2023 CDS -2 GK-14455

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Prev. Year Tests-CDS
2023 CDS -2 GK (Test Code: 14455)

A person can see near objects clearly through 3. his   eyes   but   cannot   see   distant   objects clear ly. The possible reason(s) for this defect could be:
1. Excessive curvature of the eye lens.
2. The eye-ball has become too small.
3. The focal length of the eye lens is too large.
4. Elongation of the eye-ball.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1 only

  2. 2 and 4 only

  3. 1 and  4 only

  4. 1 and  3 only

  1. a

  2. b

  3. c

  4. d

A concave mirror of radius of curvature 50 cm is used to form an image of an object kept at a distance of 25 cm from the mirror on its principal axis. What will be the position of the image from the mirror ?

  1. At infinity

  2. At 50 cm

  3. At 25 cm

  4. At 75 cm

If the Moon is brought closer to the Earth such that its distance from the Earth becomes half of the original distance, then the gravitational force of attraction between the Earth and the Moon would:

  1. reduce to half of its original value.

  2. increase to two times of its original value.

  3. remain the same as the original value.

  4. increase to four times of its original value.

Sonic boom is produced when a  source  of sound travels at a speed :

  1. greater than the speed of sound.

  2. greater than the speed of light .

  3. lesser than the speed of sound.

  4. equal to the speed of sound.

Which one among the following are the correct symbols for the elements gold, tin and lead, respectively ?

  1. Ga, Sb, Pb

  2. At, Sn, Le

  3. Au, Sn, Pb

  4. Au, Sb, Pb

How much percentage of carbon dioxide is present in  the  atmosphere  of  Venus  and Mars ?

  1. 45 - 47% 

  2. 52 - 55%

  3. 74- 77%

  4. 95- 97%

Which among the following methods is used to separate the constituents present in a compound?

  1. Electrochemical method

  2. Heating method

  3. Fractional distillation

  4. Decomposition followed by ion exchange

  1. a

  2. b

  3. c

  4. d

  1. a

  2. b

  3. c

  4. d

The term.Phyllotaxy refers to the pattern of : 

  1. arrangement ofleaves.

  2. branching in stem.

  3. flower formation on branch.

  4. arrangement of flowers. 

Chromosomes are composed of DNA and :

  1. lipids

  2. vitamins

  3. proteins

  4. carbohydrates

Bacteria have an undefined nuclear region which lacks a nuclear membrane and contains only DNA without proteins. Such a region is called:

  1. Nucleosome


  2. Nucleus

  3. Nucleoprotein 

  4. Nucleoid

  1. a

  2. b

  3. c

  4. d

Which one of the following is the language of the famous political treatise Amuktmalyada ?

  1. Sanskrit

  2. Tamil

  3. Kannada

  4. Telugu

Which one of the following statements about the Shvetambara Sect of Jainism is not correct?

  1. It refers to monks, who wear white clothes.

  2. It refers to monks , who migrated to the south of Vindhyas in 4th century BCE.

  3. They recognized the existence of canonical texts including the 12 Angas .

  4. They believed that women can also attain salvation.

Where is the Vikramkhol Cave located? 

  1. Odisha

  2. Bihar

  3. Telangana

  4. West Bengal

Consider the following statements regarding the 'Levallois Technique' :
1. It refers to making perforated Harappa potte ry.
2. It refers to making prehistoric flake tools.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

  1. 1 only

  2. 2 only

  3. Both 1 and 2

  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. The Bakshali Manuscript written in the Gatha language (a refined  version  of old Prakrit) using the Sharada script deals with topics such as fractions, square roots, arithmetic and geometric progressions.
2. In the field of geometry, Aryabhatta described the various properties of  a circle giving  a  very  accurate  value  for pi (n) correct to four decimal places at 3•1416.
3. Sharangadhara Samhita is an important text on political system of ancient India.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1, 2 and 3

  2. 1 and  3 only

  3. 1 and  2 only

  4. 2 only

Which one of the following is not correct about the Indian Independence Act, 1947 ?

  1. The Bill for the Indian Independence Act was introduced in Parliament on July 4 and  received  the  Royal  Assent  on July 18, 1947.

