SSC CGL 7 June 2019 Shift-3-1051

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SSC CGL 7 June 2019 Shift-3 (Test Code: 1051)

Select the option that is related to the fifth term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term and the fourth

term is related to the third term.

6472 : 25 :: 7343 : 41 :: 6582 : ?

  1. 14

  2. 16

  3. 18

  4. 13


+ denotes −

− denotes ∗

∗ denotes /

/ denotes +

then what will be the numeric value of

60 ∗ 10/40 + 6 − 5 =?

  1. 16

  2. 200

  3. 3

  4. 144

Three of the following four letter-clusters are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the odd one out.

  1. FNMG

  2. SKLV

  3. PXWQ

  4. BKJC

Three of the following four words are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the odd word out.

  1. Afghanistan

  2. Nepal

  3. Indonesia

  4. Ireland

How many triangles are there in the following figure ?

  1. 29

  2. 27

  3. 25

  4. 31

Two different positions of the same dice are shown. Which number will be at the top if 3 is at the bottom ?

  1. 5

  2. 1

  3. 4

  4. 2

Arrange the following words in a logical and meaningful order.

1. Doctor

2. Recovery

3. Hospital

4. Home

5. Sickness

6. Medicine store

  1. 1, 5, 3, 6, 4, 2

  2. 4, 5, 6, 1, 3, 2

  3. 5, 3, 6, 1, 3, 2

  4. 5, 3, 1, 6, 2, 4

A cycle was sold for Rs4,140 with a profit of 15%. At what price could it have been sold to earn a profit of 25% ?

  1. Rs 4,200

  2. Rs 4,500

  3. Rs 4,850

  4. Rs 4,350

Which number will replace the question mark (?) in the following series?

7, 11, 18, 29, ?, 76

  1. 47

  2. 53

  3. 61

  4. 44

Two statements are given, followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. Assuming the statements to be true even if they

seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.


Some quadrilaterals are squares.

All squares are rhombuses.


I. No quadrilateral is a rhombus.

II. All rhombuses are squares.

III. Some quadrilaterals are rhombuses.

  1. Only conclusion I follows

  2. Only conclusion II follows

  3. None of the conclusions follows

  4. Only conclusion III follows

Three of the following four word pairs are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the odd word out.

  1. Tamil Nadu : South

  2. Punjab : North

  3. Assam : North-East

  4. Kerala : North-West

Select the option that is related to the third letter-cluster in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the first



  1. HFPQ

  2. HMPS

  3. HGLQ

  4. FGQN

Three of the following fourletter-clusters are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the odd one out.

  1. LPQ

  2. DHL

  3. HLP

  4. PTX

Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following set.

(11, 16, 20)

  1. (21, 26, 32)

  2. (15, 20, 24)

  3. (9, 14, 19)

  4. (17, 23, 26)

Select the number pair in which the two numbers are related in the same way as are the two numbers of the following numberpair.

27 : 8

  1. 19 : 5

  2. 12 : 3

  3. 33 : 9

  4. 39 : 14

A square paper is folded and cut as shown below. How will it appear when unfolded ?

If the word ANGEL is coded as BOHFM, then what will be the third alphabet in the code for the word SAVAGE ?

  1. X

  2. B

  3. W

  4. U

Select the combination of letters that when sequentially placed in the gaps of the given letter series will complete the series.


  1. dbdcb

  2. bbcdb

  3. dbcbc

  4. cbdab

Select the mirror image of the given figure when the mirror is placed to the right of the figure.

Three of the following four numbers are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the number that is different from the


  1. 2197

  2. 343

  3. 731

  4. 1331

Select the figure that will come next in the following figure series. 

Select the word-pair in which the two words are related in the same wayas are the two words in the following word pair.

Mnemonic : Memory

  1. Sedative : Sleep

  2. Drama : Acting

  3. Audition : Music

  4. Audience : Speech

‘Judgement’ is related to ‘Deliver’ in the same way as ‘Rule’ is related to ‘.........’

  1. Follow

  2. Practice

  3. Render

  4. Implement

Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates the relationship between the following classes.

Villagers, Poor Persons, Males

Select the figure in which the given figure is embedded.

The Almatti dam project on the Krishna river was an issue between which states?

