Online Courses for IBPS clerk Exam details, Syllabus, Eligibility, Test Papers| Abhipedia
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English Language (IBPS CL)

Reading Comprehension , Cloze Test, Para Jumble, Fill in the blanks ,Error Detection , Sentence Rearrangement etc.

8292 Resources
Logical Reasoning(IBPS CL)

Coding & Decoding , Blood Relation , Syllogism , Inequality, Puzzles ,Sitting Arrangements, Order and Ranking , etc.

6265 Resources
Quantitative Aptitude(IBPS CL)

Simplification,Approximation,Number Series,Data Interpretation, ,Quadratic Equation, Average,Ratio and Proportion,Partnership,Percentage,Profit Loss and Discount,Time and Work,Pipe and Cistern,Time and distance etc

9769 Resources
Computer GK (IBPS CL)

Computer Software, Hardware , Networking ,MS Office, DBMS, Input output devices, Internet etc.

1876 Resources
Static GK (IBPS -CL)

Banking awareness, Indian economy, National park, City nick name, Chief minister and Governor, Currency and capital, National monument and heritage Sports etc

1237 Resources
Current GK (IBPS-CL)

current Gk like National park, City nick name, Chief minister and Governor, Currency and capital, National monument and heritage Sports etc

26557 Resources
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IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) conducts a common written exam or CWE every year for the clerical cadre in multiple banks all over the country. All public sector banks use CWE as a base to fill the vacancies for this post. IBPS is conducting Clerk exam for the 10th year now and hence named IBPS Clerk CWE X. The IBPS Clerk CWE exam is conducted on two levels- preliminary exam and mains. Students qualifying in both these exams are thus selected for the post.IBPS Clerk 2020 Recruitment Notification Out

IBPS Clerical Exam 2020

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