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Legal Studies 12th


Legal Studies 12th


Judicial Structure , Supreme and High court , Subordinate judiciary, powers and functions . issues , challenges etc

Legal Studies 12th

Dispute Resolution

Collective Bargaining , Settlement Machinery under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947

Legal Studies 11th

Chapter - 2

Legal Studies 12th

Criminimal Law

Legal Studies 12th

Law of Torts

Legal Studies 11th

Chapter - 5

Legal Studies 11th

Chapter- 3

Legal Studies 11th

Chapter -4

Legal Studies 12th

Advocates Act

Legal Studies 12th

Arbitration Act

Legal Studies 12th

Property Law

Legal Studies 11th

Chapter - 1

Legal Studies 11th

Previous Year Papers

Lectures on previous year paper analysis

Legal Studies 12th

Law of contract

Concepts , offer & acceptance ,breach of contract, indemnity & guarantee, bailment, agency, essential elements of contract, performance of contract

Legal Studies 12th


Legal Studies 12th

Human Rights

Concept , Importance , Explanantion , NHRC, national and state , limitations , problems , issues etc

Legal Studies 12th

Family Law

Legal Studies 12th

Chapter - 1

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