  1. Karnataka and Tamil Nadu

  2. Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu

  3. Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh

  4. Karnataka and Goa

In March 2018, Indian actress ............ was namedas the new ambassadorof the international award-winning non-profit

organisation, Educate Girls.

  1. Aishwarya Rai

  2. Deepika Padukone

  3. Priyanka Chopra

  4. Katrina Kaif

The maximum numberof nominated members to Lok Sabha is ............

  1. 4

  2. 2

  3. 1

  4. 3

During whose reign did the Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang visit India?

  1. Chandragupta I

  2. Harshavardhana

  3. Samudragupta

  4. Chandragupta Vikramaditya

The base financial year for the calculation of the all India Index of Industrial Production (IIP) is:

  1. 2005-2006

  2. 2004-2005

  3. 2011-2012

  4. 2010-2011

What does the Lorenz Curve indicate?

  1. Relationship between the price of a certain commodity and its demand

  2. Rate of employment

  3. Taxable incomeelasticity

  4. Income distribution

The Suri king .......... was defeated by Humayun to regain his kingdom.

  1. Mahmood Suri

  2. Sher Shah Suri

  3. Bahalol Suri

  4. Sikandar Suri

........... built the world famous Harmandar Sahib, popularly known as the Golden Temple in Amritsar.

  1. Guru Arjan Dev

  2. Guru Siri Har Rai

  3. Guru Angad Dev

  4. Guru Ram Das

‘Shifting cultivation’ is also known as .......... in north-east India.

  1. Chena

  2. Ladang

  3. Jhum

  4. Logan

Who decides on the issue related to the disqualification of a Member of Lok Sabha under Tenth Schedule?

  1. President

  2. Speaker

  3. Prime Minister

  4. Vice President

In March 2019, the Government of ........ launched the 'Lose to Win’ programme to assist overweight employees shed extra kilos

and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Australia

  2. UK

  3. UAE

  4. US

........ is famous for outstanding specimen of Buddhistart and architecture, belonging to the period between the 3rd century B.C.

and the 12th century A.D.

  1. Satna

  2. Vidisha

  3. Dewas

  4. Sanchi

The Qutub Minar was named after the Sufi saint ..........

  1. Alauddin Sabir Kaliyari

  2. Qutub-ud-Din Aibak

  3. Syed Waheed Ashraf

  4. Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki

......... was the first person to isolate methane gas. He discovered that methane mixed with air could be exploded using an

electric spark.

  1. Louis Pasteur

  2. William Thomson

  3. William Crookes

  4. Alessandro Volta

........... is an important road link between Srinagar on one side and Kargil and Leh on the other side.

  1. Zoji La

  2. Muling La

  3. Qara Tag La

  4. Shipki La

Who invented the atomic battery in 1912 ?

  1. Benjamin Franklin

  2. Henry Moseley

  3. Alessandro Volta

  4. Louis Pasteur

Asian Games, also knownasAsiad, is a multi-sport event held every ........... years among athletes from all over Asia.

  1. six

  2. five

  3. four

  4. three

.......... won gold in the Men’sfreestyle wrestling 65 kg category at the Dan Kolov 2019 wrestling event.

  1. Bajrang Punia

  2. Yogeshwar Dutt

  3. Sandeep Tomar

  4. Sushil Kumar

.......... codified the first two laws of thermodynamics and deducedthat the absolute zero of temperature is -273.15o C. He was

honoured for this with the naming of the Kelvin temperature scale.

  1. Robert Hooke

  2. William Crookes

  3. William Thomson

  4. Luis Alvarez

The theory that dinosaurs were driven to extinction by the after math of a large asteroid impact on Earth was given by ..........

  1. Wilhelm Réntgen

  2. Luis Alvarez

  3. Henry Moseley

  4. William Crookes

Who was the fifth of the ten Sikh gurus?

  1. Guru Ramdas

  2. Guru Angad

  3. Guru Arjan Dev

  4. Guru Hargobind

The deficiency of which nutrient causes night blindness ?

  1. Vitamin A

  2. Vitamin C

  3. Proteins

  4. Vitamin K

Flying Officer ......... of the Indian Air Force (IAF) created history by becoming the first Indian woman to fly her first solo fighter

flight in a Russian made MiG-21 fighter.

  1. Mohana Singh

  2. Avani Chaturvedi

  3. Bhawana Kanth

  4. Anjali Gupta

Brazilian physicist and astronomer was awarded the 2019 Templeton Prize, worth $1.4 million, for his work blending science

and spirituality.

