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Direction: In the following question, six statements have been given. All the given sentences, when rearranged, form a coherent paragraph. Arrange the parts to form coherent and grammatically correct passage and answer the questions that follow. a) The happiness first infected the zeitgeist with the publication of Laurie Garrett’s The Coming Plague (1994) and Richard Preston’s Hot Zone (1995). b) But there’s something in these scenarios not logical as there is nothing new in the intimate contact between animals and people because our hominid ancestors lived on wildlife before we ever evolved into Homo sapiens. c) the fear about pandemic is confirmed by historical memory (1)/ history like black confetti (2)/ because over the time, plagues have killed a (3)/ lot of people, and deadly diseases litter (4) d) According to the evolutionary epidemiologists, the most dangerous infectious diseases are almost always not animal diseases fresh broken into the human species, but diseases adapted to humanity over time: smallpox, malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy, typhus, yellow fever, polio. e) One of the early records is that of the Antonine Plague in the year 165 CE, killed the Marcus Aurelius and millions of his subjects while the Black Death of 1348-50, spread by human fleas and from human lung to human lung, killed tens of millions. f) Great Australian virologist Frank Macfarlane Burnet, argued (1)/ the plagues were a result from (2) human intrusion into the natural world (3)/ Studying these events, many health experts, including the (4)
What should be the correct sequence of statement labelled F?
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The correct choice is option D. It was after studying the events only the health experts were able to plagues were a result of intrusion. Part 4 should begin the sentence. The only option with part 4 is option D.
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