  2. Act of 1947 laid down the basic framework of the Indian Constitution.

  3. The Act provided for the establishment of two independent Dominions to be known as India and Pakistan.

  4. The Act empowered the Constituent Assembly of each Dominion to have unlimited power to frame and adopt any constitution.

As per the Cabinet Resolution of 1 st January, 2015, the NITI Aayog consists of:
1. Prime Minister of India
2. Governing Council comprising -of Chief Minister of  all  th e  States  and Lieutenant   Govern ors    of     Union Terri tories
3. Rural Development Minister
4. Chief Executive Officer to be appointed by the Prime Minister
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1, 2 and  3

  2. 1, 2 and  4

  3. 1 and  2 only

  4. 3 and  4 only

The executive is given an advance grant to meet temporary and running requirements of Government of India in the beginning of the

new financial year until the demands  are voted by the legislat ure. This is known as :

  1. Vote of Credit

  2. Vote on Account

  3. Appropriation Bill

  4. Advance Account

Which of the following is/are United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (s) ?
1. Decent work and economic growth
2. Peace , justice and strong institutions
3. Responsible consumption and production
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1 and 2 only

  2. 1 , 2 and 3

  3. 2 only

  4. 1 and 3 only

Consider the following statements on 'Fog' :
1. Fog is simply a cloud that forms close to the ground.
2. Radiation fog is associated with radiation cooling of the land at night.
3. Advection fog forms when moisture is blown over a cold surface and is chilled by contact .
Which of the statements given above are correct?

  1. 1 and 2 only

  2. 2 and 3 only

  3. 1  and  3 only

  4. 1, 2 and 3

Which one of the following landforms is/are formed by wind erosion ?

  1. Cirque

  2. Stack

  3. Zeugen

  4. Stack and Zeugen both

Which one of the following crops is not cultivated under dryland farming ? 

  1. Jowar

  2. Ragi

  3. Sugarcane

  4. Groundnut

Which one of the following forms of settlement develops around a lake ?

  1. Linear

  2. Cross-shaped

  3. Circular

  4. Square

How can resources be cll!ssified on the basis of their origin ?

  1. Biotic and abiotic

  2. Renewable and non-renewable

  3. Individual and community

  4. Potential and reserve

Which one among the following is the highest mountain in Africa?

  1. Atlas Mountain

  2. Mount Kilimanjaro

  3. Mount Kenya

  4. Mount Elgon

Which of the • following action(s) by the Government would lead to contraction of money supply in the economy ?
1. Purchase   of   Treasury Bills by the central bank from public
2. Sale of Treasury Bills by the central bank to public
3. Sale of foreign exchange by the central bank
4. Purchase of foreign exchange by the central bank
Select the correct answer using the code given below :

  1. 1 and 4 only

  2. 1 and 3 only

  3. 2 and 3 only

  4. 2 only

Which of the following are included m the definition of Narrow Money ?
1. Currency with the public
2. Demand deposits
3. 'Other ' deposits with Reserve Bank of India
4. Bank er's deposits with Reserve Bank of India
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1, 2 and 4

  2. 1 and 2 only

  3. 1, 2 and 3

  4. 3 and 4 only

Which of the following is/are the effects of devaluation or depreciation of curr ency ?
1. It leads to increase in imports and decrease in exports.
2. It leads to increase in exports and decrease in imports.
3. It leads to increase in domestic inflation.
It leads to' decrease in domestic inflation.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1 and  3 only

  2. 1 and  4 only

  3. 2 and 3 only

  4. 3 only

Which one of the following taxes is not subsumed under the Goods and Services Tax in India?

  1. Customs Duties

  2. Central Excise Duties

  3. Service Tax

  4. Taxes   on   Petroleum and Petroleum Products

  1. The pendulum has minimum potential energy at positions P and T.
  2. The pendulum has minimum potential energy at positions Q and S.

  3. The pendulum has minimum potential energy at position R.

  4. The pendulum has same potential energy at all positions.

In which of the following media is he speed of soun d the maximum ?

  1. Glass

  2. StlµIlless steel

  3. Water

  4. Oxygen

  1. a

  2. b

  3. c

  4. d

  1. a

  2. b

  3. c

  4. d

Which one of the following statements is correct regarding the travel of a light beam from a rare to a dense medium ?

