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Write a précis of the following passage by reducing it to one third of the original passage. Give a suitable title.
Education should challenge learners in a manner that fosters character. At the same time, it should enable learners to connect with themselves and understand what life, happiness and satisfaction mean to them. That is why the process of self-reflection is crucial in education. It should be able to instil in all its learners the dynamic process of self-improvement and the ability as well as the skills to actualize their potential. Learners need to grasp the importance of being able to constantly unlearn and learn, and become proactive learners.
A rich education should provide learners with the skills to become contributing citizens and also instil the values to be good human beings. Character is built during schooling years, and education should instil in its learners essential traits of a Person of Substance.
Schooling is a tiny part of the education process. It does not necessarily prepare you for life outside of school but should give you sound academic knowledge.
Learning in schools tends to happen in silos although real life does not work that way. We' have focused too much on schooling and not enough on the process of learning and education. This is something that needs to change. Education needs to help learners actualize their potential. The education systems should impart social and relationship skills to students — values suchas honesty and community-building need to be inculcated. Education should help learners navigate the world that is in front of them. They need to be able to sift through information and identify the useful and redundant information that is now available at the touch of a button. While we talk about what needs to change, we should not wholly dismiss the current system. The purpose of the education system is to challenge you to learn things you never knew. It is essential to understand what we mean by 'learning' to ensure that it is happening optimally. Learning is a complex socio-emotional process that involves cognition and builds on our existing knowledge base to construct new knowledge. This process kicks into action from the time we arc born. Research suggests that babies are actively learning from the time they are born. By the time they are 12 weeks old, they have millions of neurons in their brain and are in the process of developing those into billions as they grow. A feature of learning that I consider significant is its continuous nature. We never stop learning. It comes down to whether we have the desire to actively learn. As human beings, if we stopped learning we would cease to flourish. When we set a goal, we must focus more on the journey than the end goal. It is by focusing on the journey and the learning process that we muster the courage and acquire the skills that will serve us well throughout life. We are not discounting the value of the outcome, but what will serve us as we move beyond the original goal are new sets of skills that we acquired along the journey. Research has shown consistently that disengagement among students in schools is at an all-time high. The current schooling model across most parts of the world . came about at least 300 years ago, much before globalization or any other factors that determine today's world. Then, how is it that the model continues to permeate large parts of the world when the reality today is unrecognizable compared to three centuries ago ? Why is it that students across the world are taught the same things, most of which are redundant today ? Why have we actively introduced lethargy into schooling and education ? Why have we replaced enthusiasm and passion with rote learning and standardized testing ? (614 words)
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