RBI Grade B Phase 2 Exam (2021)-4006

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RBI Grade B Phase 2 Exam (2021) (Test Code: 4006)


Passage: An organisation which is headquartered in Paris, has collaborated and joined hands with an organisation headquartered in Washington, D.C.

One question on Interim Report released by OECD in March 2021 with title “Strengthening the recovery: The need for speed”. This Interim Report provides updates for global and G20 country projections made in the December 2020 issue of the OECD Economic Outlook (Number 108).


Which one of the following organisations has released the report mentioned in the passage?                (2 marks)

  1. World Bank – Global Economic Prospects 

  2. IMF – World Economic Outlook 

  3. OECD – OECD Economic Outlook

  4. WEF – Global Competitiveness Report 

  5. WTO – World Trade Monitoring Report


Passage: An organisation which is headquartered in Paris, has collaborated and joined hands with an organisation headquartered in Washington, D.C.

One question on Interim Report released by OECD in March 2021 with title “Strengthening the recovery: The need for speed”. This Interim Report provides updates for global and G20 country projections made in the December 2020 issue of the OECD Economic Outlook (Number 108).


What has been the most common measure taken by governments around the world to help alleviate the stress on cash-strapped small businesses, which was taken by 77% of the governments?  (2 marks)

  1. Moratorium in loan payments 

  2. Decrease in interest rate

  3. Public loan guarantee 

  4. Cash Flow Loans

  5. None of the above


Passage: An organisation which is headquartered in Paris, has collaborated and joined hands with an organisation headquartered in Washington, D.C.

One question on Interim Report released by OECD in March 2021 with title “Strengthening the recovery: The need for speed”. This Interim Report provides updates for global and G20 country projections made in the December 2020 issue of the OECD Economic Outlook (Number 108).


As per the report mentioned in the passage, what is the GDP projection of India for fiscal year 2021-22? (2 marks)

  1. 14.2% 

  2. 10% 

  3. 8%

  4. 9.5% 

  5. 12.6%


Passage: An organisation which is headquartered in Paris, has collaborated and joined hands with an organisation headquartered in Washington, D.C.

One question on Interim Report released by OECD in March 2021 with title “Strengthening the recovery: The need for speed”. This Interim Report provides updates for global and G20 country projections made in the December 2020 issue of the OECD Economic Outlook (Number 108).


As per the passage, growing global economic interdependence means that the socio-economic prospects of OECD countries will be ever more tightly linked to that of (2 marks) 

  1. Benefit of developed economies only 

  2. Benefit on on-developed economies only 

  3. Benefit of volatile economies only

  4. Benefit of developing and transition economies 

  5. None of the above 


Passage: An organisation which is headquartered in Paris, has collaborated and joined hands with an organisation headquartered in Washington, D.C.

One question on Interim Report released by OECD in March 2021 with title “Strengthening the recovery: The need for speed”. This Interim Report provides updates for global and G20 country projections made in the December 2020 issue of the OECD Economic Outlook (Number 108).


Which of the following country will be a major contributor in controlling population and environmental stress? (2 marks)

  1. China 

  2. Mexico

  3. USA 

  4. UK 

  5. Canada 



 What is the full form of SAAP under the AMRUT scheme? (2 marks)

  1. Sovereign Annual Action Plan 

  2. State Annual Action Plan 

  3. State Augmented Action Plan 

  4. Scheme Action Annual Plan 

  5. None of the above



Which of the following is not correct regarding the purpose of the scheme referred to in the paragraph? (2 marks)

  1. Ensure that every household has access to a tap with assured supply of water and a sewerage connection. 

  2. Increase the amenity value of cities by developing greenery and well maintained open spaces (parks). 

  3. Reduce pollution by switching to public transport or constructing facilities for nonmotorized transport. 

  4. Preserve character of the soul of heritage city and facilitate inclusive heritage linked urban development by exploring various avenues including involving private sector.

