various Class III (now Group “C”) (non-technical) posts in the various Ministries/Departments of the Govt. of India and in Subordinate Offices. The functions of the Staff Selection Commission have been enlarged from time to time and now it carries out the recruitment also to all Group “B” posts in the pay scale of Rs 9300 to 34800 with a grade pay of Rs 42000 The functions of the Staff Selection Commission were redefined by the Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions vide its Resolution No.39018/1/98-Estt.(B) dated 21st May 1999 (may be seen under the heading Resolution). The new constitution and functions of the Staff Selection Commission came into effect from 1st June 1999.

The Staff Selection Commission is an attached office of the Department of Personnel and Training and comprises of Chairman, two Members and a Secretary-cum-Controller of Examinations who are appointed on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Central Government from time to time. The Commission is provided such supporting staff as considered necessary by the Central Government.


Setup of the Commission

The Commission is headed by a Chairman who is assisted by two Members and a Secretary-cum-Controller of Examinations. They are further supported by other officers and Staff of the HQ (Organization Chart at Appendix III) and by a Regional Network of offices established at various locations. The Headquarter of the Commission is located at New Delhi.



The Staff Selection Commission has its Headquarter at New Delhi. All Examinations as well as administrative matters are submitted to the Chairman through two Members. The Secretary functions under both the Members. Besides, there are post of one Director, one Deputy Secretary, two Joint Directors, nine Under Secretaries, four Deputy Directors, one Finance & Budget Officer, one Assistant Director (OL), 24 Section Officers and more than 183 supporting officers / staff working at the Headquarters for discharging the duties and responsibilities of the Commission. An Organisational Chart of the Commission (Hqrs.) is given at Appendix II,. The functions of various Branches/Sections of the Hqrs. are briefly outlined under the heading "Functions of the Sections".


Regional/Sub-Regional Offices

For smooth conduct of examinations through a large network of examination centres/sub-centres situated in different parts of the country for the convenience of the candidates, the Commission has been provided with a Regional set-up. At present, there are seven Regional Offices at Allahabad, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Guwahati, Chennai, Bangalore and two Sub-Regional Offices at Raipur and Chandigarh. Each Regional Office is headed by a Regional Director and each Sub-Regional office is headed by a Deputy Director. The details of the functions and operative jurisdictions of these Regional and Sub-Regional Offices are given at Appendix-IV, . The Commission may, with the approval of the Department of Personnel & Training, open more Regional/Sub-Regional Offices of the Commission at such other places, as it may consider necessary.


ABout SSC - Organisational Structure

Exams Conducted

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts the Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Exam for recruitment to various subordinate services like:

• Assistants in Ministries/Departments, Attached and Subordinate office of the Govt. of India.

• Inspectors of Central Excise & Customs.

• Inspectors of Income Tax.

• Preventive Officers in Customs.

• Examiner in Customs.

• Sub-Inspectors in Central Bureau of Narcotics & CBI.

• Assistant Enforcement Officer in Directorate of Enforcement, Department of Revenue.

• Divisional Accountant, Jr. Accountant, Auditor & UDCs in various offices of Govt. of India.

• Auditor Offices under C&AG, CGDA, CGA & others.

• Accountant/ Junior Accountant

• Tax Assistant in CBDT and CBEC

• Compiler in Registrar General of India.

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