Brijesh Kumar-Advanced Mentor
  • Advanced Mentor

Brijesh Kumar

Brijesh Kumar

Advanced Mentor
(4.6/5) 25 Reviews
Advanced Mentor

12 + year experience in teaching English and computer Aptitude

18 Followers 3 Following 31926 Resources


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shiva asked

dear sir i have purchased nabard mains test series. when will the english descriptive test series available?? please reply

shiva asked

Sir atleast you reply to my query. When will the classes for descriptive english starts for nabard. I purchased my course 2 weeks back and not even a single calss uploaded till now.

shiva replied

lecture 3 is same as lecture 1 please check it once sir.

Ketan Garg replied

Hi shiva, sorry for the inconvenience caused. 3 lectures have been added to your english course. Please check it. Let us know if problem persists. Regards, Ketan Garg

Sir i want to join descriptive English section of nabard mains 2020. I have also attempted mains 2019 but could not make it due to 47 marks in English section. I want you to guide me and check my essays precise and letters. So please reply me if you can help me out in doing so. Regards, Yatendra Gupta 7009067929

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