  1. A light beam travelling from a rare medium to a dense medium slows down and bends towards the normal.

  2. A light beam travelling from a rare medium to a dense medium speeds up and bends towards the normal.

  3. A light beam travelling from a rare medium to a dense medium slows down and bends away from the normal.

  4. A light beam travelling from a rare medium to a dense medium speeds up and bends away from the normal.

In which one of the following cases do both physical and chemical changes take place ?

  1. Burning of candle

  2. Freezing of water

  3. Cooking of food

  4. Rusting of iron

Which one of the following statements is correct about diamond and graphite ?

  1. Diamond and graphite have similar physical and chemical properties.

  2. Diamond is hard but graphite is smooth and slippery.

  3. Diamond and graphite are both non-conductors of electricity.

  4. Both diamond and graphite have similar structures.

Which one among the following substances is a compound?

  1. Sugar

  2. Air

  3. Milk

  4. Tea

What   is the total number of naturally occurring elements ?

  1. 114

  2. 94

  3. 86

  4. 82

Which one of the following statements regarding acids is not correct ?

  1. Hydrochloric acid is present in the gastric juice secreted by the stomach.

  2. Acetic acid is the main constituent of vinegar.

  3. Oxalic acid is f01lnd in tamarind paste.

  4. Lemon and orange juices contain citric acid and ascorbic acid respectively.

  1. a

  2. b

  3. c

  4. d

Cell wall is absent in which one of the following organisms ?

  1. Bacteria

  2. Diatom

  3. Mushroom

  4. Tapeworm

Water goes up throµgh xylem vessels in tall trees. The process in plants and properties of water that help in upward movement are :

  1. Respiration and cohesion

  2. Transpiration pull, cohesion and adhesion

  3. Root pressure, cohesion and adhesion

  4. Transpiration and adhesion

Energy  and  nutrients  flow  from  one trophic level to another in an ecosystem. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the direction of flow of energy and nutrients in an ecosystem ?

  1. Energy flow is cyclic and nutrient flow is unidirectional.

  2. Energy flow is unidirectional and nutrient flow is cyclic.

  3. Both   energy   and nutrient flow are unidirectional.

  4. Both energy and nutrient flow are cyclic.

Which one of the following is a saprophyte ?

  1. Cuscuta

  2. Rhizopus

  3. Spirogyra

  4. Grass

In  ovules  of  Angiosperms,  which  one  of the following is not  a haploid cell ?

  1. Nucellus

  2. Synergid

  3. Egg

  4. Antipodal

Arrange the following events associated with Shivaji in chronologicai order :
1. Attack on Afzal Khan
2. Capture of Toma
3. Attack on Shaista Khan
4. Annexation of Javli
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 2, 4, 1, 3

  2. 4, 2, 1, 3

  3. 1, 2, 3, 4

  4. 3, 1, 2, 4

Who among the following is the author of the book 'The Indian Struggle 1920 - 1942'?

  1. Vinayak Damodar Savarkar

  2. Subhas Chandra Bose

  3. Vallabhbhai Patel

  4. Sarat Chandra Bose

Who among the following is not a woman Nayanar saint ?

  1. Karaikkal Ammaiyar

  2. Mangayarkkarasiyar

  3. Andal

  4. Isaignaniyar

Which one of the following pairs of terms and their meanings is not correctly matched ?

  1. Nagarakkani : Land owned by the nagaram

  2. Nattar :  Male serpent deity

  3. Yupa : Sacrificial post

  4. Viragal : Hero stone' in the 'l'amil Nadu area

Where is the famous Gupta period Deogarh Temple situated ?

  1. Uttar Pradesh

  2. Madhya Pradesh

  3. Chhattisgarh

  4. Rajasthan

Consider the following statements with reference to the Nataraj bronze sculpture of Chola period :
1. Shiva is shown balancing himself on his right leg representing tirobhava.
2. Shiva is shown raising his left leg in bhujangatrasita stan ce, representing kicking away the illusion from the devote e's mind.
3. The main right hand holds the damaru, Shiva's favourite musical instru ment .
Which of the • statements given above is/are correct?

