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Logical Reasoning (RBI)

RBI GRADE B - Logical Reasoning Syllabus

Logical Reasoning Syllabus 

  • Inequality
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Syllogism
  • Machine Input Output
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Arguments
  • Alpha-Numeric Symbol Series
  • Puzzle
  • Seating Arrangement
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Ordering and Ranking
  • Arrangement and Pattern
  • Blood Relations
  • Direction and Distance etc. 
Rbi Grade b - Reasoning Books

Important Books for rbi grade b - Reasoning 

  • ?A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal and Non-Verbal - Arihant Publication
  • A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning - R.S. Aggarwal
  • Test of Reasoning - Pearson
  • Analytical Reasoning - M.K. Pandey
  • Analytical & Logical Reasoning For CAT & Other Management Entrance Tests - Arihant Publication
  • Shortcuts in Reasoning (Verbal, Non-Verbal, Analytical & Critical) for Competitive Exams - Disha Experts
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Rbi Grade b - Reasoning Strategy

Strategy for the RBI Grade B Exam - Reasoning

  • Reasoning: Develop a logical and systematic approach to solving reasoning questions. Practice a variety of puzzles, seating arrangement problems, and logical reasoning exercises to sharpen your analytical skills. Familiarize yourself with the different reasoning questions that may appear in the RBI Grade B exam. Time yourself while practicing to improve your speed and accuracy, which is essential for navigating the reasoning section within the allocated time.

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