  5. None of the above



Financial sharing basis of Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) scheme between Centre and State is done on. (2 marks)

  1. 60:40 basis

  2. 50:50 basis 

  3. 70:30 basis 

  4. 80:20 basis 

  5. None of these 



) Which scheme has replaced the scheme mentioned in passage? (2 marks) 

  1. PMAY 

  2. HRIDAY 

  3. AMRUT 

  4. Smart City Mission 

  5. None of the above



By how many years has the AMRUT scheme been extended? (2 marks)

  1. 2 Years 

  2. 3 Years 

  3. 4 Years

  4. 5 Years

  5. None of these 



 In December 2020, how much money was credited into the accounts of beneficiary farmers under this scheme? (2 mark)

  1. Rs 10,000 crore 

  2. Rs 18,000 crore 

  3. Rs 35,000 crore 

  4. Rs 13,000 crore 

  5. None of the above



A fixed amount benefit is given to farmers after every 4 months under this scheme. How much do they get annually? (2 mark)

  1. Rs 6000 

  2. Rs 10000

  3. Rs 12000

  4. Rs 8000 

  5. None of the above



All landholder farmers’ families in the country are eligible for the PM-Kisan Scheme, except (2 mark)

1. All Institutional Land holders

2. Former and present holders of constitutional posts

3. All serving or retired officers and employees of Central/ State Government Ministries /Offices/Departments

4. All Persons who paid Income Tax in last assessment year.

5. Professionals like Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, and Architects registered with Professional bodies and carrying out profession by undertaking practices. 

  1. 1, 2, 3 and 4 only 

  2. 1, 2, 3 and 5 only 

  3. 1, 2, 4 and 5 only 

  4. 2, 3, 4 and 5 only 

  5. All of the above


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) adopted a new liquidity management framework in which there would be no fixed daily liquidity injection operations, but the central bank would act whenever the banking system requires money. The ______ will remain the operating target of the monetary policy, the RBI said, which means it will ensure enough liquidity to anchor the call rate at around the repo rate.


Which new liquidity management initiative has been adopted by RBI and also discussed in the passage? (2 marks)

  1. Open Market Operation 

  2. Long Term Repo Operation 

  3. Long Term Reverse Repo Operation 

  4. FX Swaps 

  5. All of the above


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) adopted a new liquidity management framework in which there would be no fixed daily liquidity injection operations, but the central bank would act whenever the banking system requires money. The ______ will remain the operating target of the monetary policy, the RBI said, which means it will ensure enough liquidity to anchor the call rate at around the repo rate.


The operation discussed above is going to be linked to____ for operations (2 marks)

  1. Call Money Rate 

  2. Repo Rate

  3. Reverse Repo Rate

  4. Weighted average call rate

  5. None of the above 


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) adopted a new liquidity management framework in which there would be no fixed daily liquidity injection operations, but the central bank would act whenever the banking system requires money. The ______ will remain the operating target of the monetary policy, the RBI said, which means it will ensure enough liquidity to anchor the call rate at around the repo rate.


What is the meaning of the italicized line in the passage? (2 marks)

1. RBI will adopt Accommodative monetary policy.

2. RBI will adopt expansionary monetary policy.

3. RBI will adopt contractionary monetary policy.

4. The call rate inches above the repo rate, it would signal liquidity deficit and the central bank will bring its tools to infuse liquidity

5. If the call rate is below the repo rate, that would mean the banking system has surplus liquidity

  1. 1 and 3 only 

  2. 2 and 3 only 

  3. 3 and 4 only 

  4. 4 and 5 only

  5. None of the above


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) adopted a new liquidity management framework in which there would be no fixed daily liquidity injection operations, but the central bank would act whenever the banking system requires money. The ______ will remain the operating target of the monetary policy, the RBI said, which means it will ensure enough liquidity to anchor the call rate at around the repo rate.


While getting rid of the 14 day fixed repo, the RBI said it will operate a 14-day term repo/reverse repo operation at a variable rate that would be conducted to coincide with the……… maintenance cycle: (2 marks)

  1. Statutory Liquidity Ratio 

  2. Cash Reserve Ratio 

  3. Cash Deposit Ratio 

  4. Credit-Deposit Ratio 

  5. None of the above 



2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals which has been agreed upon by all 193 member states was organised by?

(2 Marks)

  1. United Nations Economic and Social Council

  2. United Nations Security Council 

  3. United Nations Secretariat 

  4. United Nations General Assembly 

  5. None of the above 



As per Economic Survey 2020-21, India’s real GDP to record a 11.0% growth in FY2021-22 and nominal GDP to grow by 15.4% – the highest since independence due to:    (2 Marks)

  1. continued normalization in economic activities as the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines gathers traction

  2. subdued retail inflation in India, which will give the Reserve Bank of India the room to drop the policy rates and engender conditions to stimulate economic growth. 

  3. low fuel and energy prices that will give an edge to Indian industry. 

  4. record high consumer sentiments among Indian households.