  1. Charles Messier

  2. Marcelo Gleiser

  3. Nicolaus Copernicus

  4. Edwin Hubble

In March 2019, a science teacher from rural Kenya named ......... won the prestigious Global Teacher Prize 2019, worth $1

million, which honours the world’s best teacher.

  1. Andria Zafirakou

  2. Peter Tabichi

  3. Nancie Atwell

  4. Hanan Al Hroub

The value of 6-6\div 6\times 6+\left ( 6\div 6of6 \right )\times 6-\left ( 3_{3}^{2}\div _{30}^{11}of_{3}^{2} \right )\div 5  is:

  1. 0

  2. -1

  3. -2

  4. 2

If  \left ( _{2x^{2}+5x-2}^{6x} \right )=1,x> 0 then the value of x^{3}+_{x^{3}}^{1} is:          

  1. _{8}^{3}\sqrt{17}

  2. _{8}^{5\sqrt{17}}

  3. _{4}^{3}\sqrt{17}

  4. _{16}^{5\sqrt{17}}

Two chords AB and CD of lengths 5 cm and 11 cm respectively are parallel and are on the sameside of the centre O of a circle.

If the distance between the chords is 3 cm, then what is the diameter of the circle?

  1. \sqrt{146}cm  

  2. \sqrt{142}cm

  3. 37 cm

  4. 38 cm

The table shows the production of different types of cars (in thousands).

The average production of cars in 2018 is approximately what percent less than the total production of type D cars in 2015 and

type B cars in 2017 taken together ?

  1. 44.2%  

  2. 43.6%

  3. 45.8%

  4. 42.4%

 If ,_{cosec\theta -1}^{1}+_{cosec\theta +1}^{1}=2\sec \theta ,0^{\circ }< \theta < 90^{\circ }  , then the value of \left ( \cot \theta +\cos \theta \right ) is:       

  1. _{\sqrt{2}}^{2+\sqrt{3}}

  2. _{2}^{2+\sqrt{2}}

  3. _{2}^{1+\sqrt{2}}

  4. 1+\sqrt{2}

\left ( _{1-\tan ^{2}30^{\circ }}^{2\tan 30^{\circ }} \right )=       

  1. \sqrt{3}

  2. _{\sqrt{3}}^{1}

  3. _{3}^{1}

  4. 3

A journey of 96 km takes one hour less by a fast train (A) than by a slow train (B). If the average speed of B is 16 km/h less than

that of A, then the average speed (in km/h) of A is:

  1. 60

  2. 54

  3. 64

  4. 48

The value of \sin ^{2}30^{\circ}\cos ^{2}45^{\circ }+4\tan ^{2}30^{\circ }+_{2}^{1}\sin ^{2}90^{\circ }+2\cos 90^{\circ } is: 

  1. 2

  2. \frac{47}{24}

  3. \frac{15}{8}

  4. \frac{23}{12}

What is the compound interest on a sum of Rs8,100 for 1_{4}^{1} years at 8% per annum,if the interest is compounded 5-monthly?

(Nearest to Rs1)

  1. Rs837

  2. Rs873

  3. Rs824

  4. Rs842

In \bigtriangleupABC, AM \perp BC and AN is the bisector of \angleA. What is the measure of \angleMAN, if \angleB = 55and \angleC = 35?

  1. 12o

  2. 5o

  3. 10o

  4. 15o

If 10-digit number 67127y76x2 is divisible by 88, then the value of (7x- 2y)is:

  1. 10

  2. 7

  3. 5

  4. 3

A cylindrical road roller made of metal is one meter long. Its inner radius is 27 cm and the thickness of the metal sheet rolled

into it is 9 cm. What is the weight of the roller, if 1 cm3 of the metal weighs 8 g ?

  1. 453.6 \pi kg

  2. 449 \pi kg

  3. 441 \pi kg

  4. 442.4 \pi kg

A person sells an article at a profit of 12%. If he had purchased it for 12% less and sold it for Rs9 less, he would have gained 27%.

Whatis the original cost price of the article?

  1. Rs3,750

  2. Rs4,500

  3. Rs4,250

  4. Rs4,000

The table shows the production of different types of cars (in thousands).