  1. 1 only

  2. 2 only

  3. 2 and 3 only

  4. 1, 2 and 3

Which of the following statements about ASEAN are correct ?
1. The Chair ma nship of ASEAN rotates annually based on the alphabetical order of the English names of Member States.
2. The Chairmanship is decided by voting among the Member States.
3. "One Vision, On e Identity, One Community" is the ASEAN motto.
4. 12th August is celebrated as ASEAN Day.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1 and  2 only

  2. 1 and  3 only

  3. 3 and 4 only

  4. 1, 2, 3 and 4

Consider the following statements about the Public Distribution System :
1. The Public Distribution System is operated under the joint responsibility of Centre and State/Union Territories.
2. Food Corporation of India has assumed the responsibility for procurement, storage and transportation of food grains to the State Governments.
3. Both Centre and State have the joint responsibility to identify eligible beneficiari es.
4. Some States also distribute additional items of mass consumption through the PDS outlets such as pulses, edible oil, etc.
Which of the statements given above are correct?

  1. 2 and 3 only

  2. 1, 2 and 4

  3. 1 and 2 only

  4. 3 and 4 only

Which of the following concepts are considered as pillars of Human Development ?
1. Equity
2. Sustainability
3. Productivity
4. Security
Select the correct answer using the code given below :

  1. 1 and  2 only

  2. 3 and  4 only

  3. 1, 2 and 3 only

  4. 1,2,3 and 4

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

  1. a

  2. b

  3. c

  4. d

Which 01:1,e among the following State capitals is closest to the Equator ?

  1. Hyderabad

  2. Bhubaneswar

  3. Panaji

  4. Mumbai

Which is the only country in the world to officially proclaim the Gross  National Happiness (GNH) as the measure of the country's progress?

  1. Finland

  2. Bhutan

  3. Nepal

  4. Switzerland

  1. a

  2. b

  3. c

  4. d

Which one of the following expenditures is subtracted from Fiscal Deficit to arrive at Primary Deficit ?

  1. Defence expenditure

  2. Expenditure on subsidies

  3. Interest payments

  4. Pension

The Wholesale Price Inflation has increased in India during 2021 - 2022 due to which of the following factors ?
1. Sharp increase in international p:rjces of crude oil
2. Decrease in economic activity post-Covid
3. Disruption of global supply chain
4. High freight cost
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 2 and 3 only

  2. 1, 3 and 4

  3. 1 and 2 only

  4. 1 and 4 only

What would be the impact on the economy if people start holding more currency in hand and less in deposits ?

  1. Money demand will increase

  2. Money multiplier will decrease

  3. Money multiplier will increase

  4. Money demand will decrease

SDGIndia Index, developed by NITI Aayog, includes 17 SDGs for each State. Which one of the following is not included in that index ?

  1. Zero hunger

  2. Reduced unemployment

  3. Life below water

  4. Responsible consumption and production

Other things remaining constant, the market supply for a good increases if :
1. its price increases.
2. price of its factors of production decreases.
price of other goods decreases.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1 and 2 only


  2. 1 and 3 only

  3. 2 and 3 only 

  4. 1, 2 and 3

Consider the following statements regarding poverty in India :
1. While determining poverty line in India, a minimum level of food requirement, clothing, footwear, fuel and light, educational and medical requirements, etc. are determined for subsistence.
2. The accepted average calorie requirement in India is 2400 calories per person per day in rural areas and 2100 calories per person per day in urban areas.
Which of the statements given al;>ove is/are correct?

  1. 1 only

  2. 2 only

  3. Both 1 and 2

  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. Shivaji sent an ambassador to Bombay to negotiate an agreement with the English.
2. His chief motive was to secure English aid against the Siddis ofDanda-Rajpuri.
3. He wanted a supply of gr ena des , mortars and other ammunition.
Select the correct answer using the code given below :

  1. 1 only

  2. 1 and  3 only

  3. 2 and  3 only

  4. 1, 2 and 3

The famous Hathigumpha inscription of Kharavela mentions that in the eleventh  year of his reign, Kharavela destroyed  a confederacy of Tamil States, "Tramiradesa Sanghatam", which had long been a source of dan ger . How old was this confederacy of Tamil States at that time ?

