2023 CDS -1 GK-14453

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Prev. Year Tests-CDS
2023 CDS -1 GK (Test Code: 14453)

A sprinter feels cramps and pain in the thigh muscles after a  run. This is  due to accumulation of

  1. lactic acid
  2. CO2

  3. pyruvic acid

  4. ethanol

A  leaf  was plucked  from   a   plant  on a sunny  day  and kept  for  2  minutes in boiling water. It was subsequently immersed in boiling alcohol and treated with iodine solution. What will be the final colour of the leaf after the test?

  1. Colourless

  2. Green

  3. Blue

  4. White

If the red blood cells (RBCs) of human blood are isolated and are diluted in normal saline (an isotonic solution to blood), what will happen to the RBCs?

  1. The RBCs will swell

  2. The RBCs will swell and burst

  3. The RBCs will shrink

  4. No  change  in  the   diameters   of the RBCs

Which one of the following statements regarding bile secreted by liver is not correct?

  1. Bile contains enzymes for digestion of lipids.

  2. Bile facilitates emulsification of fats.

  3. Bile neutralizes the  acidic  pH  of  the food coming from stomach.

  4. Bile makes the pH of the food alkaline and facilitates action of pancreatic enzymes.

The blood pressure of a normal human being is found to be 120/80 mmHg. These "numbers' represent the blood pressure at

  1. ventricular contraction and ventricular relaxation, respectively

  2. ventricular relaxation and ventri­ cular contraction, respectively

  3. auricular contraction and aurie1,1lar relaxation, respectively

  4. ventricular contraction and auricular contraction, respectively

A person burned a firecracker in front of  a cliff and heard its echo 5 s after it burst. The distance of  the cliff  from  the person, if  the  speed  of  the  sound is 340 m/ s, is close to

  1. 1700 m

  2. 170 m

  3. 85 m

  4. 850 m

Consider the following statements about the  microphone  and   the   speaker   of a mo bile phone :
1. The microphone converts sound to a mechanical signal.
2. The microphone converts sound to an electrical signal.
3. The speaker converts a mechanical signal to sound.
4. The speaker converts an electrical signal to sound.
Which of the statements given above are correct?

  1. 1 and 3

  2. 1 and 4

  3. 2 and 3

  4. 2 and 4

A 100 W electric bulb is used for 10 hours a day. How many units of  electric •al energy are consumed by the bulb in 3 days? (1 unit = 1 kWh)

  1. 3.00
  2. 1.08

  3. 2.16

  4.  0.33

The area under the velocity-time graph for a particle moving in a straight line with uniform acceleration gives

  1. its average velocity

  2. its net displacement

  3. the distance travelled by it

  4. its average speed

The power .of  a  lens  of  focal  length  10 cm is

  1. 0.1 dioptre

  2. 1 dioptre

  3. 10 dioptre

  4. 100 dioptre

Consider the following statements regarding burning of magnesium ribbon in air :

1. White powder of MgO is formed.
2. It is an example of combustion reaction.
3. Heat and light are produced.
Which of the statements given above are correct?

  1. 1  and   2  only

  2. 1 and 3  only

  3. 2 and 3 only

  4. 1, 2 and 3

Which of the following statements with regard to the reaction given below are correct?
CaO(s) + H2O  ) Ca (OH)2 (aq) + Heat
1. Quicklime is used for white­ washing of walls.
2. The solution of slaked lime is used for whitewashing of walls.
3. CaO  reacts  slowly  with   CO2   in air to form a  thin  layer of CaCO3 on walls.
4. Calcium hydroxide called 'slaked lime' is an inorganic compound.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  1. 1 and 4 only

  2. 2  and  4

  3. 2  and  3

  4. 1, 3 and 4

Which of the following statements with regard to heating of lead nitrate P
1. Brown fumes of NO are released.
2. Colourless 02 gas is released.
3. It is an example of oxidation reaction.
4. It is an example of thermal decomposition used for the production of NO2 gas.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  1. 1 and 2
  2. 2, 3  and 4

  3. 1,  3  and  4

  4. 2 and 4 only

Which one of the following is not an oxidation reaction?