  5. All the above



Which of the following are the advantages of foreign trade and investment? (2 Marks)

1. It stimulates competition.

2. It improves resource allocation.

3. It facilitates international distribution of technology.

4. It enhances environmental protection. 

  1. 1, 2 and 3 only

  2. 2, 3 and 4 only

  3. 1, 3 and 4 only 

  4. 1, 2 and 4 only 

  5. All of the above

 _________ has recently provided ________ amount of funding for the implementation of Strengthening Teaching-Learning and Results for States (STARS) project of Ministry of Education. (1 mark) 

  1. World Bank, US $ 500 Million

  2. New Development Bank, US $ 500 Million 

  3. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, US $ 500 Million 

  4. Asian Development Bank, US $ 500 Million

  5. International Monetary Fund, US $ 500 Million

Under One Nation One Ration Card (ONORC) scheme additional borrowing limit of 0.25 percent of the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) is allowed to the States only on completion of both of the following actions: (i) Aadhar Seeding of all the ration cards and beneficiaries in the State (ii) Automation of all the FPSs in the State. Which of the following statements are correct regarding ONORC scheme? (1 mark)

1. Enables the States in better targeting of beneficiaries.

2. Elimination of bogus/ duplicate/ineligible card holders resulting in enhanced welfare and reduced leakage.

3. To ensure seamless inter-state portability of a ration card, Aadhar seeding of all ration cards as well as biometric authentication of beneficiaries through automation of all Fair Price Shops (FPSs) with installation of electronic point of sale (e-PoS) devices are essential.

4. The reform especially empowers the migratory population mostly labourers. 

  1. 1, 2 and 3 only 

  2. 2, 3 and 4 only

  3. 1, 3 and 4 only

  4. 1, 2 and 4 only 

  5. All of the above

Recently at Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Council of WTO, India and South Africa proposed (1 mark)

  1. that Geographical Indication framework should be further strengthened to protect the livelihoods of traditional artisans. 

  2. a waiver for domestic market requirement for developing country exports to developed countries. 

  3. a waiver to help more countries get access to medicines and vaccines during the pandemic.

  4. All of the above 

  5. None of the above

Recently at Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Council of WTO, India and South Africa proposed (1 mark)

  1. that Geographical Indication framework should be further strengthened to protect the livelihoods of traditional artisans. 

  2. a waiver for domestic market requirement for developing country exports to developed countries. 

  3. a waiver to help more countries get access to medicines and vaccines during the pandemic.

  4. All of the above 

  5. None of the above

With reference to Sovereign Gold Bonds, which of the following statements are correct? (1 mark)

1. Minors will not be allotted even if guardians apply on their behalf.

2. Discount of Rs 50 is applicable when person is applying online.

3. There is a risk of capital loss if price of gold declines.

4. SGB can be used as collateral for borrowing loans.

  1. 1, 2 and 3 only 

  2. 2, 3 and 4 only

  3. 1, 3 and 4 only

  4. 1, 2 and 4 only

  5. All of the above

Which of the following is an omnibus mobile app developed to help farmers by providing relevant information to them quickly. With click of a button, they can get the information on weather of current day and next 5 days, dealers, market prices, agro advisories, plant protection, IPM Practices etc. (1 mark)

  1. mKisan 

  2. eSuvidha

  3. Farmer’s Help 

  4. Kisan Suvidha

  5. None of the above

How many of these apps are part of Digital India mission in health care. (1 mark)

  1. e-sanjeevani 


  3. Kilkari 

  4. ANMOL 

  5. All of the above

Which of the following benefits have been announced in Union Budget 2021-22 for Startups? (1 mark)

1. Residency limit for an Indian to set up one person company has been reduced from 182 days to 120 days.

2. Loans ranging from Rs 10 lakhs to Rs 50 lakhs will be given to women / SC / ST for brownfield projects

3. In order to incentivize startups it is proposed to extend eligibility period to claim tax holiday by one more year till 31st March 2022.

4. Government has announced revision in definition of small companies by increasing their threshold for paid up capital from not exceeding Rs 50 lakh to not exceeding Rs 2 crore and turnover from not exceeding Rs 2 crore to not exceeding 10 crore. 