  1. 110  years old

  2. 111  years old

  3. 112  years old

  4. 113  years old

Which of the following statements about the Vaishnava saint of Assa m, Shankardeva, is/are correct?
1. His teachings are often known as the Bhagavati dharma.2. He encouraged the establishment of satras or monasteries and namghars or prayer halls for the transmission of spiritual knowledge.
3. His major compositions include the Kirtana-ghosha.
Select the correct answer using the code given below :

  1. 1  and  2 only

  2. 2 and  3 only

  3. 1, 2 and 3

  4. 3 only

Abdur Razzaq, an ambassador of the ruler of Persia, was sent to Calicut in the fifteenth century. He was greatly impressed by the:

  1. Fortifications of Calicut

  2. Climatic conditions of the coastal town

  3. High quality spices of the place

  4. Musical traditions of the  place

Which of the following statements about the 'Race to Zero Campaign' is/are correct?
1. One of the main objectives of the Race to Zero Campaign is to build momentum around the shift to a decarbonized economy.
2. It is related to the theory of Zero-Sum Game.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1 only

  2. 2 only

  3. Both 1 and 2

  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Which of the following statements about National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) with reference to India is/are correct?
1. It emphasises that maintaining a high growth rate is essential for raising the living standards of the vast majority of the people of India and reducing their vulnerability to the impact of climate change.
2. It was released in 2014.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1 only

  2. 2 only

  3. Both 1 and 2

  4. Neither 1 nor 2

What does India's "Blue growth" refer to ?

  1. Upgradation of Indian Air Force

  2. Discouraging farmers from using pesticides

  3. A long-term strategy to support sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sectors

  4. Socio-economic empowerment of India's blue collar workers in the unorganized sector

Which of the following statements about 'Operation Sadbhavana' in Ladakh is/are correct?
1. Indian Army undertakes welfare activities, such as running of Army  Goodwill Schools in remote  areas ofLadakh.
2. It aims at building harmonious relationships between communities in Ladakh.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1 only

  2. 2 only

  3. Both 1 and 2

  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Which one of the following is not a permanent member of the UN Security Council ?

  1. France

  2. China

  3. Japan

  4. United Kingdom

Consider the following statements about some planets in the solar system :
1. Mercury has no atmosphere.
2. Venus has two moons.
3. There is no land on Jupiter.
4. Rings of Saturn are composed of lumps of ice and dust.
Which  of  the statements given above are correct?

  1. 1 and 2 only

  2. 3 and 4 only

  3. 1, 2 and 3

  4. 1, 3 and  4

Which one of the following passes is not located in Indian Himalayan region ?

  1. Zojila

  2. Bolan

  3. Shipkila

  4. Lipulekh

Which one of the following set  of  trees does not belong to Temperate Floral Zone of Himalaya?

  1. Cashewnut and Magnolia

  2. Oak and Maple

  3. Rhododendrons

  4. Birch and Laurels

Which one of the following statements about plantation agriculture is not correct ?

  1. Plantation farm estates are scientifically managed.

  2. Plantation farming requires heavy capital outlay.

  3. Plantation farm lands have mainly foreign ownership and local labour.

  4. Plantation farmers rear the animals for sale.

Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists :
List I (Name of Shifting Cultivation)  List II (Country) 
A. Roca                                            1. Sri Lanka
B. Chena                                          2. Thailand
C. Masole                                         3. Brazil
D. Tamarai                                        4. Zaire

  1. A   B   C  D
    2   4   1   3

  2. A   B   C  D
    2   1   4   3

  3. A   B   C  D
    3   4   1   2

  4. A   B   C  D
    3   1   4   2

Consider the following statements with reference to Paleolithic tools :
1. Isampur was a well-known center of stone tool manufacture located in Gulbarga district of Karnataka and was situated along a small seasonal stream known as Kamta Halla.
2. A Paleolithic blade is a flake tool, the length of which is more than twice its width .
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

  1. 1 only

  2. 2 only

  3. Both 1 and 2

  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Consider the following statements about science in medieval South India :
1. The Katapayadi system of numerals, which was invented by Vararuchi of Kerala, the author of Chandra Vakyas, was used for calculating the position of Moon on any day of the year.
2. Achyuta Pisharati (1550 - 1621) wrote Uparagakriyakrama, a text on eclipses .
3. Ravi Varma of Mahodayapuram set up an observatory and is also said to have inaugurated the Kollam era.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

  1. 1 and 3 only

  2. 3 only


  3. 1 and 2 only

  4. 1,2 and 3

Which of the following dynasties of South India issued their documents first in Prakrit and later in Sanskrit ?