  1. Rusting of iron

  2. Opening of soda bottle

  3. Rancidity

  4. Combustion

Consider the following clues about a State of India :
1. It is known a•s 'land of red river and blue hills'.
2. It contains three of the six physiographic divisions of India.
3. It covers about 2•39 percent of  total areas of the country.
Identify the State on the basis of the given clues.

  1. Karnataka

  2. Andhra Pradesh

  3. Assam

  4. Chhattisgarh

Which of the following sets of States shares boundary with Telangana?

  1. Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra

  2. Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh

  3. Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, ¥adhya Pradesh

  4. Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra

Rani told her friends that last year  she did boating in four different lakes, namely, Loktak, Barapani, Kolleru and Pulicat. Which of the following States did she visit?

  1. Manipur, Meghalaya, Tamil Nadu
  2. Manipur, Meghalaya, Pradesh, Tamil Nadu

  3. Mizoram, Assam, Tamil Nadu

  4. Mizoram, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu

According to the Census 2011, which of  the following statements is/are correct?
1. A person wp.o can only read but cannot write, is not litera te.
2. A person aged seven years and above, who can both read  and write with understanding in any language is treated as literate.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  1. 1 only

  2. 2 only

  3. Both 1 and 2

  4. Neither 1 nor 2

The Tropic of Cancer passes through how many coastal  and   landlocked   States of India, respectively?

  1. 1  and 7

  2. 2  and  6

  3. 2  and  5

  4. 3  and  5

Which one of the following situations can lead to inflation?

  1. Rapid growth of aggregate demand outweighing supply

  2. Sluggish growth of aggregate demand

  3. Reduction in the money supply

  4. Higher levels of unemployment

Which of  the following  policies  help  to raise interest rate  unambiguously and thereby lead to appreciation of currency?

  1. Expansionary fiscal and monetary policy

  2. Contractionary fiscal and monetary policy

  3. Contractionary fiscal policy and expansionary monetary policy

  4. Contractionary monetary policy and expansionary fiscal policy

The contraction of private investment spending due to deficit spending by the Government is called

  1. crowding out

  2. crowding in

  3. pump priming

  4. dumping

Which among the following is/are the objective/objectives of the NITI Aayog?
1. Imposing policies on the States/UTs
2. Allocation of funds at National and State levels
3. Design strategies and long-term policies and programme frame­ works
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  1. 1 and 2 only

  2. 2 and 3 only

  3. 1, 2 and 3

  4. 3 only

The  computation  of  poverty  in  terms  of Monthly Per Capita Consumption Expenditure (MPCE) based on the Mixed Reference  Period  was  recommended by the


  1. Lakdawala Committee

  2. Tendulkar Committee

  3. Dandekar Committee

  4. Alagh Committee

Which of the following is/are the sub­ mission/ sub-missions of the National Skill Development Mission (NSDM)?
1. Institutional training
2. Overseas employment
3.  Leveraging of public infrastructure
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  1. 1 only

  2. 2 only

  3. 1, 2 and 3

  4. 2 and 3 only

Which of the following strategies is/are adopted for implementing the POSHAN Abhiyaan?
1. Inter-sectoral convergenc•e for better service delivery
2. Use of technology (ICT) for real-time growth monitoring of women and children
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  1. 1 only

  2. 2 only

  3. Both 1 and 2

  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Which of the following conditions is/are necessary for the issue of a writ of certiorari in India?
1. There should be a tribunal or an officer having legal authority to determine questions affecting rights of subjects and having a duty to act judicially.
2. Such tribunal or officer has acted without jurisdiction.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  1. 1 only

  2. 2 only

  3. Both 1 and 2

  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Who among the following Chief Justices of  India  ordered   the   constitution   of a Special Bench called 'Social Justice Bench'?

  1. Justice H. L. Dattu

  2. Justice K. G. Balakrishnan

  3. Justice R. M. Lodha

  4. Justice Y. K. Sabharwal

Who among the  following  is  the  author of the book, Bandi Jivan ?