What is the ratio of the total production of type A cars in 2017 and type C cars in 2014 taken together to the total production of

type B cars in 2014, type C cars in 2017 and type E cars in 2018 taken together?

  1. 3 : 4

  2. 2 : 3

  3. 12 : 11

  4. 5 : 6

Surbhi spends 75% of her income. If her income increases by 20% and savings decrease by 1%, then the percentage increase in

her expenditure is:

  1. 22

  2. 2.7

  3. 2.2

  4. 27

The ratio of the efficiencies of A, B and C is 3 : 5 : 1. Working together, they can complete a piece of work in 5 days. A and B

work together for 3 days. The remaining work will be completed by C alone in?

  1. 24 days

  2. 18 days

  3. 15 days

  4. 21 days

In a circle with centre O, PQR is a tangent at the point Q on it. AB is a chord in the circle parallel to the tangent such that \angleBQR = 70o

. What is the measure of \angleAQB ?

  1. 60o

  2. 35o

  3. 55o

  4. 40o

The table shows the production of different types of cars (in thousands).

If the data related to the production of type D cars is represented by a pie-chart, then the central angle of the sector

representing the production of cars in 2017 will be:

  1. 81.6o

  2. 50o

  3. 75.6o

  4. 78o

Four different positive numbers are written in ascending order. One-third of the average of all the four numbers is 19 less than

the greatest of these numbers. If the average of the first three numbers is 12, the greatest number among the given numbers is:

  1. 21

  2. 24

  3. 22

  4. 25

If _{1-\cot \theta }^{\tan \theta } + _{1-\tan \theta }^{ \cot\theta } =1 + k , then k =    

  1. \cot \theta +\sec \theta         

  2. \tan \theta +\sec \theta

  3. \tan \theta cosec \theta

  4. cosec \theta sec \theta

The base and altitude of an isosceles triangle are 10 cm and 12 cm respectively. Then the length of each equal side is:

  1. 13 cm

  2. 7.5 cm

  3. 10 cm

  4. 8.5 cm

By how much above the cost price should an article be markedup for sale so that after allowing two successive discounts of

20% and 6.25% onit, a net gain of 20% is made on the cost?

  1. 50%

  2. 60%

  3. 66_{3}^{2}% 

  4. 46_{4}^{1}%

If \left ( 8x^{3} +27y^{3}\right )\div \left ( 2x+3y \right )=\left ( Ax^{2}+Bxy+Cy^{2} \right ), then the value of  \left ( 5A+4B+3C \right )is:

  1. 26

  2. 27

  3. 24

  4. 23

The table shows the production of different types of cars (in thousands).

The total production of type A cars in 2016 and type E cars in 2014 taken together is what percent of the total production of

type C cars during 2014 to 2018 ?

  1. 32

  2. 40

  3. 35

  4. 36

Asum of ?x is divided among A, B and C suchthatthe ratio of shares of A and B is 7 : 12 and that of B and C is 8: S. If the

difference in the shares of A and C is Rs 214, then the value of x is:

  1. 11,342

  2. 11,128

  3. 11,556

  4. 11,770

Select one word substitution for the given words.

A trade that is prohibited by law

  1. illicit

  2. inapt

  3. illusive

  4. incredible

Select the correctly spelt word.

  1. concious

  2. contemptible

  3. complascent

  4. corigible

Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence. If no substitution is required,

select No improvement.

We must endeavour to increase women's access for education also employment.

  1. No improvement

  2. access to education and employment

  3. excess to education or employment

  4. access in education also employment

Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence.

He kicked up a row when he was denied entry to the amusement park.

  1. waited in a queue

  2. kicked the guard

  3. cried with sorrow

  4. created a fuss

Select the correctly spelt word.

  1. apearance

  2. arrogence

  3. attendence

  4. abundance

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.

The committee members were in .......... over the budget for the function.

  1. dissent

  2. deference

  3. difference

  4. descent

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most
appropriate option for each blank.
There was still a light on in Mo's room. He often stayed (1)......... reading late into the night. Meggie had (2).......... her love of books from
him. When she (3).......... refuge with him from a bad dream, nothing could lull (4)........... back to sleep better than Mo's calm breathing
(5)............ her and the soundof the pagesturning.


Select the most appropriate option tofill in blank No.1.

