Prepare Subject

Static GK (IBPS -CL)

Preparation Tips: Banking Static gk

Preparation Tips: Banking Static gk

One should always start with Current Affairs. Yes, this can help tremendously. Whenever you read a particular news, say the appointment of MD and CEO of a bank, memorise its tagline & headquarter at the same time. When a country elects its PM, memorise its capital and currency as well. This is how one begins his/her preparation of Static GK.
Starting to learn Static GK from Current Affairs will also make your preparations easier and can save you from information overload.
Static GK while, could be asked randomly, chances are that they have been in news for one reason or the other. The news need not have been exam related all the time. For example, the recent news that the Sanjay Gandhi National Park opened up for walkers should not be missed. A regular newspaper reading will help you come across news like these and you would have learned so much in a month’s time.
Maintain a separate copy for noting down Static GK related information. Divide it for sub-topics such as national parks, banking topics, tiger reserves, important days, etc., Every time you study write it down and revise it whenever possible.
Build tricks to master learn the things in an easy manner.

IBPS Clerk Syllabus: Static GK

Important Topics for Static GK for Bank Exams:

  • Banking Acts & Reforms, important sections, years
  • Space Agencies & Centres
  • Important banking terms
  • Dams
  • Bird Sanctuaries
  • Important Universities.
  • Important cities on riverbanks
  • UNESCO World Heritage Sites
  • Union Ministers & their constituencies
  • States & their Dance Forms
  • Important schemes, launch year, ministries associated
  • Capitals & Currencies of countries
  • Important Awards & their purpose
  • National Parks
  • Wildlife Sanctuaries
  • Tiger Reserves
  • Biosphere Reserves
  • Ramsar Sites
  • Nationality of important personalities
Most Important Micro Courses from Prelims point of view
IBPS clerk - Static Gk books

IBPS clerk - Static Gk books 

  • Lucent Objective General Knowledge
  • General Knowledge Encyclopaedia for Competitive Exams
  • General Knowledge 2024
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