  1. Rash Behari Bose

  2. Veer Savarkar

  3. Aruna Asaf Ali

  4. Sachindranath Sanyal

In the election held in 1937, in  which two provinces was the Indian National Congress not able to emerge as the single largest party?

  1. Punjab and Sind

  2. Assam and North-West Frontier Province

  3. Punjab  and Assam

  4. Assam  and Madras

Consider the following statements :
After forming the Indian National Army, Subhas Chandra Bose
1. recruited a large number of soldiers from the Indian Prisoners  of War in Japanese camp
2. introduced a women's detachment named after the Rani of Jhansi
Which of  the  statements  given  above  is/ are correct?

  1. 1 only

  2. 2 only

  3. Both 1 and 2

  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Which one of the following pairs denoting various forms of 'Bhakti' is not correctly matched?

  1. Saguna : Belief in Gods with attributes

  2. Nirguna : Belief in Gods without attributes

  3. Alvars : Believed in devotion of Shakti

  4. Nayanars : Believed in devotion of Shiva

Which two rivers flow in the region between Gulbarga and Vijayanagara Hampi?

  1. Narmada  and Godavari

  2. Mahanadi  and Godavari

  3. Kaveri and Periyar

  4. Krishna and Tungabhadra

Which of the following is the only paramilitary force with a dual control structure?

  1. Central Reserve Police Force

  2. Assam Rifles

  3. Inda-Tibetan Border Police

  4. Central Industrial Security Force

Which one of the following is an ethnic community of Assam?

  1. Bhil

  2. Gond

  3. Ahom

  4. Adi

The Chevrons is the name of the cricket team of which one of the following countries?

  1. Australia

  2. The Netherlands

  3. Ireland

  4. Zimbabwe

Cheetahs, brought from Namibia, were introduced in India to which  one  of  the following National Parks?

  1. Kaziranga National Park

  2. Keoladeo Ghana National Park

  3. Keibul  Lamjao  National Park

  4. Kuno National Park

Who    among    the following   is not a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2022?

  1. Alain Aspect

  2. John F. Clauser

  3. Klaus Hasselmann

  4. Anton Zeilinger

Reflex arcs are evolved in animals for quick and  efficient  responses.  Which one of the following sequences correctly represents a reflex arc?


  1. Receptor-Sensory neuron-Relay neuron in spinal cord-Brain­Motor neuron-Effector

  2. Receptor-Sensory neuron-Brain -Relay neuron in spinal cord -Motor neuron-Effector

  3. Receptor-Motor neuron-Relay neuron in spinal cord-Sensory neuron-Effector

  4. Receptor-Motor neuron-Brain -Sensory neuron-Effector

Which one of the following  is  essential for thyroid gland to make thyroxin?

  1. NaCl

  2. KCl

  3. Cholesterol

  4. Iodine

In plant cells, RNA is present in

  1. cytoplasm only


  2. nuclei and cytoplasm only

  3. nuclei, cytoplasm, mitochondria, chloroplast and endoplasmic reticulum

  4. nuclei, cytoplasm, mitochondria, chloroplast and ribosomes

In grasses, intercalary meristem is usually located at

  1. root tip

  2. lateral sides of stem

  3. base of leaves

  4. shoot tip

Xylem is a type of complex tissue in plants for upward conduction of water. Which one of the following xylem tissues consists of living cells?

  1. Tracheid

  2. Vessel

  3. Xylem parenchyma

  4. Xylem fibre

Three resistors of resistances 11 Q, 22 Q and 33 Q are connected in  parallel. Their equivalent resistance is equal to

  1. 66  Ω

  2. 22  Ω

  3. 12  Ω

  4. 6 Ω

The r.m.s. potential difference between the red live wire and black neutral wire in Indian domestic electric supply is

  1. 160 V

  2. 220 V

  3. 300 V

  4. 410 V

The hydrogen bomb and the  uranium bomb are based, respectively on

  1. nuclear fusion and fission

  2. fission and thermonuclear fusion

  3. geothermal  fission  and fusion

  4. geothermal  fusion  and fission

Sound and light waves are

  1. respectively longitudinal and transverse in air

  2. respectively transverse and longitudinal in air

  3. both longitudinal in air

  4. both transverse in air

A  car  moving  with  a  speed  of  12   m/s is  subjected  to  brakes  which   produces a deceleration of 6 m/ s 2 . The  car  takes 2 s to stop after  the  application  of brakes.  What  is  the  distance   covered by   the car after the application of brakes?