  1. The Cholas of Tamil Nadu

  2. The Pandyas of the  post-Sangam  Age

  3. The Pallavas of Tondaimandalam

  4. The Gangas of Kalinganagara

Who was the author of the Gwalior Prashasti of Mihira Bhoja?

  1. Nagabhata

  2. Vatsaraja

  3. Baladitya

  4. Kakkuka

The Sahajiya Cult, _which can be traced back to   10th and 11th centuries, is usually  associated with :

  1. early Bha

  2. a kind of early Sufism

  3. early Upanishadic philosophy

  4. Buddhism

The landmark Supreme Court judgment in the case Subhash Sharma v. Union of India (1991) refers to which one of the following basic features of the Constitution of India ?

  1. Judicial Review

  2. Rule of Law

  3. Free and fair elections

  4. Fundamental Rights

Which of the following statements about the Panchayats in India, as per  the  Constitution of India is/are correct ?
1. There is a provision for reservation of seats for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
2. Panchayats are not authorised to collect taxes .
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1 only

  2. 2 only

  3. Both 1 and 2

  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Which one of the following statements about Mission lndradhanush, launched by the Government oflndia in 2014, is correct?

  1. It relates to provisions for Child Health Sc;reening and Early Intervention Services.

  2. It meets the diverse health needs of adolescents .

  3. It aims to increase  the  full immunisation coverage for children.

  4. Its objective is to achieve universal access to equitable, affordable, and quality healthcare services.

Which one of the following amendments to the Constitution of India has  introduced reservations in education and in public employment for people from the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS ) of society?

  1. The Constitution (101 st Amendment ) Act

  2. The Constitution (102 nd Amendment ) Act

  3. The Consti tution (122nd Amendment ) Act

  4. The Constitution  (103 rd Amendment) Act

Which among the following Fundamental Rights is not suspended when an Emergency is declared ?

  1. Protection in respect of conviction for offences

  2. Right to constitutional remedies

  3. Right to move frE:ely throughout the territory of India

  4. Equality before law

Any question pertaining to the disqualification of a member of the Lok Sabha on the ground of defection is decid d by :

  1. The President of India

  2. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha

  3. The Supreme Court oflndia

  4. The concerned Political Party

Which one of the following statements about Indian Maritime University (IMU) is not correct?

  1. It was established through an Act of Parliament as a Central University.

  2. It was established primarily to support the Indian Navy.

  3. It is located in Chennai.

  4. It was established to extend the benefits of knowledge and skill for development of individuals and society by associating closely with local, regional and national issues of development.

Which of the following pairs is/are correctly matched ?
Plateau                Continent
1. Abyssinian       Africa
2. Patagonian      Australia
3. Anatolian         Asia
4. Iberian             North America
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1 only

  2. 1 and 3 only

  3. 2, 3 and 4 only

  4. 1, 2, 3 an d 4

  1. a

  2. b

  3. c

  4. d

Which of the following is the correct order of clouds in ascending order (lowest to highest) of height from surface ?
1. Cirrocumulus
2. Nimbostratus
3. Cirrus
4. Altostratus
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1, 2, 4, 3

  2. 2, 4, 3, 1

  3. 3,2, 1,4

  4. 2, 4, 1 , 3

Which of the following pairs of revolution in agriculture sector and its production are correctly matched?
1. Pink revolution         :    Shrimp production
2. Yellow revolution      :    Oilseeds production   
3. Black revolution        :   Biodiesel production
 4. Golden revolution     : Egg production
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1, 2 and 3

  2. 2 and  3 only

  3. 1  and  3 only

  4. 2 and  4 only

Which one among the following statements about National Highways Authority of India(NHAI) is not correct ?

