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CAPF 2024 Exam Pattern

UPSC CAPF 2024 Selection Process

UPSC will conduct a written examination on 4th August 2024 for CAPF Assistant Commandant Posts at various centres across the country. Central Armed Police Forces Examination Recruitment for Assistant Commandant takes place after a selection procedure that includes: After the successful filling up the UPSC CAPF Application form and submitting the exam fees, the admit card will be issued to the candidates in online mode only. The UPSC CAPF exam consists of three stages. All three stages are given below:


UPSC CAPF Exam Stage I - Written Exam - 450 marks

The stage I is the written examination. The written exam consists of two papers-

Paper Name


Time Duration

Paper-I - General and Mental Ability

250 marks

2 hours

Paper-II - General Studies, Essay and Comprehension

200 marks

3 Hours


450 marks

5 hours 

The paper I will be the objective type question paper and paper II will be the conventional essay type question paper having two parts.

CAPF Exam Syllabus 2024 for Paper II (General Studies, Essay and Comprehension)
Part A
  • Essay questions
  • Modern Indian history especially of the freedom struggle,
  • Geography
  • Polity
  • Economy
  • Knowledge of Security and Human Rights issues
  • Analytical Ability
Part B
  • Comprehension, précis writing, other communications/language skills
  • Comprehension passages,
  • Précis writing
  • Developing counter arguments
  • Simple grammar and other aspects of language testing.

UPSC CAPF Exam Stage II - Physical Standards/Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests

The Physical Efficiency and Medical Standard test are only qualifying in nature. The candidates need to meet the standard prescribed in the CAPF notification.

After passing the Stage I, the candidates need to undergo the Physical Efficiency and Medical Standard Test.

Physical Efficiency Tests (PET)




100 Meters race

In 16 Seconds

 In 18 seconds

800 Meters race

In 3 minutes 45 seconds

In 4 minutes 45 seconds

Long Jump

3.5 Meters (3 chances)

3.0 meters (3 chances)

Shot Put (7.26 Kgs)

4.5 Meters


Pregnancy at the time of PET will be a disqualification and pregnant female candidate will be rejected.


UPSC CAPF Stage III: Interview/Personality Test - 150 marks

The candidates declared passed in the second stage of the CAPF exam, will be called for the interview/personality test. The interview/ personality test will be conducted on the UPSC premises in New Delhi. After the interview/personality test, the final result will be declared.



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CAPF(AC) 2024 : Important Dates

UPSC CAPF AC Exam 2022 – Important dates

CAPF 2022 Exam dates

The UPSC CAPF exam dates define the exam process for the candidates. The candidates can plan their preparation according to the life cycle of the CAPF exam.



Salient Features

UPSC CAPF 2024 Notification


UPSC CAPF 2024 Application End

 14th May, 2024 till 18:00 Hours. 

The UPSC will provide a twenty days period to fill the application. The UPSC CAPF online application will close after it.

UPSC CAPF Written Exam 2024

4th August - 2024 

The CAPF written exam will be conducted in two sessions.

UPSC CAPF Written Exam Result

September 2024, 1st week(expected)

The UPSC will declare the CAPF written exam result.

UPSC CAPF Physical Standard/ Physical Efficiency Test and Medical Standard Test

September 2024, 3rd week(expected)

The Physical/Medical exam will be conducted by an Authority designated by UPSC.

Detailed Application Form (DAF) release date

September 2024, last week(expected)

The result will be declared to select the candidates for the 
CAPF Personality Test

UPSC Interview/personality test

October 2024, 1st week(expected)

The CAPF interview/personality test will be conducted at the UPSC office premises.

UPSC CAPF Final Result 2024

October 2024, 2nd week(expected)

UPSC CAPF Final Result will be declared

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Syllabus of CAPF

Paper-I: General Ability and Intelligence (250 Marks)

General Mental Ability: The questions will be designed to test the logical reasoning, quantitative aptitude including numerical ability, and data interpretation.

General Science: The questions will be set to test general awareness, scientific temper, comprehension, and appreciation of scientific phenomena of everyday observation including new areas of importance like Information Technology, Biotechnology, Environmental Science.

Current Events of National and International Importance: The questions will test the candidates' awareness of current events of national and international importance in the board areas of culture, music, arts, literature, sports, governance, societal and developmental issues, industry, business, globalisation, and interplay among nations,.

Indian Polity and Economy: The questions shall aim to test candidates' knowledge of the Country's political system and the Constitution of India, Social systems and public administration, economic development in India, regional and international security issues and human rights including its indicators.