  1. 12  m

  2. 24 m

  3. 36  m

  4. 48 m

What  is  the  chemical   composition   of a soda-acid type fire extinguisher?

  1. Solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate and sulfuric acid

  2. Solution of sodium carbonate and sulfuric acid

  3. Solution of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid

  4. Solution of sodium chloride and sulfuric acid

Consider the following statements
While diluting concentrated nitric acid solution
1. the concentration of [l-13 0+ ] ions/ volume increases
2. water must be added slowly to concentrated acid
3. acid must be added slowly to water 
Which of the •s ta te m en ts given above is/ are correct?

  1. 1, 2 and 3

  2. 1 and 2 only

  3. 3 only 

  4. 2 and 3 only

Which one of the following is the correct order of pH for the given substances?

  1. Coffee   <  Lemon juice  < Mille of magnesia < Blood

  2. Mille of magnesia < Blood < Coffee< Lemon juice

  3. Lemon juice < Blood < Coffee < Milleof magnesia

  4. Lemon juice < Coffee < Blood < Mille of  magnesia

Which  one  of  the  following  is  not  true for anodizing process?

  1. It makes aluminium corrosion resistant.

  2. Metals like aluminium, titanium and magnesium can be anodized.

  3. Clean  aluminium  article  is  the anode and oxygen gas is evolved at the cathode.

  4. It is used in aircraft industry.

Naphthalene burns with a yellow sooty flame. This is because

  1. carbon to hydrogen ratio is low

  2. there is incomplete combustion

  3. there is excess supply of air

  4. of presence of impurities of nitrogen and sulfur

Which of the following statements are true for the reaction of Fe 20 3 with aluminium?
1. It is known as the 'thermite reaction'.
2. The heat evolved is used for welding purpose.
3. Aluminium metal acts as an oxidizing agent.
4. Molten Fe and Al are formed at the end of the reaction.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  1. 1  and  2

  2. 1  and  3

  3. 2  and  4

  4. 1  and  4

Vicky told  his  friends  about  his  visit to Stewart Island, Bay of Plenty and Hawke Bay. Which country did Vicky visit?

  1. Canada

  2. Australia

  3. New Zealand

  4. Ireland

Manav is planning to visit all UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Delhi. He will be visiting


  1. Red Fort, Qutab Minar, Jama Masjid
  2. Red Fort , India Gate, Qutab Minar

  3. Red Fort, Qutab Minar, Humayun Tomb

  4. Red Fort, Humayun Tomb, India Gate

 What will be the correct sequence of cities on the bank of river Ganga if someone moves from west to east?

  1. Prayagraj, Kanpur, Bhagalpur, Patna
  2. Prayagraj, Kanpur, Patna, Bhagalpur

  3. Kanpur, Prayagraj, Bhagalpur, Patna
  4. Kanpur, Prayagraj, Patna, Bhagalpur

Which one among the following States has the longest extension in north­ south direction?

  1. Jharkhand

  2. Telangana

  3. Odisha

  4. Chhattisgarh

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists :
List-I (Day)                                      List- II (Date)
A. World Wetlands Day                   1. 29 July
B. InternationalTiger Day                 2. 22 April
C. World Water Day                        3. 2 February
D. International  Mother Earth Day  4. 22 March 

  1. A    B    C    D

    3    4     1    2

  2. A    B    C    D

    3    1     4    2

  3. A    B    C    D

    2    1     4    3

  4. A    B    C    D

    2    4     1    3

Which one of the  following  States/UTs is    not among   the top  five  in the Performance Grading Index (PGI), published by the Ministry of Education for the year 2020-2021?