  1. 1 and 2 only 

  2. 2 and 4 only

  3. 1 and 3 only 

  4. 3 and 4 only 

  5. 2 and 3 only 

Match the following objectives to their respective schemes: (1 mark)

Objectives                                                                                                                                                            Scheme

A. Mr. X, a street vendor wants Rs 10000 as working capital for upgrdation of his business.                               1. SVAMITVA

B. GoI has started surveying and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Mumbai’s              2. Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana

     Dharavi to resolve property related disputes

C. GoI will pay the EPF contribution for both employer and employee for employees with salary less than Rs 12500. 3. SVANIDHI 

  1. A-1, B-3

  2. A-3, B-1 (

  3. A-2, B-1. C-3

  4. A-1, B-2, C-3 

  5. None of the above

 Regarding ‘Operation Greens’, consider the following statements: (1 mark)

1. Operations green is subsumed under Pradhan Mantri Kisan SAMPADA Yojana

2. This scheme will be extended only to only tomato and potato.

3. Establishment of Mega Food Parks in North East India.

4. It will help promote agri-exports from India.

Which of the above statements are correct? 

  1. 2 & 3 only

  2. 1 & 4 only 

  3. 1 & 2 only 

  4. 3 & 4 only

  5. None of the above

Which of the following are correct regarding the objectives of the recently enacted Labour Codes in India? (1 mark)

1. Remunerating contract workers at the same rate as regular workers for similar work.

2. Protect the interests of gig workers and migrant workers.

3. Promote gender equality by allowing women workers to work at night subject to obtaining their consent

4. Delegitmise strikes in India. 

  1. 1, 2 and 3 only

  2. 2, 3 and 4 only

  3. 1, 3 and 4 only

  4. 1, 2 and 4 only

  5. None of the above

A passage on Organizational Behavior

The economic, political, and social frameworks that each society has - its laws, institutions, policies, etc. - result in different distributions of benefits and burdens across members of the society. These frameworks are the result of human political processes and they constantly change both across societies and within societies over time. The structure of these frameworks is important because the distributions of benefits and burdens resulting from them fundamentally affect people’s lives.


Which type of justice relates to employees input to appropriate Rewards/Output? (2 marks)

  1. Distributive Justice

  2. Integrative Justice

  3. Procedural Justice 

  4. Social Justice

  5. Economic Justice 

A passage on Organizational Behavior

The economic, political, and social frameworks that each society has - its laws, institutions, policies, etc. - result in different distributions of benefits and burdens across members of the society. These frameworks are the result of human political processes and they constantly change both across societies and within societies over time. The structure of these frameworks is important because the distributions of benefits and burdens resulting from them fundamentally affect people’s lives.


Which of the following will involve the study of psychological aspects? (2 marks)

  1. Personality and Motivation 

  2. Mental Intelligence 

  3. Merit Rating 

  4. 360-degree appraisal 

  5. None of Above 

A passage on Organizational Behavior

The economic, political, and social frameworks that each society has - its laws, institutions, policies, etc. - result in different distributions of benefits and burdens across members of the society. These frameworks are the result of human political processes and they constantly change both across societies and within societies over time. The structure of these frameworks is important because the distributions of benefits and burdens resulting from them fundamentally affect people’s lives.


 Which subject deals with formation and management of team? (2 marks)

  1. Sociology 

  2. Anthropology

  3. Psychology 

  4. Archaeology 

  5. None of Above

A passage on Electronic Toll Collection 

______ has developed the _______program to meet the electronic tolling requirements of the Indian market. It offers an interoperable nationwide toll payment solution including clearing house services for settlement and dispute management. Interoperability, as it applies to _______ system, encompasses a common set of processes, business rules and technical specifications which enable a customer to use their ______ accounts as payment mode on any of the toll plazas irrespective of who has acquired the toll plaza. 


The paragraph is talking about the _____ system and ______ account (2 marks)

  1. NFS; Bank 

  2. NETC; FASTag 

  3. NHAI; Bank 

  4. NFS; FASTag 

  5. None of the above 

A passage on Electronic Toll Collection 

______ has developed the _______program to meet the electronic tolling requirements of the Indian market. It offers an interoperable nationwide toll payment solution including clearing house services for settlement and dispute management. Interoperability, as it applies to _______ system, encompasses a common set of processes, business rules and technical specifications which enable a customer to use their ______ accounts as payment mode on any of the toll plazas irrespective of who has acquired the toll plaza. 