History of India: The questions will broadly cover the subject in its social and economic aspects of geography pertaining to India and the World.

Indian and World Geography: The questions shall cover the physical, social and economic aspects of geography pertaining to India and the World.

Paper-II: General Studies, Essay and Comprehension (200 marks) 

Part-A – Essay questions which are to be answered in the long narrative form either in Hindi or English totalling 80 Marks. The indicative topics are modern Indian history especially of the freedom struggle, geography, polity and economy, knowledge of security and human rights issues, and analytical ability. 

Part-B – Comprehension, précis writing, other communications/language skills – to be attempted in English only (Marks 120) – The topics are Comprehension passages, précis writing, developing counter arguments, simple grammar and other aspects of language testing.  



CAPF(AC) 2024 : Eligibility Criteria

UPSC CAPF 2024 Eligibility Criteria

UPSC describes the eligibility criteria for the CAPF exam in the official notification. The eligibility conditions for UPSC CAPF are explained below:



  • The candidate must be a citizen of India.
  • The candidates who are subject of Nepal and Bhutan are also allowed to apply in the exam.
  • No other candidate can apply for the UPSC CAPF exam.


Age limit for CAPF Exam 2024

The lower age limit for the CAPF exam is 20 years and the upper age limit is less than 25 years. The age is calculated from August 1 of the exam year. 

The upper age limit prescribed above will be relaxable.



Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe

five years

Other Backward Classes

three years

Civilian Central Government Servants

five years Ex-Servicemen will also be eligible for this relaxation.

Domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from January 1, 1980 to December 31,

five years

However, the total relaxation claimed on account of Government Service will be limited to five years.


Educational Qualification for CAPF 2024

As given in the official CAPF notification, "the candidate must hold a Bachelors degree from any recognised university" 

The candidates who appear in the final year of their degree course can also apply for the exam but they have to produce the final year mark sheet of the qualifying exam with the detailed application form.

Possession of NCC ‘B’ or ‘C’ Certificates:

The candidates having the NCC ‘B’ or ‘C’ Certificate will be given preference at the time of Interview.  These qualifications will be given consideration at the time of Interview/Personality Test only.

Physical Standards

The UPSC CAPF notification prescribes the physical and medical standards in a very comprehensive manner. The important points related to the CAPF physical standards are given below. The minimum requirements for the candidate are as follows:

Physical Standards




165 cm

157 cm


81 cm (with 5 cm minimum expansion)

(Not applicable)


 50 kg

46 kg


Medical Standards

(a) Eyesight:




Better eye

(corrected vision)

Worse eye

(corrected vision)

Distant vision





Near Vision

N6 (corrected) 

N9 (corrected)


Explore Micro-Courses
General Studies( Paper-II)
Current Affairs (CAPF)
Indian Political System
Geography and Environment
Ancient and Medieval History
Indian Freedom Struggle (1857-1947)
Indian Economic System
Everyday Science
English( Paper -II )
Quantitative Aptitude( Paper-I )
Logical Reasonong( Paper-I )
CAPF(AC) Vacancies - 2024

UPSC CAPF 2024 Vacancies 

UPSC CAPF exam is a national exam and the number of vacancies is generally good. The candidates were expecting  an increase in the number of vacancies because of the growing importance of the para-military forces and expansion in the work of these forces.

The tentative Examination number of vacancies to be filled on the results of the
examination is as follows:
(i) BSF 186
(ii) CRPF 120
(iii) CISF 100
(iv) ITBP 58
(iv) SSB 42
Total 506 


CAPF(AC) Physical and Medical Test


After Clearing the Written Exam Candidates need to clear the CAPF(AC) PET 

S.No. Test Males Females
1. 100 Meters race In 16 seconds In 18 seconds
2. 800 Meters race In 3 minutes 45 seconds In 4 minutes 45 seconds
3. Long Jump 3.5 Meters (3 chances) 3.0 meters (3 chances)
4. Shot Put (7.26 Kgs.) 4.5 Meters


Note: At the time of PET, Pregnant female candidates will be a disqualified and the candidates will be rejected.

Interview / Personality Test:

CAPF Personality Test

Candidate, qualified in Medical Standards Test, will be called for Next Phase i.e., Interview and Personality Test which will be conducted by UPSC. Candidate, who has made an appeal before Review Medical Board against declaring physically unfit, will also be eligible for Interview and Personality Test.

The Interview and Personality Test will be for 150 Marks. Candidate shortlisted for Interview and Personality Test will have to submit Detailed Application Form denoting preference for forces

CAPF(AC) Previous Year Cut off


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