  1. Kerala
  2. Punjab

  3. NCT of Delhi

  4. Chandigarh

Consider the following statements and identify the actress :

She is a renowned film actress, director and producer, and an accomplished Indian classical dancer. She was conferred the Padma Shri in 1992  arid has served as the Head of Central Board for Film Certification from 1998 to 2001. In recognition to her exemplary lifetime contribution  to  Indian   Cinema,   she was honoured with the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Award.

  1. Vyjayanthimala

  2. Waheeda Rehman

  3. Mala Sinha

  4. Asha Parekh

Which one of the  following is  the  venue of the UN 2023 Water Conference?

  1. Washington, DC

  2. New York

  3. San  Diego

  4. New Delhi

Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. Tomb of Sand, written by Geetanjali Shree, is the first book originally written in any Indian language to  win the International Booker Prize.
2. Tomb of Sand is the first novel translated from Hindi to  be  given the International Booker Prize.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  1. 1  only

  2. 2 only

  3. Both 1 and 2

  4. Neither 1 nor 2

The eighth edition of the Exercise Garuda Shakti, a bilateral military-to-military exercise, was  conducted  recently between the special forces of India and

  1. Japan

  2. Indonesia

  3. Bhutan

  4. Myanmar

Which one of the following is a measure that can be used  by  the Government for combatting inflation?

  1. Increasing the non-planned expenditure on defence, police, etc.

  2. Providing more subsidies  on exports

  3. Increasing the rate of inte'rest on savings and fixed deposits

  4. Reduction  in  the   cash   reserve ratio (CRR)

The  sustained  decrease  in  the  general price level is called as

  1. deflation

  2. stagflation

  3. devaluation

  4. recession

Which  one  of  the   following  indicators is included in the • National Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)?

  1. Years of schooling

  2. Literacy rate

  3. Life expectancy

  4. Per capita income

The unemployment that occurs due to changes in the technology or in the demand for particular products is called

  1. frictional unemployment

  2. structural unemployment

  3. cyclical unemployment

  4. disguised  unemployment

Which of the following is/ are the objective/objectives of the  Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY)?
1. Correcting regional imbalances in the availability of tertiary health care services
2. Providing universal access  to public health  services  and universal immunization
3. Augmenting facilities for quality medical education in the country
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  1. 1 and 3 only

  2. 2  and   3 only

  3. 1 only

  4. 1, 2 and 3

Who among the following political leaders s?ggested the dissolution of the Indian National ongress as a political organization and its replacement by a Lok Sevak Sangh?

  1. Vallabhbhai Patel

  2. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

  3. M. K. Gandhi

  4. Jawaharlal Nehru

India is the  first  country  in  the  world to deploy an  all-woman  contingent  to a UN Peacekeeping Mission. In which country did this mission operate?

  1. Liberia

  2. Sudan

  3. Burundi

  4. Croatia

Which one among the following is not a part of the SWAYAM programme?

  1. Video lectures

  2. Classroom lectures

  3. Online discussion forum for clearing doubts

  4. Specially prepared material that can be downloaded/printed

Which one among the following Departments/ Authorities is not under the Ministry of Home Affairs?

  1. The Department of States

  2. The Department of Official Language

  3. The National Authority Chemical Weapons Convention

  4. The Department of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh Affairs

Who among the following is given discretionary powers under the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution of India to  set  up  a  Tribes Advisory  Council in a State which has Scheduled Tribes but not Scheduled Areas?

  1. The Governor of  the  concerned State

  2. The President of India

  3. The Inter-State Council

  4. The Parliament of India

Which of the following States/UTs are  included in the Northern Zonal Council?

  1. Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir


  2. Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan and NCT of Delhi

  3. Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab,  Haryana and Rajasthan

  4. Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana

The notion  of  kinship   projected   by  the Kushana rulers is best evidenced through which of the following?