Who introduced National E-Toll Collection (NETC) system to meet the electronic tolling requirements of the Indian market? (2 marks)

  1. RBI 

  2. NPCI

  3. SEBI 

  4. SBI 

  5. SIDBI

A passage on Capital Market


Which of the following is true? (2 marks)

I. SEBI is the regulator of commodity markets

II. RBI is the regulator of NBFCs

III. SEBI is the regulator of Capital Market 

  1. Only I 

  2. I and III only

  3. I, II and III 

  4. II and III only

  5. None of the above

A passage on Capital Market


) According to a circular released by SEBI in 2018, apart from ASBA process, applicants can also apply for an IPO through ________. (2 marks)

  1. UPI

  2. NACH 

  3. IMPS 

  4. NEFT 


A passage on Capital Market


ASBA applications can be made through _______ (2 marks)


  2. SCSBs

  3. Any Commercial Bank 

  4. Only through RBI

  5. None of the above 

A passage on Infrastructure and PPP

Introduced in January 2016 to revive investments in road infrastructure projects, ____ has seen good initial success. It is a mix of the EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) and BOT (build, operate, transfer) models. Under the EPC model, NHAI pays private players to lay roads. The private player has no role in the road’s ownership, toll collection or maintenance (it is taken care of by the government). Under the BOT model though, private players have an active role — they build, operate, and maintain the road for a specified number of years — say 10-15 years — before transferring the asset back to the government.


Which model is described in the passage? (2 marks) 

  1. BOT

  2. BOOT 

  3. DBFO

  4. HAM 


A passage on Infrastructure and PPP

Introduced in January 2016 to revive investments in road infrastructure projects, ____ has seen good initial success. It is a mix of the EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) and BOT (build, operate, transfer) models. Under the EPC model, NHAI pays private players to lay roads. The private player has no role in the road’s ownership, toll collection or maintenance (it is taken care of by the government). Under the BOT model though, private players have an active role — they build, operate, and maintain the road for a specified number of years — say 10-15 years — before transferring the asset back to the government.


In the above model the support provided by the govt during the construction phase and later in annuities during the operation phase will be in the ratio of ____. What will come in the place of the blank? (2 marks)

  1. 20:80 

  2. 50:50 

  3. 40:60 

  4. 70:30

  5. 10:90

A passage on Infrastructure and PPP

Introduced in January 2016 to revive investments in road infrastructure projects, ____ has seen good initial success. It is a mix of the EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) and BOT (build, operate, transfer) models. Under the EPC model, NHAI pays private players to lay roads. The private player has no role in the road’s ownership, toll collection or maintenance (it is taken care of by the government). Under the BOT model though, private players have an active role — they build, operate, and maintain the road for a specified number of years — say 10-15 years — before transferring the asset back to the government.


In which sector the PPP model is majorly used? (2 mark)

  1. Manufacturing

  2. Infrastructure 

  3. Textiles

  4. Food Processing 

  5. None of the above

A passage on Organizational change

__________refers to the actions in which a company or business alters a major component of its organization, such as its culture, the underlying technologies or infrastructure it uses to operate, or its internal processes.


What the paragraph is talking about? 

  1. Organizational Change 

  2. Organizational Structure

  3. Organizational Conflict

  4. Organizational Justice 

  5. None of the above

A passage on Organizational change

__________refers to the actions in which a company or business alters a major component of its organization, such as its culture, the underlying technologies or infrastructure it uses to operate, or its internal processes.


What is the name of the second stage of the Lewin Model? (2 mark)

  1. Change 

  2. Development 

  3. Resistance 

  4. Compliance

  5. None of the above

A passage on Financial Markets


Which of the following is the regulator of Capital Market? (2 marks)

  1. SEBI

  2. RBI

  3. NPCI

  4. SBI 

  5. NSE

A passage on Financial Markets


 Which of the following are depositories? (2 marks)




  1. I and II only 

  2. I, II and III only

  3. II and III only 

  4. III and IV only

  5. All of the above

A passage on Financial Markets


Name of the Payment Regulator formed in 2007? (2 marks) 

  1. NPCI 

  2. CCIL

  3. Paytm 

  4. BBPS 

  5. None of the above

 A passage on language translation

Bhashantra, an event addressing Indian Languages was organized by FICCI, Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL), Ministry of Electronics and IT, Govt. of India, and Indian Cellular Association (ICA) in New Delhi under the joint sponsorship of Google and Devnagri. The event took place on 30th July 2018 and it had a direct concern about the Indian language usage and its real-time translation for Indic Lingula’s.

Moving a step ahead the IT ministry introduced ________, a software that can make editing of text printed on scanned documents happen. The software was made free for Indian language users, they can format the text & can keep it in a separate file as well.