  1. out

  2. up

  3. for

  4. away

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most
appropriate option for each blank.
There was still a light on in Mo's room. He often stayed (1)......... reading late into the night. Meggie had (2).......... her love of books from
him. When she (3).......... refuge with him from a bad dream, nothing could lull (4)........... back to sleep better than Mo's calm breathing
(5)............ her and the soundof the pagesturning.


Select the most appropriate option tofill in blank No.2.

  1. inherited

  2. gained

  3. extracted

  4. procured

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most
appropriate option for each blank.
There was still a light on in Mo's room. He often stayed (1)......... reading late into the night. Meggie had (2).......... her love of books from
him. When she (3).......... refuge with him from a bad dream, nothing could lull (4)........... back to sleep better than Mo's calm breathing
(5)............ her and the soundof the pagesturning.


Select the most appropriate option tofill in blank No.3.

  1. has taken

  2. took

  3. takes

  4. will take

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most
appropriate option for each blank.
There was still a light on in Mo's room. He often stayed (1)......... reading late into the night. Meggie had (2).......... her love of books from
him. When she (3).......... refuge with him from a bad dream, nothing could lull (4)........... back to sleep better than Mo's calm breathing
(5)............ her and the soundof the pagesturning.


Select the most appropriate option tofill in blank No.4.

  1. it

  2. her

  3. them

  4. his

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most
appropriate option for each blank.
There was still a light on in Mo's room. He often stayed (1)......... reading late into the night. Meggie had (2).......... her love of books from
him. When she (3).......... refuge with him from a bad dream, nothing could lull (4)........... back to sleep better than Mo's calm breathing
(5)............ her and the soundof the pagesturning.


Select the most appropriate option tofill in blank No.5.

  1. behind

  2. beside

  3. against

  4. around

In the sentence identify the segment which contains the grammatical error.

Each of the girls have given an impressive dance performance.

  1. an impressive

  2. have given

  3. dance performance

  4. Each of the girls

Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence. If no substitution is required,

select No improvement.

Let us not neglect important aspects of life although pursue momentary pleasures.

  1. by pursued moment pleasures.

  2. No improvement

  3. while pursuing momentary pleasures.

  4. through pursued in momentary pleasures.

Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order.

A. Only the fittest creatures can survive while competing for food.

B. Why do some species survive and others become extinct?

C. His answer wasthat there is ceaseless struggle for life among all creatures.

D. This was the question that Darwin asked himself.

  1. BCDA

  2. ADCB

  3. BDCA

  4. ABDC

Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.


  1. permanent

  2. temporal

  3. celestial

  4. stationary

Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence.

The heavy losses in business came like a bolt from the blue.

  1. a windfall

  2. an ominous warning

  3. an unexpected disaster

  4. a thunderstorm

Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.


  1. extrovert

  2. garrulous

  3. confident

  4. silent

Select the correct passive form of the given sentence.

Somepeople believe that discipline means blind submission to authority.

  1. It has been believed by some people that discipline means blind submission to authority.

  2. It was believed by some people that discipline meant blind submission to authority.

  3. It is believed by some people that discipline means blind submission to authority.

  4. It is belief by some people that discipline means blind submission to authority.

Select the correct active form of the given sentence.

The hunchback wasbeing laughedat by everyone.

  1. Everyone laughsat the hunchback.

  2. Everyone was laughing at the hunchback.

  3. Everyone is laughing at the hunchback.

  4. Everyone laughedat the hunchback.

Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.


  1. fright

  2. sorrow

  3. cruelty

  4. anger

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.

The old man wishedto donate his ........... wealth for the upliftment of the downtrodden.

  1. immense

  2. elusive

  3. intense

  4. eminent

In the sentence identify the segment which contains the grammatical error.

If so many catches had not being dropped, we would have wonthe match.

  1. had not being dropped

  2. won the match

  3. If so many catches

  4. we would have

Select one word substitution for the given words.

To give up the throne

  1. usurp

  2. abdicate

  3. consign

  4. bequeath

Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order.

A. What can wedoto avoid anger and provocation?

B. Anger and tension are prevalent due to conflicts arising out of these differences.

C. The society is full of people who think and actdifferently.

D. We needto develop in ourselves the capacity for conversionto turn negative experiences into positive thinking.

  1. ABDC

  2. CBAD

  3. ACBD

  4. CADB

Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.


  1. freedom

  2. slavery

  3. reservation

  4. autonomy

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