  1. Their identification with deities

  2. Grants to religious institq.tions

  3. Inscriptional panegyrics

  4. Coins and sculpture

Who among the following  were  referred to as the 'Theris' in ancient India?

  1. Respected women

  2. Elder nuns in Buddhism

  3. Women denied the Bhikkhuni status

  4. Women expelled from the Buddhist Sangha

Which member of the Servants of India Society founded the Seva Samiti at Allahabad in 1914?

  1. Shri Ram Bajpai

  2. Hriday Nath Kunzru

  3. S. G. Vaze

  4. Srinivas Shastri

The First Anglo-Maratha War was by which one of  the concluded following?

  1. The Treaty of Surat

  2. The Treaty of Purandar

  3. The Convention of Wadgaon

  4. The Treaty of Salbai

Name the battle in which the Travancore King defeated the Dutch in 1741.

  1. The Battle of Porto Novo

  2. The Battle of Colachel

  3. The Battle of Pollilore

  4. The Battle of Changanassery

In which one of the following  revolts did the Koya and Konda tribal chiefs rise against  the   local  overlord   from a Mansabdar family?

  1. The Rampa Rebellion, 1879-1880

  2. The Gudem Uprising, 1886

  3. The Rampa Rebellion, 1922-1924

  4. The Telangana Armed Struggle, 1946-1951

Which country won the FIFA World Cup (Men) for maximum number of times?

  1. Argentina

  2. Brazil

  3. France

  4. Spain

Who among the following is the author of the famous novel, City of Joy?

  1. Larry Collins

  2. Dominique Lapierre

  3. Rudyard Kipling

  4. Mark Tully

Who among the following is honoured with the UN Environment Programme's 2022 Champions of the Earth Award in the Entrepreneurial Vision category?

  1. Ela Bhatt

  2. Amit Dasgupta

  3. Purnima Devi Barman

  4. Vanshika Parmar

The theme of India's G20 Presidency 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' or 'One Earth-One Family-One Future' is drawn from the

  1. Maha Purana

  2. Maha Upanishad

  3. Rig Veda

  4. Smriti

The 16th edition of Indo-Nepal annual joint training exercise in jungle warfare and counterterrorism operations wa.s held in December 2022 at Nepal Army Battle School, Saljhandi. What is the name of this exercise?

  1. Sampriti

  2. Mitra Shakti

  3. Yudh Abhyas

  4. Surya Kiran

If it is 10:00 a.m. at  Greenwich  Mean Time (GMT), then what will be the  time at 90° E longitude?

  1. 5:00 a.m.

  2. 4:00 a.m.

  3. 3:00 p.m.

  4. 4:00 p.m.

Which of the following groups of planets is termed as 'gas planets' as they are composed primarily of lighter ices, liquids and gases?

  1. Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus

  2. Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn

  3. Saturn,  Mars,  Jupiter,  Neptune

  4. Neptune,  Saturn,  Mars, Uranus

Consider the following characteristics of  a soil type
1. These soils consist of various proportions of sand, silt and clay.
2. These soils contain  adequate proportions of potash, phosphoric acid•  and    lim e .
3 . These soils can be further classified on the basis of their age.
Identify the type of soil on  the  basis of the given characteristics.

  1. Alluvial

  2. Laterite

  3. Arid

  4. Blackied on the basis of their age

Consider the following statements and identify the correct answer using the code given below :
1. In a thermal power station, fuels such as oil, coal or natural gas are used to generate electricity.
2. Fuels are burned to heat water and  tum it into steam, which goes through a turbine, which spins and turns, generating electricity. 

  1. Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is not correct
  2. Statement 2 is correct but statement 1 is not correct

  3. Both   the   statements    are correct and statement 2 explains statement 1

  4. Both the statements  are  correct but statement 2 does not explain statement 1

Indus river basin is extended up to

  1. Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab

  2. Ladakh, Jammu and Ka s h mir , Punjab, Haryana

  3. Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir , Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan

  4. Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, HimachalPradesh, Punjab,  Haryana, Rajasthan

Which one of the following statements about the Solicitor  General  of  India (SGI) is not correct?

