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Computer Application (ESIC)

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The ESIC (DD)syllabus for Computer Application

The ESIC (DD) exam for Deputy Director doesn't have a separate syllabus for Computer Application (ESIC). However, Computer Applications is a sub-topic within the General Ability section of the exam.

  • Here's what the General Ability section might cover related to Computer Applications:
  • Fundamentals of Computers: Basic understanding of computer hardware, software, and their functions.
  • Operating Systems: Basic functionalities of operating systems like Windows or Linux.
  • Productivity Tools: Using word processing software (like MS Word), spreadsheets (like MS Excel), and presentation software (like MS PowerPoint).
  • Internet & Email: Understanding of web browsing, internet safety, and using email effectively.
  • Optional: Basic knowledge of database management or networking concepts might be helpful.
  • While there's no specific syllabus issued by UPSC for this section, focusing on these areas can help you prepare for the Computer Applications portion of the ESIC (DD) exam.
  • Here are some resources that might be helpful for your preparation:
  • Previous years' question papers of the ESIC (DD) exam might give you an idea of the difficulty level and types of questions asked in the Computer Applications section.
  • Online resources and tutorials on the topics mentioned above can help you build a strong foundation in Computer Applications.
ESIC - Computer Books

The Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) conducts exams for various positions, and computer awareness is a part of the syllabus for most of them. However, ESIC doesn't prescribe any specific books for the computer section of the exam.

Here are some resources that you can refer to for preparing for the computer awareness section of the ESIC exam:

Books: There are a number of books available in the market that cover computer awareness for competitive exams. Some popular options include:

  • Objective Question Bank of Computer Awareness for General Competitions by Arihant Experts
  • Lucent's Computer Knowledge by Lucent Publications
  • Computer Awareness by Khanna Publishing House

Previous Years' Papers: Solving previous years' papers is a great way to get familiar with the type of questions that are asked in the ESIC exam. You can find previous years' papers on the official website of ESIC.

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Strategy to prepair Computer Application (ESIC)

Understand the Exam:

Syllabus and Exam Pattern: The first step is to get familiar with the official syllabus and exam pattern for the ESIC Computer Application exam. This will give you a clear idea of the topics covered, the weightage of each section, and the types of questions asked. You can find this information on the official ESIC website.
Previous Years' Papers: Solve previous years' papers to understand the nature and difficulty level of the questions asked in the exam. This will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and tailor your preparation accordingly.
Subject-wise Preparation:

Computer Fundamentals: Brush up on your basics of computer hardware, software, operating systems, networking concepts, etc.
Programming Languages: Depending on the syllabus, you might need to be familiar with a specific programming language like C, C++, or Java. Focus on understanding the core concepts, syntax, and data structures of the chosen language. Practice writing simple programs.
Database Management System (DBMS): Learn the fundamentals of database management systems, including relational databases, SQL queries, data manipulation, and normalization techniques.
Web Technologies (Optional): If web technologies are part of the syllabus, focus on HTML, CSS, and basic understanding of Javascript.
Study Resources:

Textbooks: Refer to standard textbooks on computer applications, programming languages, and DBMS.
Online Resources: Numerous online resources like tutorials, video lectures, and mock tests can be helpful for your preparation. You can find free and paid resources depending on your preference.
Coaching Institutes (Optional): Consider enrolling in coaching institutes that offer specialized courses for the ESIC Computer Application exam. This can be beneficial for structured learning and guidance.
Practice and Revision:

Practice Regularly: Regularly solve practice questions from previous years' papers, mock tests, and online resources. This will help you improve your problem-solving skills, time management, and accuracy.
Revision is Key: Revise the concepts you learn periodically to ensure they stay fresh in your memory.
Additional Tips:

Time Management: Practice solving questions within the stipulated time frame during mock tests to improve your time management skills for the actual exam.
Focus on Accuracy: Aim for accuracy over speed while solving questions. A few incorrect answers can significantly affect your score.
Stay Updated: Keep yourself updated with the latest advancements in computer applications and technologies.
Remember: Consistency and focused preparation are key to success in the ESIC Computer Application exam.

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