The event highlighted in the passage will try to address what type of barrier in communication? (2 marks) 

  1. Linguistic

  2. Psychological

  3. Emotional Barriers. 

  4. Physical Barriers. 

  5. Cultural Barriers

 A passage on language translation

Bhashantra, an event addressing Indian Languages was organized by FICCI, Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL), Ministry of Electronics and IT, Govt. of India, and Indian Cellular Association (ICA) in New Delhi under the joint sponsorship of Google and Devnagri. The event took place on 30th July 2018 and it had a direct concern about the Indian language usage and its real-time translation for Indic Lingula’s.

Moving a step ahead the IT ministry introduced ________, a software that can make editing of text printed on scanned documents happen. The software was made free for Indian language users, they can format the text & can keep it in a separate file as well.


Which of the following is the software as highlighted in above passage, has been launched by the government to overcome the barriers in communication in local languages? (2 Marks)

  1. SWAYAM 

  2. E-ShodhSindhu

  3. Swayam Prabha

  4. E-aksharayan

  5. E- shiksha

 A passage on language translation

Bhashantra, an event addressing Indian Languages was organized by FICCI, Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL), Ministry of Electronics and IT, Govt. of India, and Indian Cellular Association (ICA) in New Delhi under the joint sponsorship of Google and Devnagri. The event took place on 30th July 2018 and it had a direct concern about the Indian language usage and its real-time translation for Indic Lingula’s.

Moving a step ahead the IT ministry introduced ________, a software that can make editing of text printed on scanned documents happen. The software was made free for Indian language users, they can format the text & can keep it in a separate file as well.


What is the name of the mission announced by the government in the union budget 2021 to provide big boost to regional languages? (2 Marks)

  1. National Language Translation Mission 

  2. National Linguistic Mission 

  3. National Language Mission

  4. National Mission for Manuscripts

  5. None of Above

Recently, RBI has released second ______ with the theme “Cross Border Payments” under the ____ for live testing of new products or services in a controlled/test regulatory environment. (2 Marks)

  1. Cohort, Regulatory Sandbox

  2. Seminar, Regulatory Sanddunes

  3. Coverage, Reserve Box

  4. Statement, Reserve Platform 

  5. None of the above 

Which of the following is a Revenue expenditure? (1 mark)

I. Subsidies

II. Interest Payments

III. Loan to State Government

  1. Only I 

  2. Only II 

  3. Only II and III

  4. Only I and II 

  5. All of the above

Which type of perceptual error sees an Individual as a part of a group? (1 mark)

  1. Stereotyping 

  2. Illusion 

  3. Hallucination

  4.  Halo Effect

  5. None of the above

Which of the following is a process theory? (1 mark)

  1. Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs 

  2. McClelland theory of Learned Needs 

  3. Theory X and Theory Y

  4. Vroom’s Expectancy theory

  5. None of the above 

According to Johari Window, Quadrant known to self but not known to others is called as_______ (1 mark) 

  1. Open 

  2. Blind 

  3. Hidden

  4. Unknown 

  5. None of above

What is maximum limit of FDI in under government approved mechanism in Public Sector Banks, Maximum permissible FDI in Private Banks and maximum individual stake in bank? (1 mark)

  1. 40:100:10 

  2. 20:74:10 

  3. 26:49:26

  4. 74:100:26 

  5. None of Above

Two banks Fuddy and Guddy has the same number of outstanding shares, equity capital, dividend and earning. But the Market price of Fuddy is 1800 and of Guddy is 600. Which of the following is true? (1 mark)

  1. P/E of one is Higher than the other

  2. EPS of one is Higher than other

  3. Book value of one is Higher than other 

  4. Dividend of one is Higher than other

  5. None of the above

If a translator is not proficient in 2 language, what type of barrier it creates in communication? (1 mark) 

  1. Physical

  2. Semantic

  3. System 

  4. Psychological

  5. None of Above

Which of the following theory suggests making communication in an organization based on Hierarchy, highly structured, and formalized? (1 mark)

  1. Frederick Taylor – Theory of Scientific Management. 

  2. Henri Fayol – Administrative Management Theory. 

  3. Max Weber - Bureaucratic Theory of Management

  4. Elton Mayo – Behavioral Theory of Management

  5. None of the above

During Merger and Acquisitions, which of the following are relevant to Change Management: (1 mark)

I. Digital Transformation

II. Smooth Transition

III. Restructuring 

  1. I only 

  2. II only

  3. III only 

  4. II and III only 

  5. All of the above

Low employee turnover in a company indicates which of the following? (1 mark)

  1. High number of Employees Leaving the Organization 

  2. Employees are committed towards the Organization 

  3. Low Morale of Employees with the Organization 

  4. All of the Above 

  5. None of the above

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