  1. The SGI is the Government's chief legal advisor.

  2. The SGI is the secondary law officer of the country.

  3. The     post     of     the     SGI     is a constitutional post.

  4. The SGI is appointed by the Appointments Committ ee of the Cabinet.

Which one of the following committees does not  have members from the Rajya Sabha?

  1. The Public Accounts Committee

  2. The Committee on Public Undertakings

  3. The Estimates Committee

  4. The Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

Which one of the following statements about the election of the President of India is not correct?

  1. A Union Minister shall not  be eligible for  election  as  the President.

  2. The President is elected by the elected members of the Parliament and the Legislative Assemblies of States and Union Territories.

  3. The Electoral College does not include elected members of the Legislative Councils.

  4. The system of proportional representation by means of single transferable vote is followed.

The Citizenship Act, 1955 deals with the determ in ation of citizenship on or after

  1. 26th January, 1950

  2. 26th November, 1949

  3. 15th  August, 1947

  4. 14th August, 1947

According to the National Multi­ dimensional Poverty Index (MPI) constructed    by     the     NITI     Aayog, a household is considered deprived if
1. a single member of the household is identified as under-nourished
2. the body mass index of a woman member,   between    15     years  and 49  years  of  age,  is  below  18•5 kg/ m 2
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  1. 1 only

  2. 2 only

  3. Both 1 and 2

  4. Neither 1 nor 2

The titles of 'Rayagajakesari' and 'Dayagajakesari ' were associated with which one of the following dynasties?

  1. Kakatiya

  2. Vijayanagara

  3. Gajapati

  4. Rashtrakuta

Name the location of the musical inscription containing groups of musical notes arranged for the benefit of his pupils by a king in the seventh or eighth century CE.

  1. Ennayiram

  2. Uttaramerur

  3. Siyyamangalam

  4. Kudumiyamalai

In the context of eighteenth century India, what was 'Dastak'?

  1. Signature

  2. Land document

  3. Trade permit

  4. Tax on textiles

Which one of the following was primarily associated with 'Dadni' system?

  1. Textile production

  2. Warfare

  3. Payment to officials

  4. Revenue collection

Consider the following statements about Kanaganahalli archaeological site :
1. It is situated on the bank of Bhima river.
2. The remains of the Kanaganahalli Stupa   can   be   dated    between 1st and 3rd centuries CE.
3. Emperor Ashoka's image was found at the site.
Which of the statements given above are correct?

  1. 1  and  2 only

  2. 2  and   3 only

  3. 1  and   3 only

  4. 1, 2 and 3

Which of the following statements about volcanoes are correct?
1. The strength is measured of a volcano by the  Volcanic  Explosive Index.
2. Iceland and Philippines were created by volcanic activity.
3. Volcanic  soils   are   rich,   deep and fertile and allow intensive agriculture to take place.
Select the correct answer using the code given below

  1. 1  and   2 only

  2. 2  and   3 only

  3. 1  and   3 only

  4. 1, 2 an d 3

Consider the  following characteristics of a cloud type :
1. They are born through convection.
2. Only cloud type that can produce hail, thunder and lightning.
3. They are large cauliflower-shaped towers, often 'anvil tops '.
Identify the type of cloud on the  basis  of the given characteristics.

  1. Stratocumulus

  2. Cumulonimbus

  3. Cirrocumulus

  4. Nimbostratus

Meena wants to show diagrammatically how two sets of data,  namely, population size and number of services are related to each other. Which one of the following will be the most suitable for the presentation?

  1. Pie chart

  2. Scatter graph

  3. Bar chart

  4. Triangular graph

Which one of the following Indian States has the longest coastline?