  1. NHAI collects fees on the National Highway.

  2. NHAI conducts training of Highway Engineers at entry level and in-service.

  3. NHAI provides consultancy and construction services in India and abroad.

  4. NHAI regulates and controls the plying of vehicles for its proper management

Which of the following statements about the National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG) are correct ?
1. NCGG was set up by the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy.
2. The National Institute of Administrative Research (NIAR) has been rechristened and subsumed into NCGG.
3. NCGG is an apex-level autonomous body under the Ministry of Home Affairs.
4. The Chairperson of the Governing Body of the NCGG is the Cabinet Secretary to the Government of India .
Select the correct answer using the ode given below:

  1. 1, 2 and 4

  2. 2 and  4 only

  3. 1 and  3 only

  4. 3 and  4 only

  1. a

  2. b

  3. c

  4. d

The joirit multinational maritime exercise named IBSAMAR is conducted by the Navie s of which of the following countries ?

  1. India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Maldives

  2. India, Bangladesh and South Africa

  3. India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Mauritius

  4. India, Brazil and South Africa

In which one of the following cities is the Heliopolis Commonwealth War Grave Cemetery located ?

  1. Marseille

  2. Washington D.C.

  3. Cairo

  4. Athens

Under which one of the following rivers has India's first underwater  metro  rail  tunnel been constructed ?

  1. Yamuna

  2. Ganga

  3. Hooghly

  4. Gomti

Which among the following set of national teams participated in the  South  Asian Football Federation Championship - 2023 ?

  1. Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh

  2. Lebanon, Kuwait, Pakistan

  3. India, Pakistan, Myanmar

  4. Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan

Which butterfly species was recently named the official. butterfly of Jam.mu and Kashmir?

  1. Noble's Helen

  2. Kaisar-i-Hind

  3. Blue Duke

  4. Blue Pansy

Which company operated the ill-fated Titan submersible which recently imploded killing all five passengers whil on a dive to visit the Titanic shipwreck under the waters of the North Atlantic?

  1. Odyssey Marine Exploration

  2. M.A.R.E.   (Marine    Adventure    for Re earch and Education)

  3. OceanGate Expeditions

  4. Seafarer Exploration Corporation

Which among the following is India's longest ro d tunnel ?

  1. Atal Tunnel

  2. Kuthiran Tunnel

  3. Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Tunnel

  4. Banihal Qazigund Road Tunnel

  1. a

  2. b

  3. c

  4. d

  1. a

  2. b

  3. c

  4. d

From which one of the followi1;1g countries has India procured the S-400 Triumf air defence missile system ?

  1. United Kingdom

  2. U.S.A.

  3. France

  4. Russia

Abhinav Bindra is the winner of the first ever individual Olympic gold medal for India. He won gold in which shooting event and in which Olympic Games ?

  1. 10 meter air pistol, London

  2. 10 meter air rifle, London

  3. 10  meter air  rifle, Beijing

  4. 10 meter air pistol, Beijing

Cheetahs were recently re-introduced to India from Africa. From which language is the name 'Cheetah ' derived ?

  1. Swahili

  2. Afrikaans

  3. Somali

  4. Sanskrit

A new species of pit-viper was discovered in 2019 and named after the State in which it was found . Identify the State from among the following:

  1. Kerala

  2. Arunachal Pradesh

  3. Andaman and Nicobar Islands

  4. Assam

Who am ong the following set of player s from India have either won  or  secured  the  runner-up position in the • All England Badminton Tournament ?

  1. Prakash Padukone, P.V. Sindhu, Parupalli Kashyap

  2. Pullela Gopichand, Saina Nehwal, Lakshya Sen

  3. Prakash Padukone, Pullela Gopichand, Srikanth Kidambi

  4. Lakshya Sen. , P.V. Sindhu

Who among the following leaders recently won the election to the office of the President of Turkey?

  1. Recep Tayyip Erdogan

  2. Kemal Kilii;daroglu

  3. Ahmet Necdet Sezer 

  4. Abdullah Giil

Georgi Gospodinov Georgiev won the International Booker Prize, 2023 for the darkly comic novel by the nam :

  1. The Promise

  2. Shuggie Bain

  3. Time Shelter

  4. Girl, Woman, Other

The Grand Order of the Chain of the Yellow Star is the highest civilian honour of which among the following countries ?

  1. Fiji

  2. Papua New Guinea

  3. Egypt

  4. Suriname

  1. a

  2. b

  3. c

  4. d

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