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Geography and Environment

Physical,Human and economic geography of the state and environmental issues

Geography and Environment (CSC)


World and India : Indian agriculture , policy , growth , nature , problems , marketing , pricing etc

Indian Political System(CSC)

FR, DPSPS and Duties

Fundamental rights , Duties , Directive principles of state policy

Current GK

Summits/ Conferences

summits, conferences, meetings, meets, forums etc . their importance and agenda

Indian Freedom Struggle (CSC)

Leaders in History

Contribution of important personalities in the freedom struggle and other areas

Current GK


Places of national and international importance , significance

Ancient and Medieval History(CSC)

Later Mughals and Advent of Europeans

later Mughal Period , coming European powers, early colonial rule

Geography and Environment (CSC)

World climates

Atmosphere - Structure , winds, temperature etc , Air masses, Cyclones etc

Current GK

Indian Economy

concepts, Events , issues faced by Indian Economy. Various sectoral analaysis

Ancient and Medieval History(CSC)

Pre Mauryan Period

Pre Historic Period , , Philosophical schools and Indus valley civilisation, Republics

Geography and Environment (CSC)

India - Water bodies

Rivers in india , lakes - natural and artificial , other water bodies , related issues

Indian Political System(CSC)

Union - Executive, Legisture

Union executives like Presidenrt, Prime minister or other positions . Parliament - lok sabha , rajya sabha procedures etc

Current GK

Art and Culture

Cultural aspects like fairs, festivals, music , dance , architecture etc.

Ancient and Medieval History(CSC)

Mauryan and Post Maurayan

Rise of Mahajanpads, Maurayan period, Indo Greeks , sakas, Kushan Parthians, etc

Science (CSC)


Human body , Cell Structure , Various Systems , Proteins, Vitamins etc

Indian Political System(CSC)

Evolution and Features of Constitution

Constitutional Developements in pre independence and post independence, constituent assembly, basic features, borrowed etc

Science (CSC)


Units of measurement , Motion, Light, mirrors, telescopes, Sound , fluids, lasers etc

Indian Political System(CSC)

Articles, Schedules and Amendment

important articles , schedules and constitutional amendments

Indian Political System(CSC)


Important constitutional and statutory commissions . Various miscellaneous committees

Indian Political System(CSC)

State - Executive, Legislature

State executive like governor , chief minister and other positions . State legislature , procedures etc

Science (CSC)


Periodic table. elements, Alloys, dyes, materials, chemicals , oil, medicines etc

Indian Political System(CSC)

Electoral System

election system , ROPA, Election process , problems etc

Indian Political System(CSC)

Centre - State Relations

Adminsitrative , financial , Legislative relations, Distribution of powers and functions , union - state lists etc

Current GK

Persons in News

National and international personalities from different fields, their contribution

Indian Economic System(CSC)

External Sector

Balance of payment account, exchange rates, trade policy , trends , international institutions

Indian Economic System(CSC)


Interdisciplinary topic : World and India : Types of Industry , location of industries , regionalization, production and productivity

Current GK


Sports and game events, tournaments , awards , personalities etc

Indian Economic System(CSC)

Budgeting and Fiscal policy

Budget, public finance, tax system, subsidies, pension and insurance, bima

Indian Political System(CSC)

Preamble and Citizenship

Preamble- concept, terms , nature . Citizenship - acquiring , etc POI etc

Indian Political System(CSC)

Panchayati Raj Instiutions

Democratic decentralizatioon, local bodies - urban and rural, Panchayats , MC, local government , Decentralization of Powers etc

Current GK

International Affairs

International happenings , countries , summits , conferences , conflicts, new order , geo political aspects

Indian Economic System(CSC)


World and India : Indian agriculture , policy , growth , nature , problems , marketing , pricing etc

Indian Economic System(CSC)

Poverty and employment

Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation in India - Rural and Urban - Measurement of Poverty - Poverty Alleviation Programmes of the Government.

Current GK

States Updates

different states in India, In news , pupose, developments

Current GK

Important Days

National and international days of importance, celebration etc

Indian Economic System(CSC)

Financial System

money market, capital market, instruments , securities, shares, bonds, venture capital stock market, SEBI, other instituions

Indian Economic System(CSC)

Planning in India

Planning System in India , 5 year Plans , Niti Ayog, Trends, Problems , Decentralized Planning etc

Indian Economic System(CSC)

Infrastructure- Housing, Transport, Energy

Indian Economic System(CSC)


Definition, Trends, Estimates, Consequences, and Remedies (control): WPI, CPI -components and trends., inflationary gap, targeting etc

Indian Economic System(CSC)

Money and banking

Money supply and monetary policy. Reserve Bank of India . Indian Banking system- structure, recent developments

Current GK


Awards and prizes in various field , Both national and international

Current GK


India's Military Strength, Defence Expenditure and Preparedness, Military excercises , issues and concerns



Historical aspects - event, dynasties, personalities, dates etc

Current GK

Science & Technology

Developments in the field of schence and technology in the state , policy, programmes , reasearch etc

Indian Political System(CSC)

Judicial System

Indian Judiciary, supreme court and high court, judgments , legal issues

Geography and Environment (CSC)

Physiography of India

Mountains , Plateaus, Islands , Plains , Deserts, glaciers , passes, valleys, etc

Science (CSC)

Science & Technology

Developments in the field of schence and technology in the state , policy, programmes , reasearch etc

Current GK


Interdisciplinary topic : World and India : Types of Industry , location of industries , regionalization, production and productivity

Science (CSC)

Health and Diseases

Health governance, Science and various diseases their cure and government programmes

Geography and Environment (CSC)

World Physical Aspects

Gemorphology , Mountains, Plains , Interior of the earth , shape and motion of the earth , landforms , etc

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