  1. Tamil Nadu

  2. Gujarat

  3. Maharashtra

  4. Andhra Pradesh

Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. Visakhapatnam Port is a land- locked harbour.
2. Deendayal Port is a tidal port.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  1. l  only

  2. 2 only

  3. Both 1 and 2

  4. Neither 1 nor 2

There is an  increase  in forest cover area of India between 2011 and 2021. However, there is a decrease in forest cover area of India during the same period in

  1. very dense forest (canopy density of more than 70 percent)


  2. moderately dense forest (canopy density between 40-70 percent)

  3. open forest (canopy density between 10- 20 percent)

  4. Both (b) and (c)

Consider the following statements concerning the National Education Policy, 2020 : 
1. At least 50 percent of the learners through school and  higher education system to  get  exposure to vocational education by 2025.
2. Secondary schools should collaborate with ITis, Polytechnics and local industries.
3. Vocational education to be exclusively provided by NGOs .
Which  of  the  statements  given  above  is/ are correct?

  1. 1 only

  2. 1   and   2 only

  3. 2  and   3  only

  4. 1, 2 and 3

Which  of  the   following   sets  of   States is  at  the  bottom  of•  the   Composite SDG  India  Index,  2020-2021   as   per the NITI Aayog?

  1. Assam, Jharkhand, Bihar

  2. Uttar Pradesh, _J h ar kh an d , Bihar

  3. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Assam

  4. Odisha, Bihar , Jharkhand

Which one of the  following  is  not  a  part of Article  51  of  the  Constitution  of India?

  1. Promote international peace and security


  2. Maintain just and honourable relations between nations

  3. Use of UN peacekeeping force for resolution of international disputes

  4. Encourage settlement of in ter ­ national disputes by arbitration

Who  among  the  following  was   not   in the core leadership of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in its formative phase?

  1. Kwame Nkrumah

  2. Gamal Abdel Nasser

  3. Jawaharlal Nehru

  4. Fidel Castro

In respect to Balutedars, which of the statements given below are correct?
1. They  were  village servants and artisans.
2. They were employed by individual peasant family.
3. They existed in the Medieval Deccan and Maharashtra.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  1. 1  and   2 only

  2. 2  and   3 only

  3. 1  and   3 only

  4. 1, 2 and 3

Which one of the following Viceroys was the first to  officially  shift  his  Council  to Simla in summer season?

  1. John Lawrence

  2. Lord  Dalhousie

  3. Lord Mayo

  4. William Bentinck

Who among the following is the •author of Maze Vidyapeeth, the famous poem about the life of working class of Bombay?

  1. Narayan Surve

  2. Amol Palekar

  3. Bhalchandra Nemade

  4. Narendra Jadhav

Who among  the  following   founded  the Hindu  Dhanna  Sabha   in   the 19th century?

  1. Radhakanta Deb

  2. Ram  Mohan Roy

  3. Dwarkanath Tagore

  4. Keshab Chandra Sen

The resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 3 March, 2021 decided to celebrate the year 2023 as the International Year of

  1. Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development

  2. Glass

  3. Millets

  4. Camelids

Karthik Meiyappan, who secured hat-trick in the ICC Men's T20 World Cup, 2022, represents

  1. Zimbabwe

  2. United Arab Emirates

  3. Sri Lanka

  4. Namibia

Which one of the following statements about the Wassenaar Arrangement is not correct?

  1. There are 42 participating nations in the Arrangement.

  2. It is formed primarily as a nuclear weapon overseer.

  3. India is the current  Chairman of the Arrangement.

  4. India joined the Arrangement in the year 2017.

Who among the following is known as 'Payyoli Express'?

  1. Hima Das

  2. Dutee Chand

  3. P. T. Usha

  4. Shiny Abraham

Match List-I with List-II relating to  Sahitya Akademi Award Winners, 2022 and select .th e correct answer using the code given below the Lists :
List-I (Title and  Genre)        List-II   (Author)
A. Bhool Satya (Short         1. Kamal Ranga Stories)
B. Tumadi Ke Shabd           2. Veena Gupta (Poetry)
C. Chhe Roopak (Drama)   3. Badri Narayan
D. Alekhun Amba (Play)       4.  Manoj Kumar Goswami

  1. A B C D

    1 2 3 4

  2. A B C D

    1 3 2 4

  3. A B C D

    4 3 2 1

  4. A B C D

    4 2 3 1

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